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[tweak] crops production relative to nutrients in the soil

16 posts in this topic

My sugestion is while the player gathering your crops, the amount of food produced change relative to quantity of nutrient in the farmland, i think this change make the farmers more dedicated to mantain the land rich in the nutrients its the crop need.


The idea is alike you dont have the butchering skill, and fishing a 1oz of fish, but relative to the farmland nutrients level, respective to the type of crop needs.maybe the crop rotation make sense like this, not only the speed to produce is a way to keep attention on planting. and the soili nutrients.


Sry, i dont speak english.i hope don't breaking any rule.




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well its a kinda good idea but i dont think the players would accept it the staff would (and i would accept it too) 


and how did that idea come to your mind? im guessing there is a story behind it



sawry E dant sbbec anglash (please try reading that its a joke not another language)

Edited by Xabedo

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The problem with this is that some crops use all of the nutrients in a plot in a single growth cycle, so unless you have fertilizer those crops would never give a big harvest, because by the time you harvest them all the nutrients of that type are gone. Nutrient levels already affect the growth speed of crops, they really don't need to also affect the harvest amount.


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i agree, i think this, but the magic of TFC is the dev choice how and when he drains or not,


i dont see problem in the farmer look your plants and near the final stage he put the fertilizer, or if the crops drain the nutrients in the last stage or only while is gathered.


This is saying in player language, not a dev language.For implementing this the residual nutrients maybe is a key to implement, idk about java and programing mod and im blink with the problems of developing. 

You and another people who know this programer world better judge the pros and cons, if this is possible or not. (And the dev team judge if the sugestion converge in the way to mod is going or not)***Fertilizer is rly an item usefull in TFC? :) 



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I don't think I understand what you are saying. This is how things currently work in the game: as soon as a crop is planted, it starts draining nutrients. Each day it grows a little bit more, and drains more nutrients. The speed at which it grows depends on the total number of nutrients in the plot. So if you use fertilizer to max out the nutrients, your crops will grow faster. If you don't use fertilizer, each day your crop grows slower and slower, because the nutrient level is lower. For the crops that take a long time to grow, like maize, by the time they have finished growing they have used up almost all of the nutrient in that plot.


If it was changed so that harvests were dependent on nutrient levels, players could exploit it by fertilizing the crop immediately before they harvest it to get the maximum amount. That's not how fertilizer works though, it's supposed to be used to help the plant grow.


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I'm not sure what the OP is saying either, but I think it would be kind of interesting if crop yield had some variability. I know Minecraft and TFC both work with a crop either growing or mature, but it might be more fun to have maturity/harvest-ability triggered by the TFC calendar and have the yield dependent on how much growth was accomplished during the growing season. Eg., crop yield would scale from 0-100% when the plant was at 70-100% growth.  It would be more believable, but more importantly, add some interesting game-play elements such as players working to maximize growth by harvest time.


I liked the old system where we could get food from almost-mature crops.


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To be honest I think food production is good the way it is now. I could agree that individual skill could also play a part when harvesting, as a experienced farmer will harvest more efficiently. Just do not know if it would be worth for the Dev's to spend time changing a system that is working fine right now.

I would prefer, if they would change anything, to add animal hunger, to give more uses for food.

Right now food is very abundant, and easy to produce. ( This is not a complain, just an observation ) If we had to actually feed our livestock it would require us to actually produce more food.


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"changing a system that is working fine right now" i not agree, is a simplest "system", the metalurgy is a much more developed system.


Farming system is broken while you bypass all needs/restriction/work/dificulty and producea huge amount of "food", is true dont have much to do with spare amound of food.

The system is have seed, look the temp place at winter, if this is up to 1ºC, make farmland,  change your farm size, return only if you need collect and put the seed again in same blockfarm.


***i see many people hydating your crops or making your farm around lakes, i neve see the diference in hydated soil and dry soil, is only a visual effect.


About crops: same as cold places, kill the wild crops in winter, warm areas need a time to kill all, few year passed, have chunks/areas infested from crops.

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Edited by CalangoMC

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Hydration does effect crop growth. It is not just visual. Unhydrated crops grow much slower.

There is already a config option to have crops die if not harvested in time.


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Hydration does effect crop growth. It is not just visual. Unhydrated crops grow much slower.There is already a config option to have crops die if not harvested in time.

Sorry about that but you are wrong, dont have diference in hydrated farmland and dry land in the player way, maybe in have in the "code" and not working. (maybe Kitty, put light about this)


Yes, i know, have many config to change a bit or much a playstyle, have the self-imposed rules, many times in the TFCforum this is the basic argument to nullify a discussion.Have many recipes on/off in configs why the Dev locked the hopper? My poins is the devs have a vision for "the game", because if not, why dont have a config to play same as 78.x version? maybe anyone happens whith this.


I like TFC, and I recognize and appreciate the hard work the devs and others put in this mod, but this fact dont broke the question of the TFC is a "perfect game"? if yes, ok no development more not in need to change, or  not, the fianl end version of the dev vision of "the game" is done and have time to possible changes and wayt todo and tweaking (IMO).


-----I do not want to raise discussions rarely go to reach anything or give you an idea of what can be done and how can.If some developer just come and say did not like it I will do other things, for me perfect.Even for that not much point evolve TFC1 since TFC2 not have anything like this release.I remember how many almost beat the Bioxx when he changed the torches, he revised his concept of how it should be, today is everybody happy.-------------------------------I think that my suggestion is not going to work out better something that needs to do is better we close




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There is indeed a difference. If you do not hydrate your crops that are planted on farmland, they will grow slower. If you think it isn't working, then you need to provide concrete proof as such, because the last time I tested it it was working properly and crops without hydration did grow slower than crops with hydration.


As for your argument about configs, if we wanted you to play the game in a very specific way, and thought that those config options changed the vision for the game, we wouldn't have included them in the first place. The configs are there explicitly for you to tailor the game how you want to play it. The only reason that some configs are disabled by default, like the hopper recipe, is because we can't offer full support for them and behavior is a bit buggy. For example, the hopper behaves quite oddly and allows players to put things in slots in inventories that normally you wouldn't be able to put there. The crops dying of old age config is disabled by default because it used to be the default behavior, but so many players complained about not liking the mechanic that we changed it to be disabled by default. It's no different than us adding the config option to disable torches burning out because so many players dislike the mechanic.


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Well first. 10000 isn't even half a day. You can't expect a difference in 10 minecraft hours. Secondly you need more than one time point. Jump by a day let it catch up, repeat until a few months minimum have passed.


Well I can tell you on our server we had a player complaining that his crops did not grow, while other players had no issue growing crops in ore northern spots. Turns out his farmland was not hydrated because it was by a hot spring, not fresh water. We've also had players with same issue, but with salt water. The code is working as intended.


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Found the bug. Right now you have to have the water on the same Y level as the crop, not the farmland to get the boost to growth. This has been fixed for .25


Edit: With the fix, the difference between wheat hydrated and not hydrated on a default year length is about 25-30%. The mature hydrated wheat in the screenshot just turned mature that day.

Edited by Kittychanley

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the difference between wheat hydrated and not hydrated on a default year length is about 25-30%.


How would I go about tweaking that to make the difference more drastic, say, non-hydrated crops slowed by 75%?


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How would I go about tweaking that to make the difference more drastic, say, non-hydrated crops slowed by 75%?


You'd have to download the source code of the mod, edit the hydration bonus variable in the crop tile entity code, and then recompile it.


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