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[TFC 0.79.29] TFC Tweaker - Minetweaker compatibility for TFC

76 posts in this topic

On 5.09.2016 at 0:36 PM, StrayWolfe said:

New Update

This update adds support for advanced minetweaker functions of the anvil inputs. This has the potential to greatly expand the capabilities of the anvil. The methods that are now supported for the anvil inputs are reuse, transformDamage, transformReplace, noReturn and giveBack.

I got error

4 methods available but none matches the parameters (minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.item.IIngredient, string, int, int)

when either .reuse() or .transformDamage(1) method is used on anvil input item, for example <terrafirmacraft:item.Copper Tuyere>.transformDamage(1) - not working.


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4 hours ago, ciekma said:

I got error

4 methods available but none matches the parameters (minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.item.IItemStack, minetweaker.item.IIngredient, string, int, int)

when either .reuse() or .transformDamage(1) method is used on anvil input item, for example <terrafirmacraft:item.Copper Tuyere>.transformDamage(1) - not working.

Omit the crafting value and it will work. I didn't update the particular methods that uses the crafting value since those methods are obsolete now. The methods that use the crafting value are only there to provide support for old scripts. Specifying the crafting value actually does nothing, that value isn't even passed on to the actual recipe handling.


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Thank you, it is working now fine.


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I found following issue: when heat recipe is defined, for example

mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(<terrafirmacraft:item.Gold Unshaped:90>, <minecraft:gold_nugget>, 1060, 0.5);

it will produce liquid metal in mold spawned from thin air, instead of pouring it to existing mold (it will spawn mold even if there is no mold in forge).


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On 11/21/2016 at 2:41 AM, ciekma said:

I found following issue: when heat recipe is defined, for example

mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(<terrafirmacraft:item.Gold Unshaped:90>, <minecraft:gold_nugget>, 1060, 0.5);

it will produce liquid metal in mold spawned from thin air, instead of pouring it to existing mold (it will spawn mold even if there is no mold in forge).

Sorry I have taken so long to respond, I've been busy lately and I needed to figure out what the problem was with the forge to be able to answer the question. Due to the way the forge works, the heated metal needs to have a special class associated with it for the forge to smelt the metal into a mold. There isn't any way that I know of to add a class to an item to allow the forge to properly replicate this behavior.

The way Minetweaker works, it uses lists to designate which items can interact with an object, so the object, like a forge, determines how it will use an item. TFC uses another method that defines the behavior with the item itself with a special class. So in some mods, if you want to melt an item, you would add the item to a list of meltable items and it would be handled by the machine. In TFC and a few other mods, if you want to melt an item, you would need to create a new instance of that item with the special class associated with it and define the behavior for the item. This is a good method for adding items with code but not good for minetweaker.

Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do to fix this bug other than creating my own version of the forge.


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Great addon, very helpful so far. I'm running into one issue right know though. I'm getting an error that says " invalid when melted."

I'm trying to make use of one of the TFC unused ores, in this case Olivine. I've renamed it to Bauxite. I get the error while trying to add this:

mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(<minecraft:hardened_clay>,<terrafirmacraft:item.Ore:33>.withTag({temperature: 650 as float}), 650, 0.5);

(Hardened clay, and the heat values were only for test purposes. This is a known working recipe, so I start from there and modify to help identify problems.)


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@StrayWolfe, thanks for explanation, I will just change recipes to TFC nuggets or ingots.


@vladthemad, not sure if there is proper to use tag for input stack, especially temperature which is float and I doubt there is any chance to match accurate tag.

And I see no need to use this tag, because forge control temperature by itself. Basically it works well for converting items, for example:

mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(tfc_powder_flux, <customitems:calcium_carbonate_caco3_powder>, 680, 1.0);

If output item have its own heat recipe, you cans set it hot, for example to melt sand into glass and have it workable:

mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(<minecraft:stained_glass:9>.withTag({temperature: 650 as float}),<terrafirmacraft:Sand:3>, 650, 0.5);


BTW, in real world it is not possible to get aluminium from bauxite by simple melting/smelting.  Therefore in my modpack I'm using arc furnace and cryolite.


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On 12/1/2016 at 5:07 AM, ciekma said:

@vladthemad, not sure if there is proper to use tag for input stack, especially temperature which is float and I doubt there is any chance to match accurate tag.

And I see no need to use this tag, because forge control temperature by itself. Basically it works well for converting items, for example:

mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(tfc_powder_flux, <customitems:calcium_carbonate_caco3_powder>, 680, 1.0);

If output item have its own heat recipe, you cans set it hot, for example to melt sand into glass and have it workable:

mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(<minecraft:stained_glass:9>.withTag({temperature: 650 as float}),<terrafirmacraft:Sand:3>, 650, 0.5);


BTW, in real world it is not possible to get aluminium from bauxite by simple melting/smelting.  Therefore in my modpack I'm using arc furnace and cryolite.

If float is in there and doesn't need to be, it's probably because I stole it straight off the wiki for testing in an effort to understand all the variables. I know in the real world, you have to turn bauxite into alumina via some complicated process, then turn alumina into aluminum via another process, but TFC isn't the real world. I had ultimately planned to use the arc furnace for aluminum; this was more my chasing an idea I had and using aluminum as a stand in to run some tests. I had also switched the aluminum ingot out for coal and vanilla stone too if I remember correctly. Neither of those worked either.

There are about a dozen "ores" in TFC that go unused, half spawn in the world, the other half don't even do that. My point was more about avoiding the need to make a custom item block for every strata of rock that a mod ore would need to spawn in, and all the extra work that requires. I was brainstorming how to use TFC to generate an used TFC ore, and just rename the ore to whatever you need. For the most part it works pretty well. I can rename Jet to ModOre6000 with MineTweaker, maybe change it's texture with a resource pack if the color doesn't match, modify one or two variables in the TFC ore config file, and it's done. Prospector pick works perfectly for it, and mines just like a TFC ore, it looks just like a TFC ore, it generates just like a TFC ore...probably because it is! :) The sticking point I ran into was that converting ModOre6000 into ActualModIngotItemWhatever via TFC's heat/smelt mechanic doesn't seem to work for the unused ores. It's weird, I can get it to smelt anything else into whatever, just not those dang unused ores!


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There is an issue with Barrel.addItemFluidConversion function, for example if sealing is not required, and output item is set to null, fluid is changed but input item is not consumed. 

In case of sealed recipe, allow any stack flag seems to not working, single item works when full stack is required. If full stack is inserted, recipe is not working.


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On 12/20/2016 at 5:49 PM, ciekma said:

There is an issue with Barrel.addItemFluidConversion function, for example if sealing is not required, and output item is set to null, fluid is changed but input item is not consumed. 

In case of sealed recipe, allow any stack flag seems to not working, single item works when full stack is required. If full stack is inserted, recipe is not working.


On 12/2/2016 at 3:06 PM, vladthemad said:

If float is in there and doesn't need to be, it's probably because I stole it straight off the wiki for testing in an effort to understand all the variables. I know in the real world, you have to turn bauxite into alumina via some complicated process, then turn alumina into aluminum via another process, but TFC isn't the real world. I had ultimately planned to use the arc furnace for aluminum; this was more my chasing an idea I had and using aluminum as a stand in to run some tests. I had also switched the aluminum ingot out for coal and vanilla stone too if I remember correctly. Neither of those worked either.

There are about a dozen "ores" in TFC that go unused, half spawn in the world, the other half don't even do that. My point was more about avoiding the need to make a custom item block for every strata of rock that a mod ore would need to spawn in, and all the extra work that requires. I was brainstorming how to use TFC to generate an used TFC ore, and just rename the ore to whatever you need. For the most part it works pretty well. I can rename Jet to ModOre6000 with MineTweaker, maybe change it's texture with a resource pack if the color doesn't match, modify one or two variables in the TFC ore config file, and it's done. Prospector pick works perfectly for it, and mines just like a TFC ore, it looks just like a TFC ore, it generates just like a TFC ore...probably because it is! :) The sticking point I ran into was that converting ModOre6000 into ActualModIngotItemWhatever via TFC's heat/smelt mechanic doesn't seem to work for the unused ores. It's weird, I can get it to smelt anything else into whatever, just not those dang unused ores!

Unfortunately, some of the anvil and barrel recipes do not provide seamless support with Minetweaker, which to be fair is expected since it is very difficult to provide support for every conceivable condition that Minetweaker could throw. So there will be bugs like these that I can look into but at the current state I can do little to remedy. I believe that the ultimate solution would be to replace the blocks themselves with my own version so I can add extended support and fix little bugs like these that come up along the way. At this point, I am not sure if or when I would be able to fix these problems.


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11 minutes ago, Shurgent said:

In reply on this:

Is that normal that i can't remove the rubber heat recipe with TFCTweaker?
I used:   mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.removeRecipe(<tfctech:item.Rubber>);
in the config file of the mod there is only the option to disable the normal furnace recipe, or well, so it seems

Edited by Mohander
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That isn't a TFC recipe. It is a recipe added by TTC-Tech using TFCs API. TFC-Tweaker only removes TFC recipes. 

Edited by Bunsan

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On 10/2/2017 at 11:26 PM, Bunsan said:

That isn't a TFC recipe. It is a recipe added by TTC-Tech using TFCs API. TFC-Tweaker only removes TFC recipes. 

Still, I found a way to make it work btw, because even if added from another mod, it's still an heat recipe.
The only counterintuitive thing is that I had not to remove the output (the rubber) but the mixture

So it changes from



mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.removeRecipe(<tfctech:item.Rubber Mix>);


Edited by Mohander

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On 2/20/2017 at 9:31 AM, Mohander said:

Still, I found a way to make it work btw, because even if added from another mod, it's still an heat recipe.
The only counterintuitive thing is that I had not to remove the output (the rubber) but the mixture

So it changes from



mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.removeRecipe(<tfctech:item.Rubber Mix>);


So the way this works out is that TFC makes a list called ItemHeat and adds recipes to that list when minecraft is starting up. Other mods can add to and remove  from that list like TFCTech and TFC Tweaker. Adding a recipe doesn't really depend so much on mod load order, but removing a recipe might be influenced by load order.


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I don't know if you was aware of that but the new custom Knapping Recipes (at least for clay side) are not shown in NEI, even using TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin-1.7.10-

Any solution or workaround for this?

Is this TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin fault?


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13 minutes ago, Mohander said:

I don't know if you was aware of that but the new custom Knapping Recipes (at least for clay side) are not shown in NEI, even using TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin-1.7.10-
Any solution or workaround for this?

Try shut down minecraft and run again.


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Yeah, that worked, my bad
I take the instances open for too long and often forget that the reload could be a good option in these cases
The most simple things are often the most effective hehe

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Hey im trying to intergrate it with my own mod and I keep getting an error when adding a heat recipe. This is what I have done, can anyone point out the errors, mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(<Alloys:NoricSteel:1>,<Alloys:BogIron>, 1400, 0.5);


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U have tfc temperature on at that things, they must be not have temperature thing i guess. I meen rocks and logs can use that, but ingots - not, they can be temperature specified.

Edited by Aki

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16 hours ago, kickinit233 said:

Hey im trying to intergrate it with my own mod and I keep getting an error when adding a heat recipe. This is what I have done, can anyone point out the errors, mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.addRecipe(<Alloys:NoricSteel:1>,<Alloys:BogIron>, 1400, 0.5);

If you are making your own mod then you have far more flexibility in integrating items than TFC tweaker allows. Take a look at the ways to add your ingots to the TFC heat registry and make sure you have implemented ISmeltable properly.

Look at the following classses for how to create an ingot:


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Just wanted to make a post declaring how much I love this addon. Honestly I should probably be making a mod for what I want to do, but for now tweaker scripts and custom item jsons are doing what I need.

Thanks again for a wonderful addon that is making life livable!


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I couldn't find that its been asked yet, but will there be crucible support?

I suppose that may require new item IDs to be added for unshaped metals...


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On 9/22/2017 at 4:16 PM, foodice11 said:

I couldn't find that its been asked yet, but will there be crucible support?

I suppose that may require new item IDs to be added for unshaped metals...

I've had a go at  adding crucible support in the past but I always reached a point to where it just ins't possible with the current way the crucible is coded. To add support I would need to add a clone of the crucible that is tweaked and added by this mod. I've been out of the modding game since my laptop died...but I just built a more powerful desktop so I'll be getting back into modding soon.


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Hi There, I'm Having Some Trouble, I'm Attempting To Remove All Recipes For The Existing Stone Tool Heads, I've Successfully Removed And Replaced The Stone Knife As Only One Tool Head Exists And You Have Left Examples For It In Your Wiki, I Suspect This Will Work When I Try To Remove And Replace The Hammer Too, However Axes Shovels Hoes And Javelins Have Up To 4 Tool Heads, I Have Successfully Added A Recipe For The Axe But Cannot Remove All Four Using These  Scripts, It Is Of Course Rock Specific And Nei Shows That The New And Old Recipes Still Exist.

mods.Terrafirmacraft.Knapping.removeStoneWorkingRecipe(<terrafirmacraft:item.IgIn Stone Axe Head>, " #   ", "    #", "     ", "    #", " #   ");
mods.Terrafirmacraft.Knapping.removeStoneWorkingRecipe(<terrafirmacraft:item.Sed Stone Axe Head>, " #   ", "    #", "     ", "    #", " #   ");
mods.Terrafirmacraft.Knapping.removeStoneWorkingRecipe(<terrafirmacraft:item.IgEx Stone Axe Head>, " #   ", "    #", "     ", "    #", " #   ");
mods.Terrafirmacraft.Knapping.removeStoneWorkingRecipe(<terrafirmacraft:item.MM Stone Axe Head>, " #   ", "    #", "     ", "    #", " #   ");

As Far As I Can See One Axe Recipe For One Tool Head Has Been Removed

This Is Bothering Me A lot As It Is Necessary For Them To Be Removed In The Pack I'm Developing, Thanks           -UnlimatedStone9

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Solved for the majority of things but I sometimes run in to an issue where I cannot remove recipes at all, no matter the chosen pattern, I cannot seem to remove shovels now


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