Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ShannaraSK

  1. .bat file for Minecraft

    Hi all, and sorry for my wrong english, maybe I am too old for learning something new. But, I think that I've found something that may help all unexperienced players like me. Last time when I go back to playing TFC, I've get more lags like I know from past year when I play before. All instances that I've try play, goes with max 512M RAM(32bit), even I try sets more at launcher (have 4GB RAM, 2GB GC - nVidia GF 830M, Win 7 Professional 64bit, and of course 64 bit java installed) I've search for a .bat file, that may increase RAM, and I've found some instructions at youtube and forums, but even I do anything, this .bat file cant working. Any better idea for settings more RAM or launch 64bit verssion withstand 32bit are welcome, as I say, I am only old cheap lumberjack, not a computer expert
  2. Ok, this modpack looks fine, but how to craft vanilla sandstone and clay for coke owen? Your script can´t ad this
  3. Thx Peffern. I know, Waila give you some things that is not avaliable on SmartCursor, e.g. pitkiln countdown or ore type. But for me is better vision to longer distance, in base have SC 20 blocks, Waila only 5, harvestability and percentage counter on harvesting. It is more realistic when I mine ore and get jet even I think that I found coal, or get only seed on harvest when I think what is this plant fully mature
  4. [23:24:09] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML/]: The mod tfccrops (TFC Crop Index) requires mods [Waila] to be available Hmm, long time I use Smart Cursor mod, because is better like waila, and now have question- stay on this that I like, or try something new and goes step back?
  5. For all who have old or cheap laptop/computer (I have dell latitude D620, possible 1G RAM from four because I have XP pro 32 bit, with NVIDIA 110M) and want combination mods with minimum crashes, try this combination for MC 1.7.10- TFC 079.15.538, Forge, CodeChickenCore, NEI, TFC NEI plugin, SmartCursor 1.4.0, MapWriter 2.1.2, Fastcraft 1.21, Decorations 1.0.15, TFCCellarsAddon 1.04, TFCUdaryMod 0.2.5, Carpenters Blocks, ArchimedesShips for 1.7.10. SmartCursor replaced Waila which caused too much crashes.
  6. [Solved] Quick question about food decay

    For example- Raw pork- decay per day- 1 oz from 160 oz Salted- 1x0,75 oz / day Salted+cooked- 1x0,75x0,75 oz