Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

490 posts in this topic

This thread will be the temporary location for TFC2 releases for the time being. At some point we'll create a proper download page, as well as a tfc2 wiki domain.

TFC2 is in VERY EARLY ALPHA, there are many issues and a lot of missing content.

TFC2 requires Pam's Harvestcraft

Not using Pam's Harvestcraft means that you'll most likely starve to death as TFC2 does not implement any food items of its own.


Please keep issues related to the Prerelease in this thread

If you happen to find a worldgen issue that I may need to investigate for myself, please use the command "/dbg report" in game at the location. It will copy some relevant information to your systems clipboard which you can then paste into your post.




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Hype. Are Pam's foods changed to work like TFC ones, or is this a temporary vanilla-like farming system?


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logic says vanilla as he just mentioned foods arent done yet.


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Pams take over all of the heavy lifting with food, however through the power of ASM, they work with TFC features.


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I'm getting it! Awesome work, I was wondering why you were so active lately. :-)

Edit: It works for mac, right?

Edited by Argen

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I like what I see so far. Are you taking bug/crash reports on GitHub, or is it too early even for that?


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I'd prefer to keep all the reports in this thread for the time being. Not a big fan of github issues. But if you have a crash or whatever, definitely let me know at least.


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Okay, well here goes. I was knapping a knife and got this crash while dragging my cursor across multiple tiles (to quickly remove material). This was reproducible at least twice doing the same thing each time (knapping by dragging mouse quickly across tiles). If I knap slowly, it seems to avoid the crash.

Edited by moshee

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ohh thanks thats an easy fix. related to some code that lets me create knapping recipes by knapping a shape in the window.

Edit: did you turn debug mode on?


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I haven't changed any of the config file settings, just dropped TFC2 and Harvestcraft into brand new 1.11.2 Forge and started playing. Assuming it's TFCOptions.cfg? I don't see a key for debug mode in there.


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Really happy to try it. Here are things that I saw. Might not be "bug", some might be intended. 


I found a vanilla oak tree that have normal minecraft leaf instead of the "better leaf" leaf of the TFC trees. As only TFC leaf get thas style, and not all tree like with better leaf mods, it's making the game a bit strange as the trees from other mods, (like pam's fruit trees that are oak disguised as fruit trees) have different leaf. I also do not like better leaf so I would personally prefer to have an option to disable it, but it could also be nice to have it apply to any leaf of any mod installe along TFC.

Drop rate of stick from leaf look like a 1:1 rate, and did not get a single sappling (but a stack of stick).

At first the leaf quickly decay, then somehow stop to, leaving a bunch of floating leaf block in the air.

When used with JEI, the tool selection interface is not going over JEI, so making it impossible to highlight a tool plan.

Found a nice river, but I think that the places where the river is going down is somehow steep, often look like a waterfall. Also, then the river connect to a lake, I noticed some missing water block that is causing chaotic flow.

Sorry if it's a vanilla thing, but breakin the bottom of a 2 tall grass only break the bottom block.

Pam's food are only replenishing a little bit of hunger and at the rate I found the pam's garden, will starve  a lot before finding  the quantity of food required. (If you survive the night as the tools don't do much more damage then fist).

If there is a plan to add as many tool level as in TFC 1, could it be an option to name the tool "Shovel" instead of "stone shovel" and put "stone" as the second line, like for rock and wood type. Can also be done for tool heads.

Flowing water is not breaking small stones on the ground.

Technically not a bug, the sand gravity is not working super well with 2 high sand wall naturally generated in desert, as well as top layer of sand on top of a desert cliff, it can literally triger a landslide when a single block is updated.


I know it's a sensible issue, but the hex sometime look strange. It almost look like the hex pattern is fighting a circle pattern. Looking at a shore, it's like a sawtooth wit the hex pattern, the other shore is like waivy with clear circle lines.

On the other hand, I saw an AMAZING cavern on the shore!


Sorry it it's too much. If it is i'll refrain from posting that many observations.

Edited by aliceingame

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Feedback in all forms is exactly what I need, keep it coming. The tree thing is just because I haven't really attempted to change pams fruit trees yet. Will get to that at some point.


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Happy :D So far i don't have any bugs. Trees and animals are absolutely fantastic, rocks shape and new knapping sound also - love details like that ^^ In third world I generated sequoia trees without looking *.*


So I have first noob question - how do you make a firestarter in this version? I tried to do it like before with no results O.o

Edited by Narmo

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After a few very brief 1-day playthroughs in survival, I noticed that I can start knapping with only one rock.  But then when I start removing pieces the texture disappears (grey pattern area remains though), and I can't actually get an output.  But would probably be best if I cannot start knapping with just one rock.  I also couldn't figure out how to make firestarter.

Love the streams with gravel banks! 

I can't be sure but I found some food in the vicinity of another  garden, by a stream.  I don't know if the water destroyed a garden and left the food, or what, but it appeared that a couple other gardens had been destroyed by the environment somehow.  The food was sitting on the gravel bank by a stream, so maybe it generated a garden on gravel which then wasn't a valid base and it despawned?

At one point I found a soggy garden on a hill at elevation 100, and noticed that according to f3 I was in a swamp biome.  Not sure if that's desired?  I didn't really try to investigate just how large the swamp biome was, to see if any part at all of it looked more swampy.  The hill was rather large, and one side was beach and what appeared to be ocean.  So there was nothing obviously swampy looking in the immediate area where I found the garden.  No cattails yet, it seems?  Or maybe I just didn't find any freshwater lakes...

I too found some minor water issues.  One where two flowing blocks were not flowing over and down, and another where one block of water appeared different.  I didn't have waila installed and only later realized f3 gives info about what you're looking at, so I'm not sure if it was a random vanilla block, or what.
















I also noticed grass is generating on the rock floor of ravines, and cave openings.  Not sure if that's intentional?  What little I've seen of caves are awesome, btw!








Though I did just notice after posting that screenshot, the top left stalagtite appears to be hanging from dirt?  I did notice at some ravine lips, there were stone blocks neighbored only by dirt, where it was starting to 'curve back over'.  Kind of minor I guess.

Can hardly wait till tonight to do some creative fly-throughs!!!



Edited by Darmo

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I just had a heart attack
Is it a dream?


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No, actually it is a very real thing and also a very nice present ^^ When I saw it also could't believe for a moment :)


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Tnx Bioxx you the man, sadly i cant test drive it atm since i have family from spain over for a week, but ill test drive the crap out of it after next weekend for sure :P

The pams harvestcraft is an intresting spin on things, i always found it fit in quite well because of its RL accuracy in terms of crops themself. but never got around making it actually work with TFC 1.


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It's been a long time since I've really done anything in Minecraft, can someone remind me how to install this?


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Seed: 4443557301047352346


I sometimes spawn on a tiny island with no other land in sight.  There always is more land, it's just too far away to see, even with my render distance cranked up to 24 chunks.  In this example, the mainland is 400 blocks away and I had to go into creative mode and circle my tiny island at a distance to find it.  Is this sort of thing supposed to happen?



Hex-based world gen is interesting.  It's still a little weird to see, but I'm thinking I might get used to it in the same way that no one questions why everything in the game is made out of 1m square blocks.


Lakes and streams are cool.  I too have noticed after chopping trees that the leaves like to hang out in the air afterwards, though I do like the better-style leaves.  I have also noticed that some trees (spruce, for example) drop massive amounts of logs, like almost a whole stack.  Is this normal?  Admittedly, I didn't stop to count them, but it didn't look like there were that many individual log blocks in the tree itself.

Edited by Konlii

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1 hour ago, Konlii said:
  Reveal hidden contents

I sometimes spawn on a tiny island with no other land in sight.  There always is more land, it's just too far away to see, even with my render distance cranked up to 24 chunks.  In this example, the mainland is 400 blocks away and I had to go into creative mode and circle my tiny island at a distance to find it.  Is this sort of thing supposed to happen?


Hex-based world gen is interesting.  It's still a little weird to see, but I'm thinking I might get used to it in the same way that no one questions why everything in the game is made out of 1m square blocks.


Lakes and streams are cool.  I too have noticed after chopping trees that the leaves like to hang out in the air afterwards, though I do like the better-style leaves.  I have also noticed that some trees (spruce, for example) drop massive amounts of logs, like almost a whole stack.  Is this normal?  Admittedly, I didn't stop to count them, but it didn't look like there were that many individual log blocks in the tree itself

That is definitely not supposed to happen. I've noticed a few other island shape issues that I'm going to have to take a look at. It is supposed to find your spawn location by locating a hex in the middle of the map and constantly searching downhill until it finds beach. If you're ending up on an island, then I'm guessing it started in the wrong place or something. Not really sure, I'll look into it.

As far as the trees. I haven't directly noticed any log duplication myself but we'll see.

4 hours ago, Darmo said:

After a few very brief 1-day playthroughs in survival, I noticed that I can start knapping with only one rock.  But then when I start removing pieces the texture disappears (grey pattern area remains though), and I can't actually get an output.  But would probably be best if I cannot start knapping with just one rock.  I also couldn't figure out how to make firestarter.

Love the streams with gravel banks! 

I can't be sure but I found some food in the vicinity of another  garden, by a stream.  I don't know if the water destroyed a garden and left the food, or what, but it appeared that a couple other gardens had been destroyed by the environment somehow.  The food was sitting on the gravel bank by a stream, so maybe it generated a garden on gravel which then wasn't a valid base and it despawned?

At one point I found a soggy garden on a hill at elevation 100, and noticed that according to f3 I was in a swamp biome.  Not sure if that's desired?  I didn't really try to investigate just how large the swamp biome was, to see if any part at all of it looked more swampy.  The hill was rather large, and one side was beach and what appeared to be ocean.  So there was nothing obviously swampy looking in the immediate area where I found the garden.  No cattails yet, it seems?  Or maybe I just didn't find any freshwater lakes...

I too found some minor water issues.  One where two flowing blocks were not flowing over and down, and another where one block of water appeared different.  I didn't have waila installed and only later realized f3 gives info about what you're looking at, so I'm not sure if it was a random vanilla block, or what.

  Reveal hidden contents
  Reveal hidden contents

I also noticed grass is generating on the rock floor of ravines, and cave openings.  Not sure if that's intentional?  What little I've seen of caves are awesome, btw!

  Reveal hidden contents

Though I did just notice after posting that screenshot, the top left stalagtite appears to be hanging from dirt?  I did notice at some ravine lips, there were stone blocks neighbored only by dirt, where it was starting to 'curve back over'.  Kind of minor I guess.

Can hardly wait till tonight to do some creative fly-throughs!!!

I was having a few other issues with knapping when I found that knapping bug myself and it must've gotten lost in the confusion. Thanks. 

The F3 biome indication *should* mean absolutely nothing in TFC2. That said, maybe Pam's is doing a double generation and I forgot to disable it. I'll add that to my list.

I have no idea why that water block looked different, unless it's a biome colormultiplier thing. As for the water blocks not flowing, that is a vanilla issue of the blocks simply not updating. I've been fighting that since I first started work on streams. So far I haven't found an elegant solution.

If you guys find anything cool or weird in terrain generation, take a screenshot and share it.


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5 minutes ago, Bioxx said:

The F3 biome indication *should* mean absolutely nothing in TFC2. That said, maybe Pam's is doing a double generation and I forgot to disable it. I'll add that to my list.



Seed: -6673919124436882977


These are literally the first naturally-spawning animals I have seen in TFC2, which makes me think they aren't supposed to be here.  They spawn right next to my spawn on the beach.  F3 says I'm in a Plains biome.  Re-creating the world with the same seed gives me the same cows.


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15 minutes ago, Bioxx said:

The F3 biome indication *should* mean absolutely nothing in TFC2. That said, maybe Pam's is doing a double generation and I forgot to disable it. I'll add that to my list.

I thought biomes in TFC1 (and kind of expected in TFC2) dictated terrain type?  Hills are hilly, mountains more so, plains are flatt-ish?  I thought swamp biome meant there should be probably a lake(s)? and a lot of flat terrain around, at about sea level.   The part that surprised me wasn't the soggy garden (for all I know they just generate wherever and that's the plan) as that I was up at 100y in a swamp biome.  But I guess if biomes don't even influence terrain now, then nothing to see here...but I could have sworn the hex maps you posted long ago had different terrain or biomes or something?


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Hexes may have their own biome information which is simply based off of the hexes internal data. It is used for some bits of generation, but not used extensively. But it is not the same as the vanilla biome indicator that you see with F3.


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Oh, that's a vanilla biome indicator.  Gotcha.  For reference for a suggestion I'm considering, can the hex biome data be used in things outside generation?  For instance when placing plants, or checking plant growth? Or is it non-accessible after generation is done?


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