Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[79.27] Great starting seed with copper and loads of Graphite

7 posts in this topic

This seed is great for starting out thanks to the amount of crops in the area, as well as the number of animals spawning in this region. Marble all around, though there is some diorite in the distance. Large trees for starting out with a great amount of wood. Malachite can be found exposed in a wall, with many loose malachite stones on the surface. There is a very large vein of graphite around an area of malachite, shown on the map. Everything of use I could find on the island can be found marked on the map shown in the screenshots.


Seed: 4558619219548461648

Screenshots: (yes the colors are off, I had to compress the files and remove some color to get them to a smaller size.)

Seed and view (Yes that is Malachite, again I am sorry about the colors)
Full map with everything I found marked.

I hope this is helpful! I am loving this seed, personally.
Edit: Can't seem to get the spoilers to work. I never use forums so I've never learned that before. Google has failed me.
Edited by Kittychanley
It's square brackets. [spoiler] [/spoiler]

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Looks like a great island.

What other mods do you have loaded?

I'm guessing a streams mod?


(and I detect JourneyMap too - great mapping mod)


BTW - to get the spoilers you need to use the FULL editor - you can edit your post and add them

Edited by ChunkHunter

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Yes, JourneyMap is my favorite mapping mod and I do have streams. I also have forestry because I love bees, but I haven't actually gotten into it because I am too immersed with the main mod. I'm also using Smart Moving, if that matters. I really recommend it for this because of the added ability to crawl and climb. I think it adds a sense of realism.

(I tried using the full editor and changed the spoilers to code but it doesn't seem to work.)

Edited by Krow

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I agree that SmartMoving is a great mod - If I'm playing single player I always use it :)


I have started on this map and immediately I found an exposed vein of rich tetrahedrite just near spawn (just off that initial peninsula on the South coast :) )

There were 25 pieces of ore I mined without really looking.


test spoiler



Looking at the spoiler I just added above, you need to change your chevrons to square brackets...


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I'm having a really hard time finding silver anyone know where there is some?


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Still looking for silver - I went out hunting and found 2 plots - one is a surface vein, the other I haven't dug up...



Surface vein at:
x: 7770
z: -9745

Other silver nuggets found at:

Hope this helps

Edited by ChunkHunter

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I threw all my old stuff out. Starting afresh this year. I used to organise stuff by what it was, but doing it by when to plant sounds better and simpler.


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