Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Smithing takes all the fun out of this mod

10 posts in this topic

As the title states. I now remember why I gave up on this the first time, I've spent almost the last hour just trying to smith a DAMN COPPER KNIFE. On top of the stupid "techniques" that are not equivalent and have no clear values or indications of HOW MUCH the affect the progress of either bar having the re-select the current plan after reheating the ingot... wtf.


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First the reselecting of the plan has to do with the anvil registering who is doing the smithing so that proper smithing bonus can be applied to the item.

Second smithing is part of the mod. The normal official response is that TFC is meant to be played in a group and if you didn't like smithing hopefully someone else would. I personally love the system and overtime have learned how it works, without looking at the code, to be able to make most items fairly easily and refine it to the minimal number of moves in short order. This would make me valuable on a server, either in a group playing together or where I could sell my skills to other players.

Now in SSP this doesn't work and you can obviously play whatever way you want. My suggestion is that if you don't like the smithing, then use minetweaker to either add non anvil recipes for all the tools. Or remove the current recipes and make new anvil recipes for the items that don't care what moves are made, just that the arrows align.


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I struggled with the smithing a bit and find it a bit of a pain in the ass but it is rewarding. I personally liked the old system where "close enough" netted you a slightly damaged tool. I also find that smithing is something I have to be in the mood for. My only regret with TFC is that the world is empty....I can make a bunch of stuff but who is going to buy a red steel pick from the last (and only) man on earth?



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I agree, that smithing can be frustrated for beginners, I was frustrated either, especially when forging meltable copper/bronze tools, but now I can achieve final product faster, even without any calculations, just intuition - it is awesome, that this system demand real experience, not just bonus numbers, to get items quickly.

Anyway, button 'accurate with bonus+experience gain/close enough without bonus and experience' would be good idea.


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You might want to try start with bronze if at all feasible.  iirc it's a little easier to work with due to higher melting point, so you have longer time in the 'workable' range.  I also find it to be an amazing system that takes some real life skill, so in a larger multi-player environment your skill can set you apart from everyone else.  I just wish TFC was more geared toward those kinds of environments. 

If github updates are any indication, TFC2 will have GUI-less smithing, which is probably the thing I would most look forward to seeing in an early release.


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Update: after cooling off and playing something else for a bit I tried smithing again and I don't know why but it seems so much easier and I was actually able to make several tools in a row, its really rewarding when you finally make something :D.

But seriously getting those markers to within pixels of each other and not even getting at least a damaged product is so damn annoying.

Edited by ChaiFox

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GUI-less FTW! I have never said it before but the less GUI in minecraft the better IMO.


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It's trivial to just visually count how many notches each action moves the pointer. I know it's considered "cheating" but I was never able to stop myself :P I don't even know how you'd be able to get anything done otherwise.


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3 hours ago, hoseja said:

It's trivial to just visually count how many notches each action moves the pointer. I know it's considered "cheating" but I was never able to stop myself :P I don't even know how you'd be able to get anything done otherwise.

The vanilla-tfc anvil gui doesn't have 'notches', it's just a smooth bar.  If by 'notches' you mean pixels, I don't think anyone would call that cheating; it's just using the feedback you're given, and congratulations on having the eyes of a hawk. If you're using a mod that adds actual notches to the bar for ease of counting, that's something else. 


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On 16/3/2017 at 6:35 AM, ChaiFox said:

As the title states. I now remember why I gave up on this the first time, I've spent almost the last hour just trying to smith a DAMN COPPER KNIFE. On top of the stupid "techniques" that are not equivalent and have no clear values or indications of HOW MUCH the affect the progress of either bar having the re-select the current plan after reheating the ingot... wtf.


Smithing is a infinitely finicky thing to do, alone the knowledge needed is staggering, TFC's equivalent is letting us off lightly.
It was never intended to be easy, nor learnable in five minutes. I'm just glad there is a temperature or progress bar at all.

Also, have this for a little motivation:



Past thoughts from Bioxx:

At first this mod may seem daunting, but just as the game that served as the initial inspiration for this mod, Dwarf Fortress, it is well worth the time spent learning and mastering the systems.




On 20/3/2017 at 1:58 PM, Darmo said:

The vanilla-tfc anvil gui doesn't have 'notches', it's just a smooth bar.  If by 'notches' you mean pixels, I don't think anyone would call that cheating; it's just using the feedback you're given, and congratulations on having the eyes of a hawk. If you're using a mod that adds actual notches to the bar for ease of counting, that's something else. 


I once taped a post it note with five notches to the side of the bar, in my defence i was new to the game then. :lol:


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