Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

490 posts in this topic

Somewhere in the port from 1.10 to 1.11 the mob spawning took a wrong turn and they are now very rare. It's on my list of things to get to.


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This probably off topic but is there a way to get the soundtrack of tfc?

Edited by dudo_fuzik

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I've been trying to decipher what the biome map means, and not having a lot of success.  I thought maybe they were moisture related, but couldn't see any hard correlation between the F3 moisture data and the hexes, except maybe very broadly.  If they are terrain related, and the grey are supposed to be 'mountains', they're very subtle mountains.  If I had one big complaint about the world gen thus far, it's that there's not really any dramatic peaks or rock formations.  Nice cliffs and gorges sometimes, but the central areas of the maps are not a lot discernible from the periphery for the most part, imho.   Was wondering if we could get a clue as to what some of the biome hexes are, or represent in general.  Here's the key I have so far:


The "desert insland" and "desert coast" also appear on temperate maps, I mainly put the "desert" designation to show they are the primary two hexes that desert maps are composed of.


Edited by Darmo

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The Biome map is a moisture+elevation map with some temperature assumptions built in as well. That's where white comes in, its just high elevation so its assumed to be cold even if it isn't. The "biome" aspect of it isn't terribly useful. That's something I could probably address and it would help me on the code side. Anyways its all based off of the original island generator that the TFC2 code is based on.


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50 minutes ago, Bioxx said:

The Biome map is a moisture+elevation map with some temperature assumptions built in as well. That's where white comes in, its just high elevation so its assumed to be cold even if it isn't. The "biome" aspect of it isn't terribly useful. That's something I could probably address and it would help me on the code side. Anyways its all based off of the original island generator that the TFC2 code is based on.

Are you talking about having the hexes report proper biome or Forge BiomeDictionary information?  I hope so, because that would add compatibility for any third-party mods that do different things in different biomes.


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Forge biome dictionary would help with modding, but as long as their is some sort API that allows you pull the biome information of each hex from you could use it. It just means it'd be customized specifically for TFC 2. 


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Finally took a trip down to the tropics!  Found a very suspect palm.  Might want to nix that blueprint from palms!  I love the feel of the tropics though.  The Kapoks are so different from other trees, and then the palms of course, love em!  Makes me want palm frond thatching. 



Later found a portal that spawned in a river hex.  It's pretty ok in this case, but I wonder if portals maybe shouldn't spawn in river hexes, or if portals come first, maybe rivers should be prevented from flowing through portal hexes?  It's not a huge deal though.  They are magic after all!





And finally, I was wondering if the way cliffs generate with pockets of soil is intentional?  It seems weird to me.  I love the exterior look, with uneven stone parapets, but if you remove the dirt you have these weird little ditches, that could actually make convenient early days hiding spots, but just seem odd.  I feel like it'd be better if these cliff face dirt/sand blocks could be limited to 1 block deep.  The 'parapet' is definitely necessary to keep sand in place - although it would be interesting seeing the sand drifts that develop at the base of cliffs if deserts didn't have the parapet.  They'd just be stark wind-blown stone cliffs, which wouldn't be bad for a desert.






Edited by Darmo

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I'm finding random staircases of andesite sand in an otherwise chert desert.  The andesite sand is only one block deep.





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1 minute ago, Konlii said:

I'm finding random staircases of andesite sand in an otherwise chert desert.  The andesite sand is only one block deep.

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world seed and coords please? I can't seem to find this ocurring anywhere


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1 minute ago, Bioxx said:

world seed and coords please? I can't seem to find this ocurring anywhere

It seems to be a problem with sand that has had gravity applied to it and is not consistent.  I recreated the world a few times and there is much less andesite sand when I teleport to the coordinates rather than fly there.



1680 120 -5412


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That andesite sand is vanilla glitch of falling entities changing metadata to default like red sand to classic sand in lazy loaded chunks


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59 minutes ago, dudo_fuzik said:

That andesite sand is vanilla glitch of falling entities changing metadata to default like red sand to classic sand in lazy loaded chunks

What do you mean by "lazy loaded". I dont play vanilla very often so I don't know the vanilla glitch.


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When you stand somwhere chunks around you get loaded (for example 16 in radius but not of circle but square) and outer 2 "rings" are always lazy loaded which means entities arent procesed in them, only blocks. And when sand falls it doesnt create falling sand entitie but teleports the block to the lowest position possible but it doesnt remember metadata.


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Ok that makes sense. Just never heard the term 'lazy-chunk' before.


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Updated to 0.1.6 Added some desert stuff and did a lot of rewriting on some core systems related to island generation. Lakes should be more common(tho they still look pretty bad. Actively a work in progress.). Fixed a major bug with runaway forest generation. This should help a lot of cases of worldgen seeming to hang.


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Oh yeah, this is the kind of update I like to see!  Proper biome reporting.  And whatever you did to worldgen seems like it also sped up chunk loading, so teleporting/creative flying is now much snappier.


Was river width always proportional to lake size or is that new?  Either way, it's a nice feature!  One strange thing about rivers/lakes I found is this smaller river coming from a different lake suddenly stopping about 16 blocks before it hit the big lake.  Is that to stop ouroboros rivers from feeding back to their own source?





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Desert vegetation look really good.

Not sure if entended, but I found several 1 hex lake in this seed just have to follow the river next to spawn, there is at least 7 in this island : -2106250991069264680

Worldgen seemed to be much smoother on world creation.

not sure if intended, but leaf of kapok do not have the "better leaf" type of texture



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4 minutes ago, Konlii said:

Oh yeah, this is the kind of update I like to see!  Proper biome reporting.  And whatever you did to worldgen seems like it also sped up chunk loading, so teleporting/creative flying is now much snappier.


Was river width always proportional to lake size or is that new?  Either way, it's a nice feature!  One strange thing about rivers/lakes I found is this smaller river coming from a different lake suddenly stopping about 16 blocks before it hit the big lake.  Is that to stop ouroboros rivers from feeding back to their own source?

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What you're seeing is likely a product of the broken lakes atm. I need to overhaul them on the chunkgen side of the equation now that I've got them working on the mapgen side. As much as I love my islandmaps, sometimes translating them into the minecraft world can be a pain in the butt.

5 minutes ago, aliceingame said:

Desert vegetation look really good.

Not sure if entended, but I found several 1 hex lake in this seed just have to follow the river next to spawn, there is at least 7 in this island : -2106250991069264680

Worldgen seemed to be much smoother on world creation.

not sure if intended, but leaf of kapok do not have the "better leaf" type of texture


Kapok are not intended to have it, but I think Blackwood trees are still missing it. 


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I know you said lakes are a WIP but I found an interesting one in this seed on the first island: 9036307616341465573.

The only large lake on the island but it's defying physics and threatening the lowlands.









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Found a portal and jumped through.  Exit portal was green so I hopped in, but it just sat there on the "Loading terrain" screen.  Restarting Minecraft put me on the next island.  All of this was in creative mode.


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7 minutes ago, Konlii said:

Found a portal and jumped through.  Exit portal was green so I hopped in, but it just sat there on the "Loading terrain" screen.  Restarting Minecraft put me on the next island.  All of this was in creative mode.

I just had this happen to me on the north portal of the first island in that seed I just posted about the lake in. 9036307616341465573

I had switched to regular mode just before going through the portal where I timed out.  Also, are mobs supposed to spawn in the Paths dimension?  I just noticed chickens and donkeys spawning in there, too.  I thought those kinds of animals were only supposed to spawn on grass, thought it was weird.


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