Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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gems Decorative/Magical gems

9 posts in this topic

Hi Everyone!

I've been playing TFC both alone and with friends for about 3 months now, and it's become the best minecraft mod I have ever played. so much I enjoy it more than vanilla itself. I love immersion in games, and this mod brought it to me.

however, there was always one thing which bothered me: Gems. sure, they look pretty, but really, the only thing they're good for are protection meters, and that's only the chipped gems!  I found myself wishing that they were useful in some other way, and when i saw that TFC2 was in development, i jumped on the opportunity. so, without further ado, I give you my ideas for gems.

First up is some decorative purposes.

You could now set gems in chiseled stone blocks by chiseling out an accordingly sized area and right clicking on it with the gem in hand. when the block is broken, the gem(s) drop for you to collect again. this would be awesome for fancy buildings and showing off on servers/LAN worlds.

Perhaps Exquisite gems could be set in armor as well? maybe only metal armors and only the chestplate?

and finally, maybe there could be a way to use them to stain/color light sources? for example, using a garnet would make red light, and using amethyst would make a purple light? this would add some customization and just be a cool effect.

I've heard rumors that magic was going to be added to TFC2. this opens many possibilities and I have some ideas how gems can play a part.

Gems can be used to make staffs. the higher tier gem, the more powerful the staff. for instance, a staff with a Chipped gem will not be as powerful, whereas one with an Exquisite gem will be more powerful.

also a random suggestion for staffs. two factors depend on the staff's durability/power. the material (i.e wood, copper, iron) depends on it's durability, and the gem (chipped, normal, flawless) depends on its power.

Gems can be imbued with magic, ranging from healing to offensive to defensive powers, which can then be released by right clicking with the imbued gem in your hand. again, the better quality the gem, the more powerful magic can be stored inside.

Going along with the theme of storing magic in gems, perhaps you could place gems with offensive magic down as traps.

well that's all for now, please leave feedback!


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Just going to point out a few flaws with this suggestion. First of all, there's a good chance there won't be any detailed mode chiseling in TFC2, primarily because of the complicated render and 1.8's overhaul with block models. Even if we did manage to get chiseled blocks working with a custom renderer, it would be just that much harder to try and get gem rendering in that as well.

I'm also fairly certain that colored light also isn't theoretically feasible in Minecraft. Mojang had a hard enough time with the transparency of colored stained glass, let alone trying to add something to the lighting engine as well. As far as I know, there hasn't been a single mod out there that successfully adds different colored light to Minecraft. There's colored lamps where the block itself is a different color, but the light it emits is just normal white light.


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In the meanwhile the Decorations addon let you use Gems for Illumination . It's really nice. Not exactly what you suggested, as it sets the gems on the sides of blocks, but it's a use for Gems.


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8 minutes ago, TonyLiberatto said:

In the meanwhile the Decorations addon let you use Gems for Illumination . It's really nice. Not exactly what you suggested, as it sets the gems on the sides of blocks, but it's a use for Gems.

really? i didn't know that.


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8 hours ago, Kittychanley said:

Just going to point out a few flaws with this suggestion. First of all, there's a good chance there won't be any detailed mode chiseling in TFC2, primarily because of the complicated render and 1.8's overhaul with block models. Even if we did manage to get chiseled blocks working with a custom renderer, it would be just that much harder to try and get gem rendering in that as well.

I'm also fairly certain that colored light also isn't theoretically feasible in Minecraft. Mojang had a hard enough time with the transparency of colored stained glass, let alone trying to add something to the lighting engine as well. As far as I know, there hasn't been a single mod out there that successfully adds different colored light to Minecraft. There's colored lamps where the block itself is a different color, but the light it emits is just normal white light.

Nuh uh.


It's a bit outdated, though...


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On 6/3/2016 at 1:50 PM, Kittychanley said:

I'm also fairly certain that colored light also isn't theoretically feasible in Minecraft. Mojang had a hard enough time with the transparency of colored stained glass, let alone trying to add something to the lighting engine as well. As far as I know, there hasn't been a single mod out there that successfully adds different colored light to Minecraft. There's colored lamps where the block itself is a different color, but the light it emits is just normal white light.


It seems that colored light is a thing. :huh: This mod implements but there seem is hacky-ness going on also its still beta in 1.7.10, and the mod author seems to have moved on, but it is possible. I'm not at all suggesting that TFC undergoes something like this, but in the event that someone does port this or create a similar project I'm sure people would enjoy compatibility as Vazkii as done with Botania and this mod.

Links: Colored Lights, Botania support:D


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On 3.06.2016 at 7:45 PM, redcreeperjaret said:

however, there was always one thing which bothered me: Gems. sure, they look pretty, but really, the only thing they're good for are protection meters, and that's only the chipped gems!  I found myself wishing that they were useful in some other way, and when i saw that TFC2 was in development, i jumped on the opportunity. so, without further ado, I give you my ideas for gems.

In case of multiplayer server, gems can be used for trade purposes, as currency.

Below is TFC1 stone drop probability spoiler, if anyone want to use it as currency, for example for towny/mytown2 economy.


In case of TFC1, if I understand well, there is chances of chipped/flawed/normal/flawless/exquisite gem are decreasing by factor 2, from 1/500 to 1/8000.

Please note, that using gold pan/sluice would change above balance.


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