Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.79.29] TFC Engineer

11 posts in this topic

Hello TFC community.

Since I lately picked up TFC again in tech based mod packs, I decided to make/start a mod for just that.

The ultimate goal in with this mod is to replace many of the coal/fuel powered TFC mechanics with RF powered machines, but it still has a long way to go.

Current features:

  • Electric powered forge, both simple and advanced
  • Electric powered fridge and freezer for storing food
  • Lunchbox to store your food and eat out of

Future plans:

  • Ways to generate power instead of relying on another RF based mod
  • Electricity powered anvil
  • Portable cooler for storing long term food on the run, similar to lunchbox
  • Electric charcoal generation?
  • Way to cook clay items using power
  • And more, taking suggestions












Sneak and Right click to open it's inventory and place your food inside of it.

Hold right click to eat from it when out of inventory screen.

Items in the lunchbox will decay at 50% the rate. This can be changed in the configs.


Electric forge: Apply power to it and place heatable items in it. It will start when items are detected.

Use the gui controls to set the desired temperature of the items to reach, place empty molds on the right to catch metal turning to liquid.

The forge heats items twice as fast as the normal TFC forge by default. This can be changed in configs.

Induction forge: Apply more power to it than electric forge and place heatable items in it. It will start when items are detected.

The forge can keep track of individual items temperatures and has 2 modes: work and melt.

Work: items will only heat up to just under melting temperature.

Melt: items will heat up to a bit over melting temperature, and therefore melt.

The induction forge heats items 3 times as fast as the normal TFC forge by default. This can be changed in configs.


Apply power to the fridge and it will always run. Any items in the fridge will decay slower than normal.

The fridge only decays items at 25% the speed, while the freezer will totally stop decay.

These values can be changed in the configs.

More pictures:


  • TFC v0.79.29
  • CoFHLib or CoFHCore from Team CoFH website
  • Some other mod that generates power, i.e. Immersive Engineering


Direct download

Github releases 



v. 1.1.2

Fixed issue causing some other TFC addons not being able to interact with containers.

Fixed fridge and deep freezer power modifier not working on power usage.

v. 1.1.1

Fixed rare crashing issue when breaking inventory block.

v. 1.1

Added lunchbox decay rate config option.
Decreased forges default heat rate modifier.
Fixed forge smelted output not using forges inventory and dropping in front of forge.
Other small fixes.


Project on GitHub

You may use this in any mod packs you like.

Any suggestions and feedback are of course welcome.

I am not the best with textures, so any suggestions on textures/models is nice.



Even though I know Java alright, this is the first time I have been messing with the Forge and TFC API.

This is also my first post to the forums, so hello everyone! :P

Edited by Fair

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Keep up the good works!

Edited by landryx

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Nice to see a new addon :) I'm definitely looking forward to the next updates .


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^ agreed! love seeing people adding more end game. I have included this in my personal modpack for TFC!


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Have you thought about a powered quern? If I use Immersive Enginneering I could have Grist Mill :D


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In my opinion, powered quern is a most important improvement.

Many non-TFC mods are supporting grinders or macerators, but they doesn't work well with TFC food.

Electric oven which automatically eject food before it incinerate, would be also welcome.

Is it possible to add negative temperature to frozen food, to prevent eating before food is heated up after picked from freezer? It would help for better fridge/freezer balance.



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4 minutes ago, ciekma said:

In my opinion, powered quern is a most important improvement.

Many non-TFC mods are supporting grinders or macerators, but they doesn't work well with TFC food.

Electric oven which automatically eject food before it incinerate, would be also welcome.

Is it possible to add negative temperature to frozen food, to prevent eating before food is heated up after picked from freezer? It would help for better fridge/freezer balance.


i like the idea of having to heat food from the deep freezer but wondering how hard that would be hehe


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I found, that opening Lunchbox (shift+rightclick) make crash:

Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: There was a critical exception handling a packet on channel FML
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: fair/tfcengineer/common/GUI/GuiLunchbox
    at fair.tfcengineer.common.GUI.GuiHandler.getClientGuiElement( ~[GuiHandler.class:?]
    at ~[NetworkRegistry.class:?]
    at ~[FMLNetworkHandler.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.openGui( ~[yz.class:?]


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Some ideas for this awesome concept:

* Instead of a 'magic block' for your electric furnace and improvement, perhaps you could just make an 'electric heating element' that attaches to the existing Forge or Blast Furnace. Then the GUI for the electric heating element lets you regulate your temperature more precisely, and runs on RF. This takes advantage of, rather than replaces, current mechanics, and increases verisimilitude. The advanced electric heating element can let you set your 'work' or 'melt' temperatures as hotkeys in the GUI instead of just manually setting the temperature for ease of use, and runs faster. Immersive Engineering has such a block which will heat Furnaces adjacent to it.

* For the Fridge, seeing the troubles the Cellar Mod had with this mechanic, your probably only way of doing this is as you have done it, which I suppose has a fair bit of verisimilitude built in. An ice box has been used for quite some time to keep stuff cold, long before electricity, and most electrical cooling devices that people interact with are going to be 1x1 or 1x2 or 2x1 meters, roughly. I do like the idea. How about a one-block that stores as much as a chest, and a two-block (horizontal or vertical) to store as much as a double chest? Or maybe even a full-on multiblock that takes the number of 'fridge' or 'freezer' blocks, and uses that to calculate RF requirements and capacity.

* Electric Quern. Honestly? 'Electric Motor', put adjacent (or under) the Quern to automate it. Again, this brings verisimilitude, using an electrical motor rather than hand-power to turn your quern. But if you prefer, you can also take an existing quern, and craft it with the electrical components to come up with the electric quern. Since the Quern is a single block, in effect, it won't break verisimilitude to keep it that way.

* Baking of clay goods. The mod Automated Bellows mod also has a Kiln which is used to bake clay goods. You can do something like that, then use the Electric Heating Element to regulate it and make it run off of RF. So again, the Electric Heating Element is doing a lot of these things itself, meaning fewer blocks for you to add and code, and an easier time overall. This also gives the player an intermediate clay hardening system between 'dig a pit and fill it with straw' and 'full electric automation' that I feel is missing in the core TFC experience (which is probably the sole reason I use the Automated Bellows mod).

I strongly support this idea, and I hope you are able to flesh it out.


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Is compatibility with UE (Industrial Craft Energy) ?

Edited by Mcuriosity

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Is there a way to use this with Ancient Warfare?


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