Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Mathias Ademar

Updating to 1.8 &1.9

12 posts in this topic

All depression aside, Lol, even though TFC2 will lose about as much functionality as it gains, I am quite eager to see how you guys handle the upgrade to 1.8 as well as how you implement the changes to combat in 1.9 which adds the ability to use the off hand for extra tasks. Even mobs will have a chance for being southpaw.

(I am mentioning 1.9 in this topic as well only because it is nearly out and from what i have seen, not much code is added past some items like shields and offhand use.)

Edit: removed the "porting" tag from the thread to appease the devs. Lol.

Edited by Mathias Ademar

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There is essentially no "porting." It's all ground up from scratch rewrite.


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I understand that, Lol. its just how I process the upgrade to TFC2 as still being related to my favorite mod. The main focus of my OP still stands, I think. Lol.


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I'm bumping this as to avoid creating another topic about the same.

I don't know how much the 1.9 update brings compared to 1.8, I have only played 1.7 with TFC so far. So I'm asking if TFC2 will be playable in this latest version


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Might it be... smarter to just start developing TFC2 for Window 10's C++ Minecraft now, instead of gradually having to rewrite it for classic MC at every release? I may be operating from some incorrect info here, but I was led to assume regular MC would slowly be turned into C++ MC.


Oh right. My bad, I asked this before over twitter. No modding API for C++, right?


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That sounds a bit harsh for the entire MC modding comunity


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Might it be... smarter to just start developing TFC2 for Window 10's C++ Minecraft now, instead of gradually having to rewrite it for classic MC at every release? I may be operating from some incorrect info here, but I was led to assume regular MC would slowly be turned into C++ MC.


Oh right. My bad, I asked this before over twitter. No modding API for C++, right?


No Modding API, and there's no way to "slowly" convert from one language to another. It will be the everything changing at once.


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That sounds a bit harsh for the entire MC modding comunity

That's Microsoft in a nutshell. I suspect that they want to do away with the modding community so they have total control over content. They're like that.


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I expect MS to stop updating Minecraft 1 at some point and come out with Minecraft 2.  Why continue to add new content(DLC) for free when you can charge for a whole new game?  Not sure if they would take the opportunity to switch to another programming language though.  Java's strong point is it's ability to run on just about anything.  If it does happen it's at least a couple of years off anyways. 


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yay for microsoft. lol. i still wont touch an apple product with a 10' pole. lamo


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While Mojang IS owned by MS at this point, they've (as far as we know) been pretty good about allowing Mojang to do what they want with the java version of MC. They know better than to rock that boat. MC on the windows store, or w/e it is called, pretty much is MC 2.0. Many of the fears that people had at the outset seem to be mostly irrational. 


Whatever happens, happens.


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As far as I am aware, minecraft in the windows store is pocket edition since both are compatible with each other. This version is not MC 2.0, since it's always catching up with the Java edition. There will be hell to pay if the Windows version of minecraft gets major features that the java version doesn't have. However, some things do go from pocket edition to java edition, like the new boats in MC 1.9.


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