Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Lock Boxes

26 posts in this topic

A lockbox would be like a chest, except made out of metal sheets instead of wooden planks.

The easiest implementation would be that a lockbox is only openable by the person who placed it, and cannot be destroyed except by the person who placed it or an OP.

A harder implementation would be that creating a lockbox creates an additional item, a key, matched to that lock box. One would have to have the key in their inventory to open the lockbox. Copies of the key could be made by placing an ingot on the anvil, along with they key in the plans slot.


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Key idea is way better. You have to keep in mind competitive gameplay, that way people can't just hide all their goodies in it and leave it unlootable. The reason people raid in the first place is for loot, lol.


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I like the idea of keys because if you work in a group it keeps the chest secure while letting everyone you want to, to have access to the chest. Also it's way easier to hide or carry keys than to hide all your valuable stuff in secret vault. +1


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Another thing you can do, break the box, it will be loud, and no one will be proud, and hopefully it leaves behind a junk block.


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No. For a couple of reasons: the first idea is way overpowered and the second just leads to endless frustration for an unlucky person like me.


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Key idea is way better. You have to keep in mind competitive gameplay, that way people can't just hide all their goodies in it and leave it unlootable. The reason people raid in the first place is for loot, lol.

And raiding would be fine, if there was someone there 24/7 who could repel invaders. But I have shit to do OTHER than play Minecraft, and I don't like the idea that I can get up to Red Steel and some asshole with a flint spear can come along and steal all my stuff.


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So hide it.


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I really like the idea of locking your chests with keys. It allows for a way to hide your stuff, but not make it completely foolproof (i.e, someone kills you and loots the keys to your storage shed).


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Locks are getting seriously discussed in the Kingdoms Brainstorming thread now. Here's a diversion. :U

Please read that one thing I wrote about that one lock/lock picking minigame.


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I see a flaw... In real life if you break a chest you will open it. Not that this mod is all about real life, I just think that if you get stolen from it's your job to hunt them down, kill them, and take everything they own. I would rather have a 10sec respawn timer and a way to hide your overhead name. Then, since TFC servers are anarchy you have a nice way to start a war. Now I know you all will want to be nice and not get on anybodies bad side.

I will have an accomplice with me when I start going on these servers, don't mess wid me.


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wondering if I should copypasta my post from the stickied thread here...


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There will probably be an option in the server settings to make servers that have full protection on personal property. If you like raiding other peoples hardwork and sweat, you better be prepared to be kicked in the nads and robbed blind by other people too.


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There will probably be an option in the server settings to make servers that have full protection on personal property. If you like raiding other peoples hardwork and sweat, you better be prepared to be kicked in the nads and robbed blind by other people too.

If that was directed at me, don't worry. I don't steal, I was basically saying that because the other people on the server will rape you, no need for lockboxes.

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If that was directed at me, don't worry. I don't steal, I was basically saying that because the other people on the server will rape you, no need for lockboxes.

no, no, I meant in general. I'd be happy to play with you.

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There will probably be an option in the server settings to make servers that have full protection on personal property. If you like raiding other peoples hardwork and sweat, you better be prepared to be kicked in the nads and robbed blind by other people too.

The ability to hire and equip npc guards via some of the discussion in the beta 3 thread with a non kos list for friends would go a long way to makeing an area guarded. However, block protection is also cool. Would allow you to make a castle and have people actually have to use the front door instead of cutting through the wall cause they don't want to walk around.


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I'm against npc guards, or at least the way people are portraying them, i much perfer the idea of golems and wolves being your defense.


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I'm against npc guards, or at least the way people are portraying them, i much perfer the idea of golems and wolves being your defense.

well, you'll be half happy

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Woot? lol, i guess i'll have to wait and see what you have in store for that. probably wolves, but i cannot wait :P


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Woot? lol, i guess i'll have to wait and see what you have in store for that. probably wolves, but i cannot wait :P

oh no, not wolves hehehe.

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Then.... well damn, you're just going to make me stay addicted with this mod aren't you?


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Then.... well damn, you're just going to make me stay addicted with this mod aren't you?

actually, now that I think about it, I could make it so that wolves are more dynamic. Perhaps with some training, they could be set on a sort of guard duty? This will have to have some thought, as to how it will function, but we do have some other ideas.

(and getting you addicted to the mod is sort of the point, isn't it?)


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actually, now that I think about it, I could make it so that wolves are more dynamic. Perhaps with some training, they could be set on a sort of guard duty? This will have to have some thought, as to how it will function, but we do have some other ideas.

(and getting you addicted to the mod is sort of the point, isn't it?)

Quite :D and i would be very interested to see this, as i know you'd be able to do it very well!


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Quite :D and i would be very interested to see this, as i know you'd be able to do it very well!



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actually, now that I think about it, I could make it so that wolves are more dynamic. Perhaps with some training, they could be set on a sort of guard duty? This will have to have some thought, as to how it will function, but we do have some other ideas.

(and getting you addicted to the mod is sort of the point, isn't it?)

I liek dis... My yard would be full of dogs. While you are add it, lets change them to German Shepards and give them the ability to latch on to you. Jk, I may reskin them to a German Shepard with a police coat though.

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