Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Help me with a school project!

See post for details   5 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you use this app?

    • Yes, I think it would help me try new things
    • I'll try it, but I don't think it would stick
    • No, I wouldn't use this app.
    • I don't do the grocery shopping.
  2. 2. How do you plan your grocery shopping?

    • I buy whatever looks good
    • I plan beforehand, make a list and follow it
    • I always buy the same things when I go grocery shopping
    • I don't do the grocery shopping.

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5 posts in this topic

We're designing an app for a school project, and so I really would appreciate any feedback you guys have about the idea- would you use it or not, why, what would be your biggest issue with it?



The idea is to have an app you take with you while grocery shopping. Pull up the app, scan the barcode on a product and you get a list of recipes with pictures and short descriptions, a list of the other ingredients you need to make the meal and the nutrition information.


Thanks for the feedback :)


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That could be a great idea. I was actually thinking that we should have an app like that the other day while trying to decide what to make for dinner. 


I would like to have a way to exclude some foods too (allergies/I just don't like that (see cauliflower :angry:))


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That's a great idea. In my country, the products in the supermarket often already have a recipe printed on the back of the box and so it's easy. No thinking required on what to cook tonight. Sometimes though, the problem is that the nearest supermarket does not have everything available for that particular dish and that sucks. For instance, authentic mexican dishes cannot be made in Europe. We don't have the ingredients. :(

Edited by Terex

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That could be a great idea. I was actually thinking that we should have an app like that the other day while trying to decide what to make for dinner. 


I would like to have a way to exclude some foods too (allergies/I just don't like that (see cauliflower :angry:))

thats part of the plan, you should be able to define any number of exclusions based on your diet


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I couldn't find any poll options that fit me, but I think it's a great idea for an app.  This would allow the shopper to buy what's on sale and plan the meal from that.   Which is what I do.

Edited by WillOfStone

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