Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Boreal Forest Village

18 posts in this topic

To begin with I must say that I'm playing with a quite bit of mods and the MultiMC Instance of the modpack can be downloaded HERE.
It's a modified Bunsan's modpack (by the way, thank you so much for putting some stuff I couldn't togather). Tweaked some configs and added Carpenter's Blocks. Also planning to add Ships mod, but at the moment too lazy to do so.

So, I've started a new game recently. You may have seen my other topic with a quite big town (steel age) going on there, but unfortunately my friends stopped playing so I had to start all over again in single player this time, and I must say that this time it was probably the best run I had so far. Not going to bother with much more text, here are some screenshots I took, tell me what you think.


this is how it looks from the JourneyMap perspective.



Here I decide to settle down. These are the very first days.













Was really hyped about the discovery of Tetrahedrite vine right beneath my shed.



















Saw a house design by Mac4s on the forum and just fell in love with it. Modified it a bit and started building.












Found horses, cows and sheep nearby. Started working on a barn for them to stay in.









As you have already seen, there are some hot springs ringh outside my shed. This is very convinient, but it looked ugly, so a made an open bath.









As soon as I got my hand on Cassetirite, I started building a Bloomery. There's only one functioning right now, but there'll be 3 by the end.






Also made an ingot storage.




And this is how it looked from different perspectives throughout the ingame year.















Farming was going so well and I just couldn't cope with all the food I got from it. It was just decaying much faster than consumed, so I built a cellar. God, that took so much wood, clay and time.











That's it for now. Gonna be adding new screenshots when I get some.

Edited by Sugar_Fox
updated the link to the modpack

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I'm loving the triple bloomery design!

Ever thought of using that for a castle?


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On 22.01.2017 at 1:55 PM, dukejuke said:

I'm loving the triple bloomery design!

Ever thought of using that for a castle?

Thanks! Spent quite some time working on it in creative world.
I've actually changed it quite a bit. Added a circular staircase by both entrances, so it's easier to get on the top and looks much better. I'll post a screenshot as soon as I get down to updating the topic.

Talking about the castle, yeah, I actually have. However, I do believe it's going to be hard to accomplish such a task, as the area that my village occupies is relevantly large and exceeds my normal spawn protection radius.
So, I either have to change the chunk spawn protection radius (which I have absolutely no idea of how to), or give up on an idea of a secluded castle, as mobs will keep spawning within the wall perimeter. 

Nevertheless, a castle will still be built anyway, but this village is going to be the land, that belongs to the castle, rather than the castle itself. (a castle will be somewhere nearby)
I fould a nice spot for it a bit to the north of the village, closer to the sea. I also plan for this castle to have a port, so that I had some place to dock my ships.


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Nice to see that you like my little house design :D That was a surprise.  Also nice surrounding area you have there, except the grass, I just can't look at the dry grassland. 


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9 hours ago, Mac4s said:

Nice to see that you like my little house design :D That was a surprise.  Also nice surrounding area you have there, except the grass, I just can't look at the dry grassland. 

Yeah, I know, the grass is such a pain, especially in the distance.
The filters start rolling in and the grass starts to look like some moss, whis is not only ugly, but also somewhat disgusting. Ughh

But hey, I got used to that.
The grass actually started to seem pretty... but only in winter...

And yeah, the design is beautiful. I wanted to build something like that myself, but the wooden planks' walls would always cut my eyes.
The whole idea of replacing them with log piles itself...
God, that's genius!


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On 22.03.2017 at 1:59 AM, fred_ttangi said:

i cant download the pack


Sorry, I've updated the modpack and forgot to edit the link to a newer version.
I've added shaders. Water, plants, leaves and, what's no less important, rivers work fantastic. However, my fps drops from 90 to 20-30.
Nevertheless, I do think that TFC should definetly be played with shaders. It's just so beautiful then.

Anyway, I've aupdated the link in the post itself, but you can also get it HERE.

Edited by Sugar_Fox

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On 22.01.2017 at 1:55 PM, dukejuke said:

I'm loving the triple bloomery design!

Ever thought of using that for a castle?

I finally got my hands on the bloomery. It's been a long break for me, haven't played TFC for a couple of months now, but afer a tourism trip to Azerbaijan I feen inspired to build and create again!
Here is the newer, better version of the bloomery. It's much easier now to get to the top. Looks better aswell I think.



Creative build




Survival build




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17 minutes ago, Sugar_Fox said:

Sorry, I've updated the modpack and forgot to edit the link to a newer version.
I've added shaders. Water, plants, leaves and, what's no less important, rivers work fantastic. However, my fps drops from 90 to 20-30.
Nevertheless, I do think that TFC should definetly be played with shaders. It's just so beautiful then.

Anyway, I've aupdated the link in the post itself, but you can also get it HERE.




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Well hello there sexy!

This is beginning to look less like a bloomery and more like a middle eastern dwarf temple, the chimneys are remniscient of Masjid domes/minarets.

Which i guess was the point? :P

All in all, asbsolutely Haram!

(TFC2 Dwarves when?)



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7 hours ago, dukejuke said:

Well hello there sexy!

This is beginning to look less like a bloomery and more like a middle eastern dwarf temple, the chimneys are remniscient of Masjid domes/minarets.

Which i guess was the point? :P

All in all, asbsolutely Haram!

(TFC2 Dwarves when?)


Yup, that was indeed the point
I wanted my village to looke more like a scandinavian town on IIX century, but when I realised that they didn't have any bloomeries (they did, but they were aweful) I just didn't know what to do, so I did waht I can do good enough: Temples!


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One ingame year passed and so did my Copper mine get depleated.

Well, deamn, that's bad.







The last layer gave me 47 ingots, although it's sooooo not enough. I still need a whole tonn of copper to make 2 more bloomeries, which consist of 32 bronze ingots each, and as we all know, bronze is 90% copper.
Seems like I'm gonna have to look for a new vien. Hopefully the new one won't be poor like this one.


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I've spent like 4 hours to locate a new Malachite vien and to dig it out.

It was on the very surface, so I made a quarry instead of a mineshaft.
Unfortunately forgot to make a screenshot of it.
I will the next time I go there, but I doubt it will be any time soon.


Ingot storage



Now my plans are to finish the bloomery, as there is only 1 out of 3 ready to use.

The next up is locating some Iron. I have a lot of Limonite marked around, just need to find the best place to set up a mineshaft.
Then there comes iron age and with iron tools I'm gonna start working on buildings, and there is quite a lot in plans:


Edited by Sugar_Fox

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On 06/04/2017 at 10:33 AM, Sugar_Fox said:

I've spent like 4 hours to locate a new Malachite vien and to dig it out.

It was on the very surface, so I made a quarry instead of a mineshaft.
Unfortunately forgot to make a screenshot of it.
I will the next time I go there, but I doubt it will be any time soon.

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Ingot storage



Now my plans are to finish the bloomery, as there is only 1 out of 3 ready to use.

The next up is locating some Iron. I have a lot of Limonite marked around, just need to find the best place to set up a mineshaft.
Then there comes iron age and with iron tools I'm gonna start working on buildings, and there is quite a lot in plans:


there´s any seed that you used or a download link to map


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On 10/01/2017 at 10:16 AM, Sugar_Fox said:

As soon as I got my hand on Cassetirite, I started building a Bloomery. There's only one functioning right now, but there'll be 3 by the end.

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how do you build that


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On 04.06.2017 at 9:42 PM, fred_ttangi said:

how do you build that

I use "Carpenter's Blocks" mod that adds triangle-shaped blocks
You can download the modpack I assambled Here

And about the map seed, I got it generated at random, but you can have one for yourself
Here it is: -542253696

The place I'm at is a bit south from the spawn
X: 400
Z: -12400


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On 20/06/2017 at 4:53 PM, Sugar_Fox said:

I use "Carpenter's Blocks" mod that adds triangle-shaped blocks
You can download the modpack I assambled Here

And about the map seed, I got it generated at random, but you can have one for yourself
Here it is: -542253696

The place I'm at is a bit south from the spawn
X: 400
Z: -12400

ok thanks



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On 19/06/2017 at 4:53 PM, Sugar_Fox said:

I use "Carpenter's Blocks" mod that adds triangle-shaped blocks
You can download the modpack I assambled Here

And about the map seed, I got it generated at random, but you can have one for yourself
Here it is: -542253696

The place I'm at is a bit south from the spawn
X: 400
Z: -12400

link not found



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