Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Is these things in seeds common!?

22 posts in this topic

I found a big layer of granite, after hours of trying to find casserite I ended up cheating (with no clip), found no casserite! but as I fly threw the world I stumble upon THIS!

First I thought "Its The Wall from A Song of ice and Fire!", but then I saw it was shaped like.. well castle walls (look at the last picture) =/

Is this normal!?

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Something tells me I have to do a kingdom within those weird walls :D


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Never seen anything like that on my worlds... But I have had some preaty huge and hard to scale mountains.

But I must say that does cry out for a small Kingdom to be built within those natural walls! ;)


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I first noticed it in Pre37 when I updated but even now in 38 I find those occasionally.


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I have been getting a HUGE number of chunk errors in Pre 38. Every world I gen is full of them. : Even a fresh install didn't help.


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looks say make that your castle walls xD


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Just ran across this myself. Clean install by MultiMC, ordered ModLoader, Forge, B2pre38 Client, Textures



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Try pressing F3. If it keeps coming up, and it's always a thin kind of line like that, then it matches the sub-biomes that are called things like "____edge" where the blank is hills7, plains2, etc.

It might just be a specific "edge" biome that has one of its setting numbers miss-typed. If it ends up being the same one in each case, then we have an answer.


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I have th same "walls" it looks like the mountain peak, I were send screen shots in shout box.


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That is amazing, that'd make a great place to make a base, or in a smp server, a little outpost, or village.

I'd definitely want interesting geology, sometimes, so as to not detract from the apparent reasonability of the mod, but not to make these too rare, so there can't be a few places that are found on something of the sort. [so a wall city, a canyon wall city, a cenote city, caldera lake city, abyssal plateau city :>>> ]


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Yeah! would be awesome if those walls were a lot lower but cobble stone, coming across ruined castle walls, empty foundation of houses etc. ^^


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I finally came across one myself. Outside the wall was various other biomes. The wall itself was Hills10 Edge, and the entire interior was hills10. Is it the same for the others here?

I have never used forums beyond typing though, so if pics are needed I need to be told how to go about doing that.


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Found another one. My area looks the same as above, only smaller. Biome is Hills10, seed is 105, coords are x472, z-831


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We should petition Bioxx to leave this in.

Yes we must... to the Suggestions page anyone

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Yeah! would be awesome if those walls were a lot lower but cobble stone, coming across ruined castle walls, empty foundation of houses etc. ^^

Maybe there could be a 'ruined civilization' biome full of goodies for you to discover. Some foundations might have some chests with old tools, ores, metals, and other long lasting supplies.

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So far have seen these in Hills Edge 10 and Hills Edge 2 and quite common it seems once I started mass creating worlds.


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bioxx needs to keep this in xD Maybe it a bit rarer, but not too rare.

This would be epic for SMP.


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Yeah, happens a lot to me. As mentioned before, it seems to be a chunk-error. I hope he fixes it though, and adds some respectable mountains. Hehe


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I get these Manhatten skylines in just about every seed i use, usually in border biomes. Very dangerous and practically useless given the gravity rules, sometimes just attempting a climb can cause a massive collapse of the entire structure. They cause huge lag spikes on my machine (triple core AMD, 2gig ram, geforce gt 240 with 1gig). They are interesting to look at though ;)...


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