Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[TFC 0.79.29] Peffern's Addons: New Crops and also Wells and Pewter

78 posts in this topic

This is a collection of all of my mods. I will continually update it as I perfect these and make some new ones. If you want to use any of these mods in your modpack, feel free. Just make sure you credit me somewhere :).
My mods are on GitHub here:

To download mods, look in the .jar repository

API Mods (Dependencies):


TFC Crop Index :


This is a core mod that modifies the way TFC does the setup of crops to make it easier to extend the system beyond TFC's 18 crops and add new crops. TerraFirmaPumpkins uses this from 2.0 unwards. Feel free to use this in your own crop mod if you want.

TFC Metal Index :


This is a core mod that modifies the way TFC does the setup of metals to make it easier to extend the system beyond TFC's 18 crops and add new metals. TFC Pewter uses this from 2.0 unwards. Feel free to use this in your own mod if you want.


Content mods (uses my API):


TerraFirmaPumpkins (uses TFC Crop Index) :


Do you miss the vanilla food?

Do you feel like TFC's pumpkins aren't getting their due?

Have you wanted to grow your own melon patch?

Well, now you can with TerraFirmaPumpkins! This addon introduces TerraFirmaCraft equivalents for the vanilla Minecraft Pumpkins, Mushrooms, and Melons so you can use them in your TFC Cooking.

Pumpkins and melons are now growable crops that will spawn naturally in the world just like TFC crops, and can be grown on farmland. Melons are edible right when they are picked, while pumpkins have to be cooked. 
In addition, 16oz of pumpkin or 12oz of melon (one plant's production, more or less), can be crafted with a hammer to convert to its block form. This is an irreversible conversion, since the blocks don't decay and that would be an exploit, so if you want to build with pumpkin/melon blocks, make sure you only craft as much as you need. Also, this takes into account decay, so 16oz of pumpkin that is partially decayed will not be accepted. If you have more than exactly 16oz, you can use it up in 16oz increments (you don't have to cut the food, the recipe takes care of it for you).

Mushrooms generate in the world the same way they did in TFC, but when you break them you get 4oz of mushroom food. These are inedible but you can use them in meals. Right-clicking with a stack of mushroom food on the ground will consume 4oz from the stack to plant a new mushroom. The mushroom blocks behave the same way they did in regular TFC with regards to growth. 

Note: This mod now depends on my core mod TFC Crop Index, so you should install that too.

TFC Pewter (uses TFC Metal Index): 


Are you tired of making ceramics even after you've developed advanced metallurgy?

Well, look no further than TFC Pewter! This addon adds a new alloy, pewter, which is created from 85-99% tin and 1-15% copper. In addition to the standard metal components such as trap doors, pewter can be made into a pewter jug which holds more water than the ceramic one and never breaks, as well as pewter bowls which can be used to make salads and never break, although they do have to be washed after each use.



Compatibility with Other Mods:


IE Plants (TFC Crop Index):


Does it bother you when two mods don't integrate properly?

It rubbed me the wrong way that Immersive Engineering's Hemp plant wasn't a TFC crop, since IE and TFC make a great match in my opinion. This is tiny mod that uses my TFC Crop Index to fix this issue - hemp will generate in the same places as jute and will drop hemp fibers when you harvest the plant.

RC Plants (TFC Crop Index):


Pretty much the same thing as IE Plants but for RotaryCraft Canola Plants

Deployer Fix:


Fixes the BluePower deployer so it can plant TFC (and vanilla) seeds. The original RedPower deployer could do this, so I figured it's only right to do so for the replacement as well.


Other Stuff I Made:


TFC Wells:


Have you ever found a great place to settle, but you couldn't live there since it had no fresh water?

Do you hate having to rely on the weather for your water supply?

TFC Wells is the addon for you! It adds a craftable well block which you can use to create a consistent water supply. To use it, dig a 1x1 hole in the ground and place the well block over the top. Make sure that the hole is full of air blocks and the sides are solid. The well will hold 1 bucket's worth of water for every air block in the hole that is below sea level. Therefore, deeper wells will hold more water. The well will slowly fill based on the rock type and environmental factors . For the most water, look for claystone and high rainfall, and try to avoid dacite deserts.
To operate the well, rightclick it with a bucket to add the bucket. Then, you can rightclick the block three times to lower it into the well (shows a rope on the side of the block), raise it up again, and retrieve the bucket. This will work with any liquid container, and the container will be shown on the side of the block.

Jack o'Fix


Do you think TFC Jack o'Lanterns are overpowered? Well now they burn out after 144 hours (adjustable in config file).



Edited by Peffern

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Thank you for this mod! You are a hero! I always wanted to grow pumpkins in TFC. Can you do melons next?



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26 minutes ago, Leo05 said:

Thank you for this mod! You are a hero! I always wanted to grow pumpkins in TFC. Can you do melons next?


Funny you should ask, I actually just implemented them! Download will be up as soonTM.


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1 minute ago, Peffern said:

Funny you should ask, I actually just implemented them! Download will be up as soonTM.

As I said : You are a hero!! :D


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are the pumpkin plants in worldgen next to pumpkins (that are in TFC worldgen) ?


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2 hours ago, drkoaeg said:

are the pumpkin plants in worldgen next to pumpkins (that are in TFC worldgen) ?

The TFC Pumpkin blocks have been removed from World Gen. They won't generate at all. Instead, the TFC crop registry has been modified to allow additional entries beyond the existing TFC crops, and Pumpkins have been added to it. So they will generate like normal TFC crops: When a chunk is generated that can spawn wild crops, the crop has a chance of being pumpkins instead of other crops. This does make pumpkins rarer than they were before, but this is counteracted by the fact that they are now a food source.


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Melons and pumpkins :) That's a dream come true. You should add more crops. Or you could make a different addon which adds more crops.


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so good, next something with mushrooms ?


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If you have an existing game can I add this W/O braking my game, what about the pumpkins I already have?

Thanks for the effort is a long overdue needed addition.



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On 10/14/2016 at 10:44 AM, Leo05 said:

Melons and pumpkins :) That's a dream come true. You should add more crops. Or you could make a different addon which adds more crops.

Got any ideas?

18 hours ago, landryx said:

so good, next something with mushrooms ?

Those are harder, since IIRC mushrooms don't grow on cultivated farmland.

18 hours ago, Nemo4evr said:

If you have an existing game can I add this W/O braking my game, what about the pumpkins I already have?

Thanks for the effort is a long overdue needed addition.


I don't add remove any items. Any chunks that previously generated with pumpkins in them will still have them, but any new chunks generated will use the pumpkin crops instead. The new plants won't generate in previously generated chunks. You will be able to carve and cook existing pumpkins. I would backup your world first, but you should be able to do it. (Don't quote me on that)


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4 hours ago, Peffern said:

Got any ideas?

I think most all the major stuff is covered really.  But a few other typical Euro-American candidates: peas, spinach, broccoli, eggplant, zucchini, radishes, beets, okra, cucumbers, asparagus, artichoke, brussel sprouts.  Prickly pear cactus and pineapple for the more exotic side.

I don't know if it's within the scope of your mod, but I always thought it odd that wild tomatoes and beans grow with a stake in the ground by them!  I think it'd be interesting if there were both wild and staked versions of some crops.  The wild ones would just be on the ground, but the player could make trellises of sticks for vines like tomatoes, peas, beans and cucumbers.  This would increase the yield.  Something like a 3x3 grid of sticks makes a trellis (something to do with all those sticks!)  Player places trellis in a garden spot, then plants seed on the same spot.  It would be neat if the wild recumbant versions would generate an additional 'child' block adjacent to the original 'parent' block.  This would also make trellises more space efficient.  I don't know how feasible that is.

Another related thought is for gourds and melons to have a central parent plant, and surround themselves with vines.  IRL these plants take up huge amounts of garden real estate.  Basically the idea might be to plant the plant, and at it matures, it checks for clear spaces around itself, and if it finds one, produces vines on that spot.  It could be a defined pattern (eventually fills a 5x5 grid centered on the 'parent' plant) or could be somewhat random (produces up to 25 vine blocks as far as 3 blocks from the parent plant, Each time searching for an existing vine or parent plant adjacent, before placing the new one).  Then at the appropriate stage, a random number of the vine blocks flowers and fruits.  Not all do.  Might be pretty darn complicated.  But would be more representative of how plants like watermelon and pumpkin actually grow, and the fact that they take up TONS of garden space.

Just some thoughts!  I've not the time right now, but down the road I could probably help with graphics if that would be helpful.



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Just now, Darmo said:

I think most all the major stuff is covered really.  But a few other typical Euro-American candidates: peas, spinach, broccoli, eggplant, zucchini, radishes, beets, okra, cucumbers, asparagus, artichoke, brussel sprouts.  Prickly pear cactus and pineapple for the more exotic side.

I don't know if it's within the scope of your mod, but I always thought it odd that wild tomatoes and beans grow with a stake in the ground by them!  I think it'd be interesting if there were both wild and staked versions of some crops.  The wild ones would just be on the ground, but the player could make trellises of sticks for vines like tomatoes, peas, beans and cucumbers.  This would increase the yield.  Something like a 3x3 grid of sticks makes a trellis (something to do with all those sticks!)  Player places trellis in a garden spot, then plants seed on the same spot.  It would be neat if the wild recumbant versions would generate an additional 'child' block adjacent to the original 'parent' block.  This would also make trellises more space efficient.  I don't know how feasible that is.

Another related thought is for gourds and melons to have a central parent plant, and surround themselves with vines.  IRL these plants take up huge amounts of garden real estate.  Basically the idea might be to plant the plant, and at it matures, it checks for clear spaces around itself, and if it finds one, produces vines on that spot.  It could be a defined pattern (eventually fills a 5x5 grid centered on the 'parent' plant) or could be somewhat random (produces up to 25 vine blocks as far as 3 blocks from the parent plant, Each time searching for an existing vine or parent plant adjacent, before placing the new one).  Then at the appropriate stage, a random number of the vine blocks flowers and fruits.  Not all do.  Might be pretty darn complicated.  But would be more representative of how plants like watermelon and pumpkin actually grow, and the fact that they take up TONS of garden space.

Just some thoughts!  I've not the time right now, but down the road I could probably help with graphics if that would be helpful.


As of right now I won't be able to implement something like this using the current system, but I could definitely work on something like this as a longer-term project. It's definitely possible and feasible, and I would be absolutely be down for something like this. I'm probably not going to work on it immediately, but don't count it out entirely!


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I tested the addon and I found some bugs. I am using other mods too , if you want I can give you the list. First of all , I found pumpkin blocks spawned in the world ( a brand new world) then I tried to plant some melons and pumpkins and after I planted them , the texture was glitched. When I try to carve a pumpkin/ melon it gives me a pickled salted dried pumpkin / melon. ( I use CookingWithTFC Addon , maybe that's the issue).  I have a suggestion too . Can you add pumpkin pie? Sorry for my english. I might make some mistakes. I hope you understand what I try to say :) 

Edited by Leo05

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10 hours ago, Leo05 said:

I tested the addon and I found some bugs. I am using other mods too , if you want I can give you the list. First of all , I found pumpkin blocks spawned in the world ( a brand new world) then I tried to plant some melons and pumpkins and after I planted them , the texture was glitched. When I try to carve a pumpkin/ melon it gives me a pickled salted dried pumpkin / melon. ( I use CookingWithTFC Addon , maybe that's the issue).  I have a suggestion too . Can you add pumpkin pie? Sorry for my english. I might make some mistakes. I hope you understand what I try to say :) 

Huh, I thought I fixed those bugs. I'll check it out.

Also, can I have the world seed and coordinates of the pumpkins?

EDTI: Okay I just did a fresh install with only Forge, TFC, and TerraFirmaPumpkins, and it worked fine, so I'm guessing it's a conflict with CookingWithTFC. I'll debug now.

EDIT2: I just installed CookingWithTFC and it still works fine. Those all sound like ASM issues to me. The 0oz of Pickled Salted Dried Pumpkin means it's not calling my CustomFoodCraftingHandler, and the texture glitch means it's not calling RenderCustomCrop, and the pumpkins spawning means it's now calling WorldGenDummyPumpkin. All of those are ASM modifications, so it sounds like something else's ASM must be messing with mine. Are those the only two mods you used, or were there others?

EDIT3: Screenshot proof that the two mods work together:

EDIT4: Rebuilt and uploaded my newest build, in case I fixed something but forgot about it. Link in the OP has been updated.

Edited by Peffern
added screenshot

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Hey good day, so i found a problem when i use Pewter Mod and the TerrafirmaPumpkins. So the problem was their first name was TerrafirmaPumpkins which the launcher found it a duplicate, because of it's first name,



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4 hours ago, GnomeKnight said:

Hey good day, so i found a problem when i use Pewter Mod and the TerrafirmaPumpkins. So the problem was their first name was TerrafirmaPumpkins which the launcher found it a duplicate, because of it's first name,


Whoops, I forgot to change the name of the mod. I'll be putting out a fix soon for that.


EDIT: Edited the link in the OP to point to 1.1, which fixes this issue. Works partially in technode, still missing anvil recipes.

EDIT2: Edited the link to point to point to 1.2, which now works in TechNode.

Edited by Peffern

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Is it possible to change all TFC seed production rate during harvesting? It would be welcome to have it configurable (I mean all TFC crops).


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I downloaded the latest versions of TerraFirmaPumpkins and TFC Pewter and everything works fine now :) 
I have some suggestions : add Pumpkin Pie , add Cucumber , add Cantaloupe Melon , add Zucchini .



Edited by Leo05
Added suggestion

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New version of TerraFirmaPumpkins: swapped the direction of production (plants now produce food directly, which can be crafted into blocks) and added mushrooms. You can't eat them, but you can make them into meals. Right click to replant.


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Hi, I just down loaded you addon and I really like it. Mushrooms appear to be bugged though. There is no recipe for combining or cutting them. I tried with all my mods installed and just with NEI, I had the same problem both times.

Just wondering if you can look into that.




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On 10/23/2016 at 1:58 PM, Sayreg said:

Hi, I just down loaded you addon and I really like it. Mushrooms appear to be bugged though. There is no recipe for combining or cutting them. I tried with all my mods installed and just with NEI, I had the same problem both times.

Just wondering if you can look into that.



Oh, I think I know what happened, give me a second.

EDIT: Should be fixed now.

Edited by Peffern

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6 hours ago, Peffern said:

Oh, I think I know what happened, give me a second.

EDIT: Should be fixed now.

Awesome, it works great now. Thanks for getting back to me so fast


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Is it possible to add (configurable) option for breaking possibility of pewter dishes? Of course much smaller than pottery?


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I don't think it's realistic to have pewter dishes break - IRL, pewter utensils are pretty indestructible - they may bend out of shape a bit but break?  no...

Edited by ChunkHunter

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