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Getting the starter metals

16 posts in this topic

So, Ive read somewhere you should mine on level 30-60, is that how deep I gotta go?

Because Ive been in surface granite layers and I hardly ever find Tin!

So do I need to dig that deep and hope I hit a granite layer or how does it work?! :)


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So do I need to dig that deep and hope I hit a granite layer or how does it work?!

First, you don't have to find Tin to get your first set of metal tools, you can also use Zinc or Bismuth as a starter metal. As for which stone types they appear in, there's a topic for that in the Guides board; I'd recommend checking that if you want to.

As for finding it, ore appears everywhere from level 20 to level 200, so your best bet is to make a ton of Prospecter's Picks and prospect the surface of a biome, or find a mountain biome and hope there's some ore in the side of a mountain. It can take a while to find though, don't be surprised if you need to go 1000 blocks from spawn, especially if you need a specific ore.

Of course if you prefer to go cave exploring that's also an option, but if you do you'll have to dig down yourself, since there's no surface entrances to underground caves. Mind, exploring a cave with only a campfire for torches and a Javelin isn't something I'd recommend doing, but go nuts if you want to.


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The thing is.. thats what I've been doing for hours, scanning entire granite surface layers (with noclip and propick) and no casserite :(

I know they now spawn in other rocktypes too but I have only found granite (after wandering from spawn.. I dont even want to know how far).


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Yeah, that can happen. If you can't find any on the surface and there's no mountians, the only option left I can think of if to dig down and hope you can find a cave. Still. exploring that will be a pain. Alternatively you'll simple need to go away even further from spawn in different directions.

Although, how far have you gone from spawn? Only finding a single rock type...never happened to me


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Although, how far have you gone from spawn? Only finding a single rock type...never happened to me

From spawn I had to walk 900 blocks west and 700 blocks north to find any rocktype that can have casserite.

And it was granite I found.

No mountains either, otherwise I know they are awesome IF there is ore in them :)

I know there are other starter metals, but whats the point of finding them?

I cant use them since they will be depleted before I can find tin to make bronze...

Maybe I should spend even more hours of just exploring the map... bah...

But I have put up a new topic showing something else I found in that seed O.O



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I know there are other starter metals, but whats the point of finding them?

I cant use them since they will be depleted before I can find tin to make bronze...

Do you have to make bronze though? Black Blonze and Rose Gold can be used instead of bronze until you get to iron and steel, and neither require tin. Admittedly they do require gold and/or silver, which can be more rare than tin itself, but if you run into one and can't find the other. And the point of Zinc and Bismuth as starter metals are to get a forge, bloomery and metal tools going, and if you find any copper get copper tools. Even Bismuth tools are a notable improvement over stone, if only durability wise.

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First, you don't have to find Tin to get your first set of metal tools, you can also use Zinc or Bismuth as a starter metal. As for which stone types they appear in, there's a topic for that in the Guides board; I'd recommend checking that if you want to.

As for finding it, ore appears everywhere from level 20 to level 200, so your best bet is to make a ton of Prospecter's Picks and prospect the surface of a biome, or find a mountain biome and hope there's some ore in the side of a mountain. It can take a while to find though, don't be surprised if you need to go 1000 blocks from spawn, especially if you need a specific ore.

Of course if you prefer to go cave exploring that's also an option, but if you do you'll have to dig down yourself, since there's no surface entrances to underground caves. Mind, exploring a cave with only a campfire for torches and a Javelin isn't something I'd recommend doing, but go nuts if you want to.


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You can actually use copper as a starting metal as you can smelt it in a firepit. I know for sure since i tried it and it worked, though i did it by towering up to 255, then burning hickory and using a bellows.


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You can actually use copper as a starting metal as you can smelt it in a firepit. I know for sure since i tried it and it worked, though i did it by towering up to 255, then burning hickory and using a bellows.

You can smelt it, but you can't make copper tools on a stone anvil, can you?


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Nope, but you can make a copper anvil using a stone anvil. (In fact you have to at some point.) Only problem is that if you're doing that from nuggets, you need 224 nuggets and a whole lot of patience at the firepit.


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After my rant over pre45 I find 47 really playable, but unless you can find an abundance of nodules on the surface you're not going to get anywhere.

With 47 rock types appear to be much more evenly distributed as do ores and certainly on my seed (and a couple of others) bismuth and zinc appear to be the most common metals.

It really is a case now of not putting down any sort of base until you can locate an area where there is a relative abundance of rock nuggets and a substantial portion of these in a 10 block radius yield ore nuggets. If you're using Rei's mini-map book mark this location .. then build you're base near by.

Although an abundance of nuggets in an area indicate the presence of ore it can be located anywhere between Y21 and Y145 (I've so far not found any deposits above this) but most commonly the main deposits appear to appear in 2 bands one between Y70 and Y110, and the other between Y20 and Y50.

My main exploration tunnels which run for 100's of blocks throught the world are at Y88 and has pretty much taken me through the middle of most of the significant deposits I've found (I've yet to locate a substantial deposit of copper though). Worth noting is that if you hit a very large deposit at this level there is a high chance that there will be another deposit of one or more ores below it in the Y21 to Y50 band.

Hope this is of some use..


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It is, thank you! I'll note that I have found two fairly large deposits of copper - one of them quite close to the surface.


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And I'll note that I have found a quite large deposit of copper - and of cassiterite - ON the surface. I didn't have to dig any stone at all.


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Holy necro'd thread, Batman!

Yeah, there's a wide range of ore variability in b47 generated worlds and it's quite playable, in my experience. I've found a great many traces on the surface that are a bitch to locate, but it's fun and challenging.


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Holy necro'd thread, Batman!

Yeah, there's a wide range of ore variability in b47 generated worlds and it's quite playable, in my experience. I've found a great many traces on the surface that are a bitch to locate, but it's fun and challenging.

You are not kidding ...

There is like 5 weeks separating two of those posts .. At least people are taking the time to read back in the forums I guess :P :P


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