Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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49 posts in this topic

Whenever the devs decide the content is sufficient for release. Lol. Patience my friend 

Edited by Mathias Ademar

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there are currently working on mobs models. no big news so far from bioxx, no tweet, no screenshot. it's pretty damn dead actually.

but darmo is doing a great job on mobs recently. he's apparently the only one.

Edited by landryx

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On 19/1/2017 at 5:46 AM, landryx said:

there are currently working on mobs models. no big news so far from bioxx, no tweet, no screenshot. it's pretty damn dead actually.

but darmo is doing a great job on mobs recently. he's apparently the only one.

The last commit on GitHub was on 29 November... Recently Bioxx was working principally with food.


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cool thx diego! GitHub..!


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its not, there just isnt much being worked on atm that is flashy, like the physics stuff was. give it time guys. TFC 2 will be here soon enough.


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That's what we've been saying for the 2 and 1/2 years since build 79 came out... I want to believe that TFC 2 is coming, but... 


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I check in every month or so, but if I don't see any activity I will keep doing other things. As long as the forums are online, I'm hopeful tfc2 is being developed. It's a spare-time project so best to keep expectations realistic :D


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As Bioxx isn't earning a salary from working on TFC2―and the fact this is ultimately a hobby for him and the other developers―it's best for us players not to expect a playable release for a while.


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Well, we can help out by tossing money at it :) 


If they set up a donate link then i will gladly give money to help speed or even make it slowly grind ahead.


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7 hours ago, holyass said:

If they set up a donate link then i will gladly give money to help speed or even make it slowly grind ahead.

There already is a donate link.  It's one of the large icons in the green menu bar at the top of these forums.  Second from the right.

If you mean a more specific form of donation, along the lines of kickstarter, it's been suggested a few times.  It seems like in general the devs want to avoid donations that put pressure on them.  Personally I think it'd be a useful indicator of what features are actually a priority for people (i.e. they are willing to pay for).  But, as Kitty says in that link, a lot of people, when they donate, they then feel entitled.  And that's a headache for the devs. 


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Gotta say 1)i want a release date but not bad enough to bug/push devs to a point of no dev of game

2)i still have tfc to play and other games in the mean time

3) idk what to put here lol

but yeah im excited there may be a tfc2 and cant wait but mad respect for devs working on it and wanting to put out the best they can.


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I can wait, but I'd like a to have confirmation that tfc2 its still a thing. Maybe a once per year update?


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3 hours ago, CorpseDrop said:

I can wait, but I'd like a to have confirmation that tfc2 its still a thing. Maybe a once per year update?

If they really wanted to, the devs could do random posts of progress on their code similar to what the developer of Dwarf Fortress does. Nothing formal or fancy, just posts containing what they've been working over the past several days or weeks or even months. It doesn't even have to be a weekly thing; the DF developer posts progress on the main page of Bay12 Games whenever he feels like he's done some progress.

Of course, there could be better ways for the devs to keep the players interested in TFC2, but it doesn't change the fact that we all have to wait until they develop the mod enough such that it is ready for a public release. But I admittedly would like some form of update, be it structured weekly or whenever something interesting―as with ToadyOne's case (the developer of DF, for those who aren't aware)―as total radio silence from the devs won't necessarily maintain faith in a public release of TFC2 in the long run.


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i am quite comfortable waiting patiently even if they dont post updates. I wouldnt want to make the devs feel some false sense of obligation to put out content of the product THEY created  to the fanbase/ mod community who use their program free of charge. (donations exempt from count as they are, as described, donations)


(Last second edit) just a note, im sorry if i come across as anything other than  perfectly calm, the above is merely the way i talk and formulate sentences in my head.

Edited by Mathias Ademar

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I follow Dwarf Fortress updates religiously every week, I find it funny and interesting most of the time.

However, ToadyOne gets several thousand dollars every month from donations, so its expected of him to make alot of complicated status updates.

Keeping the interest in the game is important so he can get donations to work full time on DF.
I don't think that's the case here.


I suggest the TFC2 devs make a small, tweet sized update once per year, quickly summing up where they are in the development, or what has been done in the year.

But really IMO, the loyal fans will come around when its done, no matter if it looked dead for years.



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^^^ is one such fan who will pop about till release. :3


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Sorry guys, I've been pretty bad about working on TFC2 for a while. I really should update you guys more on things when that happens. 

Edit: I might do a release with what we have right now, which isn't very compelling and missing a LOT of content just to see if I can get myself back into things. Let me know what you guys think and I'll think about it.


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Bioxx I for sure would like to try what do you have right now even if it is incomplete. Maybe testers comments and ideas after actually trying it would help you and motivate somehow? Anyway I love terrafirmacraft and support your work so do what you think is right :)


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The *armos agree, anything that might help you stay motivated.  I'd definitely love to be able to see all the new terrain generation.  At the same time a more thorough release might be more compelling from the standpoint of the youtube LPs it will likely generate.  Playable TFC2 would be huge hype.   Personally I'm happy just to see github updates again, and could easily wait for some of the basic survival stuff to be in, at least.


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I just want to play with the physic of the blocks... It looked soo cool back then <3


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I believe is best to release an unfinished mod than to try and wait for everything to be perfect.

One of the things I have noticed lately is how quiet the forum is.

Maybe to have a constructive discussion here would motivate all Dev's.

No matter what is released, in the end, it will be better than trying to play Vanilla.


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