Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Bird and Squirrel mobs!

6 posts in this topic

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Hey All,


I just have one burning desire for TFC2 - Bird and Squirrel passive mobs!


I really like the bird and squirrel mobs from Twilight Forest and could happily leave everything else from that awesome mod aside.

Adding these mobs would make the TFC world look and feel so much more "alive"! It could only enhance the experience and immersion.

Quite frankly I wish vanilla Minecraft had such things and a world without these small animals seems eerily dead.


Killing these mobs don't have to yield anything at all as that would not be their purpose, although it might be interesting to have squirrels drop very small amounts of squirrel meat (1-2 oz), giving the game an early-game food source that would be unsustainable over the long-term.


With the these mobs could come ambient bird songs and squirrel noises (chittering, rustling leaves) that would add extra depth to the environment.


Thanks and Salutations!


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I would recommend including birds AND insects only. Squirrels are not really suitable for leaves in TFC2, unless leaves are created solid, to which there will still be a problem: squirrels can't get into trees.


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Could you not make it so that a squirel can only climb wood blocks (like a spider would climb anything) and keep leaves as things you can walk through? You could have a setup where if a squirel sees a player within 15 block it runs to the nearest set of vertically positioned blocks and climbs it. Just an idea.

I occasionally find TFC a little empty when I've killed all the useful things in the vicinity and maybe birds and insects etc would fill that for me, but I'm not really bothered as i'd probably kill them anyway...


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I would recommend including birds AND insects only. Squirrels are not really suitable for leaves in TFC2, unless leaves are created solid, to which there will still be a problem: squirrels can't get into trees.


I only meant that random noises of leaves rustling are created when a player is near leaf blocks, which gives the illusion of animals (birds, squirrels, insects, whatever) being in trees. Squirrels only need to run along the ground. Although they could have spider climb. Many times I've seen spiders in TFC1 perched atop a tree within the leaf blocks (which makes them annoyingly hard to hit!), why couldn't squirrels do the same?


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Eating small game, like crickets, small birds, squirrels and other rodents, shellfish, and frogs, a man can sustain himself, as was done in the hunter gatherer societies in periods of scarce game.

I'd much rather scramble for morsels every day in Minecraft than kill a deer and have half of the meat spoil. These morsels would be caught with various nooses, cages, nets, and traps made from sticks and simple cordage.


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Could you not make it so that a squirel can only climb wood blocks (like a spider would climb anything) and keep leaves as things you can walk through? You could have a setup where if a squirel sees a player within 15 block it runs to the nearest set of vertically positioned blocks and climbs it. Just an idea.

I occasionally find TFC a little empty when I've killed all the useful things in the vicinity and maybe birds and insects etc would fill that for me, but I'm not really bothered as i'd probably kill them anyway...

I really now like the idea of squirrels in TFC.


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