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Ideas for Random Terrain Adjustments

13 posts in this topic

A quote from Bioxx


All things considered, the island IS a mountain. That said, as far as smaller scale steep ascents, yeah I could add an island feature for something like that.

Edit: This should be discussed in another thread but I am interested in hear ideas for other types of island features. Features in this sense is a type of terrain adjustment that is randomly chosen to appear on an island.

Things to know. The world generates as islands. There are 9 islands generating from North to south, all with different biomes. There are infinite east and west. You are not meant to travel very far into the water. You move from one island to another via portal. You can't add or remove blocks until you defeat an island boss. Further information can be found here.

Things that have been suggested in the past nine pages of suggestions.

Biomes above ground

Better Forests/Biomes

Large mountain biomes

Immersive deserts

TFC2 Desert Expansion



Flora (plants, fungi, etc)


Coconut and bamboo

More Flora

realistic seasonal trees

Berry Overhaul


Underground generation features

Salt Domes

Cave Mineral Formations & Scenery

Initial Island as Stone Age Only

More Realistic Ore Veins

Radioactive ore


Oceans and shores

Ores of the Ocean

Ocean Tides

Waves and sea foam



World Generation Settings

Oxbow Lakes



Climate based villages


Bigger or smaller islands?


Edited by Stroam

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My first suggestion is since we aren't suppose to go past a certain point into the ocean, and I just watched Moana not too long ago in which the main character is warned not to go past the barrier reef, that a barrier reef makes the edge of the swimmable area.


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6 hours ago, Stroam said:

You can't add or remove blocks until you defeat an island boss.

Really? I understood that it wouldn't work in this way.


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7 hours ago, Diego il Catanico Jr said:

Really? I understood that it wouldn't work in this way.

If you can post a link evidence contrary to what I have posted, then I'll update it.


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What I would suggest is hinted in this post :


Depending on how island gen work, I would simply suggest more geographic climate. For example it could be a new climate with region specific tree an animals, for example Australia with (eucalyptus, kangaroo...), Africa (baobab, elephant...), Asia (bamboo, tiger...), and they could have humid/dry variation.



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In terms of large-scale features, I would like to see Badlands on some desert islands, having lots of strange small-scale rock formations.  These would be stone, jutting up from the surrounding sand.  With maybe some sandless blowouts in areas.  Even an area that has just a huge amount of mostly above-ground boulders - like the boulders from TFC1 that dotted the landscape - would be neat.  Formations that have a 'cap' stone might have that cap stone be a stone type actually different from the prevailing island stone, perhaps. (just let me know if I'm using too many pictures)






Then, at the larger scale, you can have entire regions of spires.  Bryce canyon in Utah has a dense amount of 'spire-like' formations.  I think the existing spires were on the right track, but they're too pencil-thin, and too scattered, and the bulges are sometimes a bit odd.  Zhangjiaje Park in China is an example of a spire formation area with lush vegetation, rather than desolate.  I think that perhaps if spires took an entire hex, and went very high, tapering some as they rose, that might work better.  There can also be other large-scale stone formations, perhaps forming ridges some spires as part of them.  Don't forget to add natural archest through them sometimes. 





Similarly, ocean arches, where steep cliffs enter the ocean.  I'd like to see more areas where the ocean just meets steep cliffs.   And once in awhile in these types of area, there could be arches or large spires rising from the ocean.  Even just large bouldery mounds out in the ocean would help.  It's very plain out there.  If you make something like the Iron Isles castle Pyke appear, people will build on it.








On cliff faces where a river runs over in a large waterfall, undercut the cliff face at the bottom, and make another lake there, making a waterfall grotto.  Make there be a chance for caves to proceed from this grotto, and maybe the water extends back several cave hexes.





That's probably enough pictures.   I agree with earlier posters in that I'd like to see a more craggy and mountainous center of the island.  It may be that the player just can't perceive the mountainous nature of the island as a whole, because they can't see enough of it at one time.   But perception counts for a lot, so I think more craggy terrain that shows up within a player's field of view would help - this is of course, on islands that are intended to be mountainous.  I've never really been able to perceive very well the various peaks (peaks, sharp peaks, even sharper peaks).  

Right now it seems like islands max out at around 160 elevation.  Am I mistaken or is there still another 90-ish elevation available above that?  I want to see some above treeline areas with maybe alpine meadows, and surmounted by bare rock, scrub bushes, and rare animals/plants/minerals. 

Oh, and what about hot springs?  Just not implemented yet?

Also, occasionally desert islands that are truly barren, no rivers, just a handful of oasis.  On an island like this, there would actually be a reason for a coded well structure!

I think it would be great if once the player proceeds east/west far enough, fantasy-type landscapes can start to show up.  Entire islands composed of nothing but craggy pillars jutting from the ocean (and fallen pillars as well).  Islands with enormous cliff faces, and huge eroded caverns filled with ocean, that you can sail into one side of the island, and out the other.  Floating islands.  Volcanic islands (that is, if none exist already - I haven't found any).  



Edited by Darmo

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I also would love to see natural features such as arches and the like.  


What personally inspires me to build is the natural features of the surrounding terrain. To find such awe inspiring features that vary greatly from island to island makes exploration fun and to even restart a new game knowing there may be new features you have not seen before and the variation of island generation to enhance replay value.

I read some one mentioning there are only 9 islands generating from north to south, if this is the case i would like to see small islets that could possibly generate along side the main island. These could be in the form of something as simple as a sand island or even a stack.

So basically a large scale of variation to island generation from an island with gently sloping beachs to high sea cliffs, a mountain peak to a weather worn hill top.  no one island would have to have all features of course.


I have enjoyed the mechanics of TFC very much, but the missing element i always found was terrain generation. TFC2 is a vast improvement and i excitedly wait for the other enjoyable features to make their way back.

Edited by MrMort

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The vibe I'm getting from the links and these first few posts is people want a lot of height variation or at least the illusion of height variation and small biomes. So spires, arches, peaks, large variety of plants with varying heights, deserts littered with boulders, dense forest with fallen logs, etc. So like the map of Skyrim or Dragon Age Inquisition where you find something every 30 seconds of travel be it a lake, bridge, hut, rock formation, meadow, cave, etc.

Edited by Stroam

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Part in point for me is that without some sort of striking feature i would most likely just strive for efficiency. Head to the most desirable climate as quickly as possible for growing food and as for the other island biomes would be like how i shop, get in get what i want and get out. 

Without anything that would inspire me to leave my mark on the world and encourage me to explore i might as well play creative.

I have not played MC or TFC for some time due partly to a lack of features that have peaked my interest. I have tried various mods that attempted to alter the landscape and such but nothing that really grabbed me. However the current status of TFC2 has seen me find the passion i lost long ago.


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I agree with Mort, I also look for unique terrain features to build on/around.  And to clarify from my earlier post, in the small scale, I don't think every formation needs to be some bizarre sculpture or arch.   Just really huge lumpy boulders would do a lot I think.  anywhere from 3 to 10 meters tall or so.  Might be cool if they could sometimes have a pocket or two of soil, on which trees could grow.  The existing rubble fields below cliffs are a great start, but I'd like to see more variety of sizes, and for them to occur in other-than-cliff areas.  I'd think the 'peak' of the island would be a good candidate.   Fields of small (but taller-than-player) boulders could be suspenseful as you'd never know what monster may be just on the other side.  Such areas might be harder to bow spam in.  If there were a hex flag such as 'boulder field' that denoted these areas, mobs could be made to specially spawn there, I'd think. 









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I think that ocean arches would be marvelous indeed, and another cool feature would be promontories, pieces of land protruding into the sea more than a sea arch but not enough to be classified as a peninsula.

Risultati immagini per promontorio
This particular promontory is the promontory of Agropoli, Italy. This photograph shows you also the reason I would really like promontories: they're an excellent building location for a town (like Agropoli), being both really close to the sea (well, duh) and easily defensible. Also, the view is charming.
Risultati immagini per gaeta castelloRisultati immagini per gaeta castello
Another example is the promontory of Gaeta (still Italy). The pictures represent the Aragonese Castle built near the town of Gaeta.
Dyrhlaey Promontory Iceland Noelia Magnusson -
This one is the Dyrholaey promontory from Iceland. I think these are all valid inspiration sources.



On 19/4/2017 at 9:54 AM, Stroam said:

My first suggestion is since we aren't suppose to go past a certain point into the ocean, and I just watched Moana not too long ago in which the main character is warned not to go past the barrier reef, that a barrier reef makes the edge of the swimmable area.

I really like this idea. However, I think that there should be a bigger, unmissable reef as a limit and smaller reefs whitin the boundaries of the map.


Edited by TheSnarkyKnight

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Good thing Bioxx both likes terrain generation and is masterful at it because that level of detail I've only seen in hand crafted maps. 

I noticed that people seem to prefer more rocky deserts than sandy deserts. Like vanilla mesa desert than vanilla sand desert. If there were sand dunes would this change your mind? If I'm wrong and you do prefer fairly flat sand deserts leave a post letting us know so.




Edited by Stroam

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A desert by definition does not necessarily mean rolling sand dunes, but i do like the image you have shown.



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