Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Help With My HQM Pack for 0.79.27

8 posts in this topic

Hey guys...I'm building a HQM pack for TFC.  A storyline/lore HQM that also helps guide people through TerraFirmaCraft.  (not going to include any information in it that isn't on the Wiki of course)


Basically I'm looking for a decent seed, with access to all ores. for version 0.79.27.


Start point isn't a big deal as I can change the spawnpoint easily.  But more interested in something that does have access to all ores and fresh and salt water within a reasonable distance (a 1000 blocks in any given direction).  Other things I can include easily such as crops and fruit trees I think.  It's the ores part that concerns me.  Seems that world gen is better in 79.27 but...I'm still concerned, and don't know a good way to find all the ores easily in any given world that isn't going to require me to back up the gameworld and then go to town in creative with a propick.


Thanks for any help!


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"all the ores" is a tall order.
That means multiple types of rock.
Perhaps it might be better to start with a seed where there youhave an island with the copper and bronze ores, then move on to the iron and steel ores on another island - maybe even another seed...


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All of the ores within 1,000 blocks in any given direction is not possible unless you heavily edit the config files to make all ores spawn everywhere, in which case the game turns into super easy mode.


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Okay thanks for the feedback.  Maybe the 1000 blocks is a little ridiculous.  Suppose I should say something more like what ChunkHunter stated.  I'll just work with what I can find.  It's difficult with what seems to be the fact that ores don't spawn in the same places, regardless of using the same seed.  Hmm.  Hard to make an adventure map like that.  I'll see what I can do.


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If you could find a transition of 3 or more different "good" rocks you might get a lot of metals pretty close together. You'd need Copper, Zinc, Tin, Iron, Bismuth and Nickel. Gold, Silver can be got from panning/sluicing or in the case of silver a mod.


You'd NEED Gabbro (only source of Nickel) but also provides gold and tin. A sedimentary rock, one that gives Copper and is used for flux... so that Limestone. That can also give Bismuth and Iron. That leaves Zinc Which needs a Metamorphic rock, Marble would be good as it's a source of 2 difference coppers as well. If you get Gneiss you could even get silver.


So if you can find a part of the world that is a transition between Limestone, Gabbro and Marble/Gneiss and it wet (for clay) and in the right sort of area for fruit trees... You're sorted! Hopefully you don't want specific trees and access to chickens too... (avg biome temp 10-25, rainfall 500+)


Good Luck!


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Don't forget about minerals as well. They'd need graphite which the Marble/Gneiss layer takes care of, and kaolinite which they might find in the Limestone layer.


It's also extremely important to note that just because a stone type can spawn an ore or mineral, that does not guarantee that it will


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this seed has quite a bit that is necessary for at the least base steel, you just have to dig down in a few places. lol. while it may not have ALL your looking for (as fruit trees seem to be pretty non-existent on the initial landmass.) it does have quite a lot to go off of.

Edited by Mathias Ademar

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Hey Folks

I realise that there is a version of Raw source here...but has been turned to mono.
Anyone got the original raw source with bad stereo channel?
Thanks in advance...


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