Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Primitive Technology TFC add-on mod

22 posts in this topic

I proudly present my first mod for TerraFirmaCraft: Primitive Technology Mod, which is attempt to fill some gaps in TFC recipes thus brings following features:

Base potash liquor


Base potash liquor can be made by sealing at least 20 units of ash in barrel with fresh water (or 10 units in large vessel).


This mildly alkaline solution can be used for macerating raw hide or reeds.

Ash can be produced by heating wooden twig in firepit or forge:


Wooden twig is a product of crushing logs with a hammer. Another usage of twigs is to make stick or slingshot.


Alternative processing of the raw hide


In TFC, flux is a bottleneck not only for metalworks, but also for leather preparation. Exploring far lands without even leather protection is rather uneasiness.

Nowadays liming of hide in calcium hydroxide is a standard procedure, but in ancient times, other methods were in use, for example cleaning with ash, urine etc.

Thanks to this mod, if you doesn't found flux yet, you can macerate raw hide in base potash liquor, to achieve soaked hide. This process is less efficient than original with limewater, because potash liquor finally turns into waste.


Ancient method of paper making


This mod replace simple reeds to paper recipe with process similar to ancient papirus production:

first, reeds must to be bleached and macerated in base potash liquor, to achieve cellulose fibers:

Secondly, 2 units of fibers and 2 wooden press plates are crafted together to achieve Wooden Press with wet paper pulp. This small block should be placed under the open sky, if exposed to sun more than 10 hours until dry, can be broken to achieve wooden press plates and paper leafs:


Left and center - dried, right: wet paper press, it works similar to mud brick from TFC Decorations mod (I borrowed some java code from this mod).

There is option to disable this recipe and use vanilla one.


Ceramic bricks



For those who miss standard red bricks - you can make 6 soft brick from stack of 5 lump clay and place it in pit kiln, as other pottery items.


After smelting, you can combine each 5 bricks and 4 mortars into bricks blocks, similar to stone brick block recipe.


I recommend "Automated bellows" mod, which offer kiln furnace, which is convenient for hardening of large amounts ceramic items.



Slingshot throwing stones


Bow is not accessible at early game stage, when player is most threatened by environment dangers. Even with bow, you cannot kill undeads such skeleton. Fair irritable, when such skeleton is occupying your pond, without ranged weapon you cannot even reach him due to his arrows knockback.

This mod offer primitive ranged weapon: slingshot, which use following types of ammunition:

  • hard stone (from any ingenous rock) - crushing damage
  • sharp stone (from any metamorfic rock) - slashing damage
  • soft stone (from any sedimentary rock) - no damage bonus, decreased force.

Slingshot is made from wooden twig and leather belt. Leather belt is made by carving horizontal stripe from leather (up to 3 belts from one leather):


One rock can be knapped into 4 stones:

There is option to disable slingshots.


Wooden club (primitive mace)



Stone hammer is fragile and weak, you need few of them to defeat skeleton. Wooden club, improvised from log and 3 flint pieces, is of course much worse than copper mace, but better than stone hammer. Ultimate tool, if you need to sweep old bones from your yard.

Improved arrow recipe


TFC arrow recipe is overpowered (8 pieces), this mod change it to one arrow from feather, stick and flint. It also provide opportunity to utilise all these flint drops.

There is option to disable this recipe.


Source:, licence: GPL

Download v.1.0.x:

Modpack policy: granted.




1.00.00 - first version: slingshot, base potash liquor, changed paper recipe

1.00.01 - cfg file options

1.00.02 - bug fixed

1.00.03 - ceramic bricks, wooden mace, harder arrows recipe


Edited by ciekma

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Oooh. A great idea. But, I don't seem to be able to get it working. Putting the jar file in my mods folder doesn't seem to work. Am I missing something here?


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Ups, I uploaded source instead of binary version.

EDIT: upload fixed.

Newer version have config customization options for disabling some parts of mods.

Edited by ciekma

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A really nice mod idea.

Can i sugest to do bags with jute clothes ?


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12 hours ago, MonyClair said:

Can i sugest to do bags with jute clothes ?

Good idea. For example bag which act similar to vessel, have larger number of slots (8?), but accept only small short light items, for sake of game balance (for example rocks, but not blocks).

Usually, during long trips, inventory is spammed with various stuff like seeds, crops, nuggets, berries etc, such handy bag would be more convenient than barrel which must to be mounted/dismounted whenever need to be accessed. In case of mining, it would be more convenient to toss rocks directly into bag instead compressing them and putting into vessels.



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Or they can accept 4 food items from 160 o.z and not 80 without decay rate slower. Its really a shame Jute have only one utility to make ropes ^^

But we can currently place dirt/ coble rocks/gravel in vessels if i'm not wrong.

And maybe its complicated, but I think we can places bags on horses, like in vanilla MC with chest on donckeys.


And for last, if i can suggest to make jacket and pant with jute and whool strings. Its can make a very ligth armor, or just a way to have colored clothes on you.


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Coloured jute clothes are good idea, because currently there is not possible to have coloured leather armour in TFC.

Food without decay is overpowered, but I can consider very slow decay of grain or flour stored in jute bags.

I have no idea, how to code bags on horses, but currently you can place TFC chest on donkey.


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Sorry, i was meaning to dont give the same caracteristic of the vessels to the jute bag. ;)


Never try to place a chest on donkeys ! Good news.


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I was trying to make jute bag as portable containers, but unfortunately my java knowledge is too bad for such task (and whole minecraft slot system is weird).

But I pushed new version with fixed twig heat description.


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Primitive technologies is my hobby, and when I discovered TFC I was deeply intrigued.

But then I got an urge to extend it by adding primitive chemistry, making metal smelting more realistic and etc. Starting with the most primitive techs.. and who knows how far can it finally get.

Now I see I'm not alone in this urge, so good job, friend!

Yesterday I've started learning Java, installed Eclipse and tried some tutorials from Youtube "How To Make a Minecraft Mod(1.7.10)"..

But now I need to use TFC as a lib so I could build my mod upon it, how can I do that?

Edited by CaDDaM

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There is a bug in your mod where it makes time go backwards when the server runs, but no players are on. In your ModCommonProxy your are importing the TFC ServerTickHandler instead of your own.


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Thank you Bunsan for finding this bug, version 02 from github is corrected one.


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According to the topic: I already changed rock hardness in my TFPP modpack, because it is strange, that granite or basalt is softer than coal.

I like idea with crushing rock with heat, I want to utilise it in my PrimitiveTechnology mod, for example if water is flushing a firepit, small explosion is created. It would help in initial stages of the game, especially in servers, when players are frustrated because all nuggets are exhausted, and they can only look helplessly at exposed ores.

I'm not sure how to code such feature. Make special bucket which can be used to flush TFC firepit, or create custom fire starter and custom firepit, which can detect flowing water?

Meanwhile I released v.1.00.03 with ceramic bricks and wooden mace added.

Edited by ciekma

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It might be sufficient to use burning wood piles for iniating breaking of stone.


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On 20/08/2017 at 1:11 AM, CaDDaM said:

Primitive technologies is my hobby, and when I discovered TFC I was deeply intrigued.

But then I got an urge to extend it by adding primitive chemistry, making metal smelting more realistic and etc. Starting with the most primitive techs.. and who knows how far can it finally get.

Now I see I'm not alone in this urge, so good job, friend!

Yesterday I've started learning Java, installed Eclipse and tried some tutorials from Youtube "How To Make a Minecraft Mod(1.7.10)"..

But now I need to use TFC as a lib so I could build my mod upon it, how can I do that?

If you want to try a game with ore reallistic features :  ECO - Strange Loop Games


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On 10/13/2017 at 10:14 AM, ciekma said:

According to the topic: I already changed rock hardness in my TFPP modpack, because it is strange, that granite or basalt is softer than coal.

I like idea with crushing rock with heat, I want to utilise it in my PrimitiveTechnology mod, for example if water is flushing a firepit, small explosion is created. It would help in initial stages of the game, especially in servers, when players are frustrated because all nuggets are exhausted, and they can only look helplessly at exposed ores.

I'm not sure how to code such feature. Make special bucket which can be used to flush TFC firepit, or create custom fire starter and custom firepit, which can detect flowing water?

Meanwhile I released v.1.00.03 with ceramic bricks and wooden mace added.

You could maybe do it via warming up the rock to a sufficient heat level and then sealing it in a barrel of water.

A small request for this mod: could you speed up the time it takes to fully draw the slingshot? I often find the weapon to be uselessly slow and I'd just be better off running away from my enemies or going in with a melee weapon.

Edited by cat

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9 hours ago, cat said:

A small request for this mod: could you speed up the time it takes to fully draw the slingshot? I often find the weapon to be uselessly slow and I'd just be better off running away from my enemies or going in with a melee weapon.

I can consider faster draw or/and higher damage, but I don't want to ruin game balance. I assumed slingshot as simple cheap "hit and run" weapon rather than strong offensive weapon, the main clue is to use it against skeletons, when melee weapon is not accessible (skeleton is in water or deep in a cave/ravine), because skeletons are immune on arrow/javelins.


It might be sufficient to use burning wood piles for iniating breaking of stone

You could maybe do it via warming up the rock to a sufficient heat level and then sealing it in a barrel of water

But I'm not asking about ideas, rather how to code it and keep mod simply, without messing with ASM. My idea is to extend firestarter and flint&steel class to force creating custom firepits. Such firepit would explode if water block is detected nearby. Not sure if it is possible (I need to check how often firepit is updating itself). Such approach would help to fix other problems, for example TFC firepit doesn't accept straw or other materials. Also production of ashes would be more natural, just as a side effect of the wood burning, instead of strange "heat up a twig".


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Sweet mod.  I'm in the middle of making a youtube series (season 2) but I can't figure out how to craft/obtain a wooden press.  I have the cellulose fiber but nei is not showing the recipe of how to get a wooden press to make paper.  What am I missing here?  any help would be appreciated.  

Update: I figured out the recipe, it's four logs in a square... However, the club recipe requires oak log only, (at least in the mod pack I'm using) which I think is a mistake, some world seeds it's difficult or impossible to find oak trees until you're well past the metal age, or else go exploring for vast distances without weapons which is the whole point of being able to get a club. Good stuff though...

Edited by iblt

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Description of paper making is in first original post (click 'reveal hidden content')


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3 hours ago, ciekma said:

Description of paper making is in first original post (click 'reveal hidden content')

The process of combining the fibers w/ wood plates is described, yes.

But there is no recipe for the making of the Wooden Plates that are used. I ran into the same issue and the 4-log method iblt (above me) used didn't yield the same results for me.
I'm 2 in-game years through, and I found that the only way that worked for me was cheating-in the Wooden Press Plates by opening LAN after trying everything I could think of in an isolated creative.
NEI does not provide a recipe either...

It would be deeply appreciated if we could get a screenshot of the Recipe for the Wooden Press Plates, themselves.

Thank you for your time, I really love this mod! Keep up the great work!

Edited by afro_Jezuz

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I have following code:

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.itemWoodenPress, 1, 0), new Object[] { "logWood", "logWood", "logWood", "logWood"}));

thus 4 logs, no matter how arranged, should work.

If not, use minetweaker to add such recipe.


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10 hours ago, ciekma said:

I have following code:

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.itemWoodenPress, 1, 0), new Object[] { "logWood", "logWood", "logWood", "logWood"}));

thus 4 logs, no matter how arranged, should work.

If not, use minetweaker to add such recipe.

I see,  It looks like there was a recipe conflict, but only with 4 of same logs. Using a mix of woods circumvents the problem.

Thank you very much!


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