Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Chicken cage backpack

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This is a repost of an old idea I feel is worth resurrecting.


You've got your base up. It's beautiful; stone brick from highest tower to bedrock, armor stands lined with your previous arms, a forge room stacked high with the fruits of your mines, a kitchen stuffed with food, battlements with trees, a bountiful orchard, a fruitful farm, a tree farm that stretches as far as the game can render...


...and no chickens.


So you've got a long journey ahead of you to find them, and a lot of fighting to do to keep the skeletons from killing them at night in the meantime.



...or, you could make a cage.


Four Planks, five Sticks, arranged accordingly:






Produces a Wooden Cage you can carry on your back, with room for two Chickens, two Piglets, two Lambs, or one Calf. Lure the animal into the cage with seeds, then shift-Rightclick it to pick it up.


Also provides a means of trading animals between settlements in MP.


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It's a good idea, though as others pointed out there's mods that have the same effect.  If such a thing were in TFC2, I'd advocate for the cage only holding chickens and piglets.  No lambs, no calves.  They're too big.  I'd also like the recipe more expensive, though I'm not sure what that would be. 


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It's a good idea, though as others pointed out there's mods that have the same effect.  If such a thing were in TFC2, I'd advocate for the cage only holding chickens and piglets.  No lambs, no calves.  They're too big.  I'd also like the recipe more expensive, though I'm not sure what that would be. 


It already requires planks, so you need a saw for it. But maybe rope instead of sticks? That would require jute (and give it another nice use).


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Ya, that's an option.  Honestly, I'm hoping that a lot of the animal and material situations in TFC2 are significantly different from TFC1, not to mention possibly new transport options, so I'm not super hung up on exact materials necessarily.   But in the current game animals are a big deal, and the ability to just carry them on your back to me devalues that significantly, if it can be done too cheaply.  I don't think it's too uncommon to have a saw by day 3, and to me that's a bit too easy.  Though limiting to babies does make it better, as the player only finds adult animals initially, so they'd at least have to find and tame a few enough for them to have babies, and then wait for them to be born.  I guess that's probably a pretty significant wait, so not as op as I'd initially thought.  Still, at best I'd still say just 1 lamb, and disallow calves.  Personally.


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I've stated multiple times on the forums that I won't implement new features that you can already get by installing other mods or addons that have a good job of implementing it. If you want chicken cages, install Udary Mod like others have said.


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