Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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GameRegistry worldgen trees

15 posts in this topic

 What are the used names of TFC trees registered through forge cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; class (Wood logs)? I used the block names from src code (terrafirmacraft.BlockLogNatural) , but it does not work. Please help me out, same with tree saplings (terrafirmacraft.ItemSapling). Thank you for some more information =)




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What exactly do you need them for? Are you just looking for the unlocalized name?


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45 minutes ago, Kittychanley said:

What exactly do you need them for? Are you just looking for the unlocalized name?

I am trying to provide mod compatibility for TFC amongst other mods. Therefor I use findBlock command in registry. Searching for "terrafirmacraft" and the logs/saplings. It is used for recognizing TFC trees by the mod, so these trees will be available for growing and death. So I think the unlocalized name should be found?


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Are you writing this compatibility mod, or is this for a config file for a mod somebody else wrote? I'm not familiar with the findBlock command with the registry. I know that most config files want the unlocalized name, which would just be terrafirmacraft:sapling terrafirmacraft:sapling2 terrafirmacraft:log and terrafirmacraft:log2. All the other ones like WoodVert are for player placed logs, not trees.


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On 12.5.2016 at 10:19 PM, Kittychanley said:

Are you writing this compatibility mod, or is this for a config file for a mod somebody else wrote?

I am helping with a mod of somebody else to bring TFC support. So it is no config thing.

Edited by drkoaeg

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Thank you for the unlocalized names, sadly, that did not work :(


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Looking at the syntax you provided in the example, I would assume the correct way would be to simply do

Block b = GameRegistry.findBlock("terrafirmacraft", "sapling");

I know for loading blocks out of the config files in TFC we use Block.getBlockFromName instead of GameRegistry.findBlock

It's also very important to note that all of those method parameters are case-sensitive.


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1 hour ago, Kittychanley said:

Block b = GameRegistry.findBlock("terrafirmacraft", "sapling");

Thank you for for clarifying. I did it this way, so this will not work, I might use Block.getBlockFromName. Do you mean with case sensitive, that if there is another log for example, the name might change to let's say log2_1? Or does even more possibly happen?


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By case sensitive, I mean that it will only recognize "terrafirmacraft" it will not recognize "TerraFirmaCraft" the same goes for "log" versus "Log"


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Oh I see. Yes, I was little suprised that the unlocalized names were written lower case, but I tried it exactly as you spellt, of course. I did not think that it is that difficult to bring mod support^^  I digged a bit in the src code, might this be written upper case?

if(Loader.isModLoaded("terrafirmacraft")) {




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That also needs to be written in lowercase. "terrafirmacraft" is the string that we use as our modID, and all of the string comparisons are strictly case sensitive. This is fairly normal convention afaik in java programming unless you are dealing with direct user input. It also allows for two different mods to have the same modID, but capitalized differently.


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Thank you for explanation. Okay, so that is all right, hmm...

Edited by drkoaeg

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Okay, found the problem, the unlocalized names work, but the tree check also looks for the dirt underneath the tree block. So Kitty, could you give me this one, too?


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There's a bunch of different ways you can find the unlocalized name for anything. Outside of the game, you can look at the lang files:

The format is For item's you need the item.unlocalized_name and ignore everything beyond that. For blocks you can ignore the beginning "tile." part.

Inside the game, if you know the number ID of the object, you can do "/give @p number" and the chat will tell you the unlocalized name when it gives it to you. If you have Inventory Tweaks installed, you can just do F3+H and everything will show their unlocalized name in the tooltip. If you have NEI installed, you can do a data dump that creates a csv file with all of the unlocalized names in it.


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