Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Minecraft 1.10 models

12 posts in this topic

I just wanted to emphasize, what good job you guys do. I think yesterday came out a new snapshot with polar bears in it. They look so primitive in relation what you are creating at the moment and have created. Thumps up!

Edited by drkoaeg

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They look like a snow golem fell over and sprouted legs...


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I know. My first thought when I saw the polar bears was: "Man, there is no way Darmo would let me submit that." I was also amused that the new nether brick variant is just the old texture after a wild night in GIMP. Anyway, the TFC2 bears look way better than those polar bears.


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The new polar bears don't look too bad. At least not out of place, keeping simplicity in model design. The two other new mobs have extra layers (tattered clothes) and do stand out. 


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Well, it's consistent with their other mobs.  I definitely like our new ones better.  But what strikes me is, they come out with these simple new mobs once in a blue moon it seems like.  That polar bear literally would take under an hour to build in MCMC and texture.   Meanwhile we've come out with...a lot..., in the past few months.  And we're not even paid to do this.  So my takeaway is they are super-lazy, or just want to string it out for years and years.


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1 hour ago, Darmo said:

Well, it's consistent with their other mobs.  I definitely like our new ones better.  But what strikes me is, they come out with these simple new mobs once in a blue moon it seems like.  That polar bear literally would take under an hour to build in MCMC and texture.   Meanwhile we've come out with...a lot..., in the past few months.  And we're not even paid to do this.  So my takeaway is they are super-lazy, or just want to string it out for years and years.

That or having lots and lots of different animals just isn't a priority for them.  They would rather focus on other things like elytra (awesome!) and new combat mechanics.  And making minecarts freeze up periodically so you have to reclient... :\


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3 hours ago, Darmo said:

Well, it's consistent with their other mobs.  I definitely like our new ones better.  But what strikes me is, they come out with these simple new mobs once in a blue moon it seems like.  That polar bear literally would take under an hour to build in MCMC and texture.   Meanwhile we've come out with...a lot..., in the past few months.  And we're not even paid to do this.  So my takeaway is they are super-lazy, or just want to string it out for weeks and weeks.

Yeah, well, think about how long it took Mojang to fix boats.


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3 hours ago, Lorkenpeist said:

That or having lots and lots of different animals just isn't a priority for them.  They would rather focus on other things like elytra (awesome!) and new combat mechanics.  And making minecarts freeze up periodically so you have to reclient... :\

They have tons of money and a multinational corporation support. So they could have some people to make Minecraft a good base game. But instead they throw rarely some new features without any vision on the market. It seems to me as if they just do the minimum to keep people somewhat interested in the game.


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1 hour ago, drkoaeg said:

They have tons of money and a multinational corporation support. So they could have some people to make Minecraft a good base game. But instead they throw rarely some new features without any vision on the market. It seems to me as if they just do the minimum to keep people somewhat interested in the game.

I do agree with drk here. The first snapshot for 1.10 really does have some odd random new features in it. Eventually they will be grouped under some theme (like 'combat update'), but that is mostly an afterthought... I suspect the core gameplay (i.e. sequence of achievements) won't be altered. MC 1.9 really pushed what can be changed without angering the core fanbase too much. I don't think we will see such an update again soon. The standard gameplay, to me, is what bores me with 'vanilla' Minecraft since i've been there and done that so many times over. Newcomers should be happy though.

Edited by Terex

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3 hours ago, Terex said:

The standard gameplay, to me, is what bores me with 'vanilla' Minecraft since i've been there and done that so many times over. Newcomers should be happy though.

Right, we have all seen some really cool mods that do things that the Minecraft devs probably didn't even think were possible to build out of their game. One team, no matter how well funded, can never compete with the entire rest of the world in terms of imagination. It's almost not even a fair contest.

So people have, completely in their spare time, added so much depth into mods like TFC. Somebody even made a No Cubes mod for a game made entirely out of cubes.

I'm with you, new vanilla features are the least exciting part of the game. I don't even play a new version of Minecraft until there's a forge build and a few solid mods out for it. Like I'm seriously going to keep a wiki page open while I play just to look up all the random recipes? Completely breaks the immersion. If I don't have a recipe mod I'd rather not even play.

That's why I personally would love to see Mojang open up the Minecraft source code and officially partner with Forge. If I could make one decision for the game, that would be it.


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