Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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SEUS 10.1 Need Help

5 posts in this topic

I've recently been dabbling in using shaders mod, and this is a long shot for being in the correct forum section(as there is no Help area that isnt TFC Support only).

I've gone through and fixed tons of issues with the SEUS 10.1 Standard Shaders. Everything is running fine... Except for weather. When it comes to weather I am not getting rain particles nor snow particles. I just cant seem to find a way to get them to show, and I have not come across an answer anywhere else. Why am I asking in the TFC Forums? Simple, The shaders are working perfectly smoothy in vanilla. So I have come to the conclusion that since weather in based on season, that TFC uses custom rain/snow determined by season. So, any ideas?


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I had a look and followed instructions in this video:


However, particles still don't show up after making changes. I managed to get them to show up before but apparently not with the latest version of SEUS/TFC. 


There are other "bugs" with the shader you can correct for. I made a post describing the changes here:


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I had tried following that video previously, and to be frank, it did nothing. I broke down and deleted the weather files and am using the vanilla weather. However it still gives the fog and overcast effect which is nice. I also have seen your post on the fixes, that's how I fixed water and moving entities, however I disabled the waving due to lag. I'm currently running smoothly with the standard edition of seus. Water looks great, light looks great, and hell, the weather looks half decent after removing the files. Big thanks for that post!


The only other issue i'm running into is trying to have light emanate from another players light source. I know dynamic lighting had an option to add items on other players to emanate but could not find anything like that within the shader mod.


And breaking blocks gives a bright white crack line. Annoying, however tolerable.


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This topic has been moved to the TFC1 discussion forum. The TFC2 discussion forum is for the work-in-progress mod that will currently be released for Minecraft 1.8.


Edit: It should also be noted that particles such as rain and snow are just the vanilla one's in TFC. The only thing that we change in regards to weather is adding the fog that rolls in in the morning, and we switch between rain/snow particles depending on if it is above or below freezing temperatures.

Edited by Kittychanley

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This topic has been moved to the TFC1 discussion forum. The TFC2 discussion forum is for the work-in-progress mod that will currently be released for Minecraft 1.8.


Sorry about that, was pretty late at night and didn't pay attention to the headers! Thanks for the rest of the info about snow/rain. Seems like ill just be keeping the weather files deleted then thanks!


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