Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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anonymous conservative

Purpose behind rhinos and elephants?

10 posts in this topic

So I was browsing through the public repo and saw that it seems as though megafauna such as rhinoceri and elephants are planned. I was just curious as to what the intended purpose of these rhinos and elephants that are to be added is. Is it just for aesthetics and more variety, prey items for predators, or will they have an important purpose such as ivory or transport from elephants?

Also, as elephants and rhinos are generally restricted to tropical or subtropical regions, is it possible that additional megafauna might be included for temperate, arctic, or subarctic regions? Ground sloths would be great. They actually haven't been extinct for long, the last ones died out in the Caribbean around 4,000-3,000 years ago. They were highly adaptable and common, ranging from Canada to Patagonia and everywhere in between. A whole lot of interesting stuff could be done with them. They could browse leaf blocks off, and even tear down small trees.

Edited by anonymous conservative

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At the moment they are for nothing more than adding variety so that the world doesn't feel so dead.


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We could also add a different texture to the same animals and call them Mammoth and woolly rhinoceros and have them spawn only on really cold places.

Like I said so many times, I am no coder, but I imagine that it would be an easy way to have the same animal spawning all over just with a different name and different  texture.   


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We could also add a different texture to the same animals and call them Mammoth and woolly rhinoceros and have them spawn only on really cold places.

Like I said so many times, I am no coder, but I imagine that it would be an easy way to have the same animal spawning all over just with a different name and different  texture.   

There is also a mammoth, I just haven't pushed the texture yet :)


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Generally speaking, it would be greatly appreciated if forum members didn't make posts about things in the TFC2 repository until one of the developers has actually announced it on twitter or the forums. Not only is the element of surprise completely ruined by leaking incomplete features, it also can create "hype" about features that may not even make it to the release of the mod because the idea gets scrapped in the middle of development.


Just my two cents.


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Generally speaking, it would be greatly appreciated if forum members didn't make posts about things in the TFC2 repository until one of the developers has actually announced it on twitter or the forums. Not only is the element of surprise completely ruined by leaking incomplete features, it also can create "hype" about features that may not even make it to the release of the mod because the idea gets scrapped in the middle of development.


Just my two cents.



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I've been trying to help out with new animal models and textures. I'm sort of meandering through the natural world creating whatever animals catch my imagination, which of course leans toward large animals right now. Irl, the tropics have the largest and most interesting animals, so a lot of them have been from there. I think it'd be great if TFC2 natively had as many animals as any mod out there! 

I build the model and make a texture - I'm no coder though, so Bioxx has to do the coding, but it doesn't take too much time, from what I'm told, so no worries about dev time being used up on 'scenery'. I guess I'm a passable texture maker, but I'm sure there's better folks out there, and I wouldn't mind collaborating with someone, if they wanted to do some textures for models, and help make TFC2 that much richer, that much faster.  If someone were interested in that, they could PM me to discuss.


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I hope that there is an incorporation for ivory! Would be awesome for making decor etc!


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I believe that making a use for ivory, rhino horn etc. would open up a big can of PC worms.

Having a use for 'bone' items, obtainable from *any*  animal where bones are available, however, would be another matter.


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I believe that making a use for ivory, rhino horn etc. would open up a big can of PC worms.

Having a use for 'bone' items, obtainable from *any*  animal where bones are available, however, would be another matter.

I agree better not to open that can.


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