Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Cool biome with sheep, seed 79.25

5 posts in this topic

This seed puts you at about -9100 in a somewhat cold biome.

There are sheep, onions and sugar cane nearby, and pigs (though I only had one and I killed it).

You start on the South and East side of a very large fresh-water lake.

No clay within 10 chunks, but there is some to the North East.  Follow the coast until it starts to double back then go inland two or three chunks.  There is garlic here and a pond large enough to turn into a farm.Since it was so challenging to start, I have been fishing a lot and getting my butchery skill up.

There are sheep on the land across the lake to the north of spawn also, and a possibility of cows and horses there too.

I used the word superlative as my seed.  The /seed command shows -1368177132.


- update -

Moved my camp to the pond on the east shore.

Cows are to the east and some oats.

Tomatoes are to the North.

Copper is past the opposite shore to the North-West.  Eventually I have to move over there.

Found Olives and Bananas.

Killed lots of fish and pheasant to get to Adept before I killed a cow.

Started the farm kind of late.  I hope they mature before winter.

I am growing onions, garlic, bell-peppers, oats, and carrots.


I really like this seed.  Have not found any saltwater though.


PS I have set ravineRarity to zero so your results may differ.



Edited by Synedri

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I lured the cows to my pond (Diorite area) and fenced them in with logs.

Went to the NW over the pond into Phyllite area and stayed there a couple days.

Found Tetrahedrite and Sphalerite exposed as well as nuggets on the ground, and lots of mature oats.

Took a lot of oats and nuggets back to the farm camp and made my first pick.


I know there is Shale somewhere, but I forget where. - EDIT It was slate, not shale.


If there is no saltwater is this a dead-end?

Edited by Synedri

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If you travel for a few thousand blocks in each direction you'll most likely find saltwater.


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Looks pretty cool. I'll have to give it a go. New World Generating for the last 2 hours. x.x -keeps reading- Waaaiiit! How'd you turn off ravines?! Oh, I would love to never see another ravine -ever- again. 


*Edit: HerpDerp. Found it! Gee Noms. Maybe reading the wiki would help? Pffft. Brain. I no haz it. 

Edited by Noms

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Dont beat yourself up over it. Started this thread just to see if anyone grew it from seed, and how well did it go for them.
Im no rookie, and i know enough that some cacti bend the rules when it comes to growing, especially from seeds.


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