Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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the problem with sheep!

the problem with sheep   8 members have voted

  1. 1. the problem with sheep

    • the problem with sheep
    • the problem with sheep

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11 posts in this topic

sheep is wool, and the wool is the thread
it turns out that without sheep in any way
and they have me on version not spawned
I flew a lot of miles and not find a single sheep

tell me what to do? please
p. S. I am Russian and write through the translator errors
and on the forum make a post the first time


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I searched for five real-life days to find sheep, walking thousands of blocks.


Then I walked home with the sheep I found. On the way, I found more sheep, only a few hundred blocks from home.



Some say Terrafirmacraft likes to troll players... :P


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If you look at it will show the spawning conditions of animals. Hit F3 to get these values displayed. Likely you aren't in the right areas. Sheep like cold.

Edited by Bunsan

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Well "cold" is relative. As long as you look in mountains, anything up to average temperature of 25 degrees is valid. That happens around z -6500, which is really quite far south. I've only once ever spawned that far south.


The bigger problem is that TFC simply only generates animal spawns once every thousand chunks or so. Like, in those five RL evenings of searching? I found one set of pigs, and those two sets of sheep. That was the entirety of all animal spawns I encountered throughout my travels. Compared to animals (any animals), ores are extremely common. I found and marked at least 60 ore deposits on my map during that time, and I wasn't even looking to find any.


It's kind of odd, really. within an about 500 block radius around the spawn point, my current world is positively teeming with animals. Dozens of chickens and pigs, and even that one set of sheep that was hiding behind a mountain cliff at the seashore a few hundred blocks away, where the temperature is *just* low enough. But once you leave that area, it's basically plant life only (and monsters at night). Square kilometer upon square kilometer of absolutely zero fauna. No bears, no deer, no pheasants, no pigs, no cows, no chickens, no sheep, not even squid I've seen. When I finally do encounter that super-rare animal spawn, it feels like completely out of the ordinary. Not sure if the climates are just really weird in this seed, but for some reason it does that regardless of which cardinal direction I pick for exploring.

Edited by Omicron

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This is not true. Show me in the code where it makes animals spawn every 1000 chunks.

And temperature is not relative it is absolute. Either the area is cold enough for sheep or it isn't.


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Don't bother looking at plain areas, almos every time I encounter mountains, I find sheeps.


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If you look at the page Bunsan posted, you'll see that sheep spawn quite frequently in mountains, and the only other climate is "Boreal Forest", which requires low temperatures (-20 to 0).

If you see horses, cows or chickens spawning, look elsewhere :)


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once every 1000 chunks is not true...


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Sheep are a pain.  In my world, I have given up and plan to "pay" for spawn eggs with an appropriate amount of gems.  On the LAN world my wife and I share I finally found some after agreeing to the price of a flawless diamond for a spawn egg.(i.e. not happening)


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p. S. I am Russian and write through the translator errors

and on the forum make a post the first time


привет Никита ,


Есть два различных биомов , где можно найти овец .
Нажмите клавишу F3 на клавиатуре . Это показывает биом и среднюю температуру .
Овцы будут жить в горах и высоких холмах биомов , если средняя температура выше -10 и ниже 25 .
Овцы будут жить в любом биоме , если средняя температура выше -20 и ниже 0 .
Овцы могут быть очень трудно найти . Но теперь вы знаете, где искать . Удачи !

English Translation


Hi Nikita ,

There are two different biomes where you can find sheep.

Press the F3 key on the keyboard . It shows the biome and the average temperature .

Sheep live in the mountains and high hills biome , if the average temperature is above -10 and below 25 .

Sheep live in any biome , if the average temperature is above -20 and below 0 .

Sheep can be very difficult to find . But now you know where to look . Good luck !

Edited by subarctic_guy

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