Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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9 posts in this topic

Hello, I have a good idea for TFC2. I would like to see radioactive ore. They have radiation, which give bad effects.

They will be used with a special multi-block structures, which in turn produce thermal energy. For example, for more rapid heating of the ingots and heating ores.

Or for easier interaction with the same GregTech. And they can generate electricity, such as power railroad or different electrical units.

I predict that they will be hard to find. So how will rare and the nuggets will not meet on the surface. And even if they are found first, then they can not be used. Yes, I realize that this industrialization of this beautiful mod, but the more stages of evolution from mod, the better.

Thank you for your attention.


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I'm not sure that TFC 2 assumes Radioactivity exploitation timeframe :0


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I'm not sure about nuclear power in tfc because it's more medieval themed, and also realistically speaking uranium ore has such a low concentration of uranium that it isn't radioactive enough to harm you, just to let you know uranium ore was once used to tint glass a bright yellow-green color, and no one got poisoned from the glass as far as records go

Edited by Cattleman

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5 hours ago, Cattleman said:

I'm not sure about nuclear power in tfc because it's more medieval themed, and also realistically speaking uranium ore has such a low concentration of uranium that it isn't radioactive enough to harm you, just to let you know uranium ore was once used to tint glass a bright yellow-green color, and no one got poisoned from the glass as far as records go

On the other way, there were natural fission reactors many years ago (cambrian period), thanks to the accumulation of uranium deposits.


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Those natural reactors would have to be extremely, extremely,  extremely rare in the game because oklo in central Africa is the only place in the world found to have this phenomenon 


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Though perhaps glass tint can be a use for uranium 


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Items that are linked to a industrial age most likely should be added in as an additional mod to TFC2. I would rather see just the core of TFC2 kept to an enjoyable minimum allowing not only authors and players to build on by adding mods they enjoy, and keeping the load for Biox down.


It already seems to me that is probably how it is going to be done as Biox has already stated things like pams harvest will take the load so he doesnt have to re code every thing whenever there is an update.


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I don't ever see this happening to be honest, not as part of core TFC2 atleast.

Make a mod and call it a day :P


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