Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by essenceoflove

  1. Here is my suggestion on grounded believable magic. A lot of my family, including myself are, lets say Wiccans. All magic is performed in a circle, which is a depression in the ground. So what ever magic is needed, (e.g. charged crystals, imbued tools, magical potions, spells) can only be created in the circle. Then carried off to accomplish what ever task is desired. Now digging a circle in the ground, is just a circle in the ground. It has to be imbued with power to get something out of it. The four elements of magic need to be drawn into and channeled through the circle. There would be 5 stages. Stage 1 is earth south side of the circle. Stage 2 is water, east side. Stage 3 is air, west side. Stage 4 is fire, north side. Stage 5 is the center of the circle.

    STAGE 1; So after digging a shallow impression into the ground. The first small alter will always be at the south end of the circle, and will become the alter for Earth. A mud brick alter would be perfect for this. After the alter is complete, the player will need to draw in earth energy, (it could be called the Earth Ritual). Earth Ritual; a specific type of dirt, sand, stone, and plant will be required to start drawing in the element. These objects can be placed in the 4 corners of the alter to begin the transformation. Like sealing a vessel or barrel. It will take time for the mud brick alter to become the Alter of Earth. At this point the altar can either take time to fill up a small reservoir of earth energy, which would require the chunk be loaded, or like tools, have limited use. Of which the Earth Ritual would have to be preformed again. As magic xp goes up, the reservoir or durability will increase. So in the beginning only small spells, or the examples above, can be performed.

    Examples of earth based magic. A spell written on paper to reveal if ore is in the area, like a prospectors tool, (limited uses). A small vial of magical fertilizer. Increased tool or armor durability. Spawn a passive mob.

    STAGE 2; Water Alter. It could start off as an empty bucket/large vessel, bucket of water, or large vessel placed on the east side of the circle. To imbue it, the 4 objects needed could be salt/fresh water, snow, sponge, and sea weed placed in the 4 corners of the would be alter. Transforming it into the Alter of the Seas. Examples of water magic here would be, familiarizing/pacifying mobs. Creating a source block of water where ever the player wants. Drowning a mob where they stand. Healing potions. Watering crops or quenching thirst without water.

    STAGE 3; Air Alter. Again could place an empty container that's open, an empty bird cage, bubble,etc on the west side of the circle. To imbue this one, the 4 objects can be a feather, sand/glow stone, string, and a leaf block, again placed in the alter to be. Transforming it into the Alter of the Skies. Example of wind magic can be, sharper weapons, knock back. Mob repellent as if the wind is blowing them back, keeping them at a distance. Blowing sticks or fruit out of trees.

    STAGE 4; Fire Alter. Could start off with building a camp fire/ fire pit, or lava bucket on the north side of the circle. The 4 imbuing objects could be a torch, redstone/sulfur, lava bucket, and an orange colored flower placed in the for corners. Transforming it into the Altar of Flames. Examples of fire magic can be shoot fire balls, flame damage on weapons, instantly cook food, remove several source blocks of water at once, smelting.

    STAGE 5; Spirit Alter. It will be the large alter in the center of the circle. Start by placing a vanilla alter in the center and charge 4 objects in the element altars then putting them in the center alter to activate it, becoming the Altar of One/Spirit. Examples of spirit magic could be teleporting, impregnating livestock, denominational travel, instantly materialize food.

    To everyone that reads this. Please do not mistake the examples as my suggestion. They are there just so you can understand what I'm talking about. My suggestion is the circle and it's mechanics.


  2. It has been a long time since I played. I remember I had constructed a building that made charcoal for me. I don't remember the specs. and can't seem to find it anywhere. Will some one please share the building specs. please? I remember it was at least 3x3, but I don't remember the height, the door I needed and if there was a trap door on top.


  3. You may want to consider adding a mod that compliments TFC unil further development is done, and/or add a TFC addon. You can add the ores from other mods to the TFCOre.cfg. So far I have found 3 age progressive mods/ or similar to that idea.


    I won't touch gregtech.


    I've tried Rotarycraft. You have to give yourself vanilla dirt to grow canola seeds, and getting down to bedrock to mine it is extremely difficult.


    I've just recently add Resonant Induction. I haven't ran into any problems so far. What's cool about Resonant Induction is, the mod is modular. You can leave out the era's you don't want to play with.


    Metallurgy weapons are very different compared to TFC mechanics. You can look forward to prolonged battles and going through weapons like food.


    WARNING: finding ores from other mods is extremely difficult. It will take a long time. Adding vanilla stone and/or dirt will crash the game.


  4. Here's a long shot. I'm assuming the pro pick is not configured to detect vanilla ore. Does anyone know when testing was done if vanilla surface nuggets were created? If so what is there meta? If not, it will be a great deal harder to find vanilla ores.


  5. Grant I have only asked a couple of questions so far, yet I have to say. You are the best forum admin. I have ever seen. Your friendly, very quick to respond, your responses are clear and easy to understand. Kudos to you Kittychanley! Thank you very much.


  6. Reading the posts, I think my problem is, I'm trying to load your addon into b79 version. I'm not sure, here's crash report.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----// You should try our sister game, Minceraft!Time: 6/13/14 2:31 PMDescription: Exception getting block type in worldjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1at TFC.WorldGen.TFCWorldChunkManager.getRockLayerAt( TFC.Core.TFC_Climate.getRockLayer( TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenFissure.getCollapseMap( TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenFissure.generate( TFC.WorldGen.TFCChunkProviderGenerate.func_73153_a( TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomFlowing.blockBlocksFlow( TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomFlowing.getOptimalFlowDirections( TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomFlowing.func_71847_b( net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p( detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head --Stacktrace:at TFC.WorldGen.TFCWorldChunkManager.getRockLayerAt( TFC.Core.TFC_Climate.getRockLayer( TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenFissure.getCollapseMap( TFC.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenFissure.generate( TFC.WorldGen.TFCChunkProviderGenerate.func_73153_a( Requested block coordinates --Details:Found chunk: trueLocation: World: (224,136,-3248), Chunk: (at 0,8,0 in 14,-203; contains blocks 224,0,-3248 to 239,255,-3233), Region: (0,-7; contains chunks 0,-224 to 31,-193, blocks 0,0,-3584 to 511,255,-3073)Stacktrace:at TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomFlowing.blockBlocksFlow( TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomFlowing.getOptimalFlowDirections( TFC.Blocks.Vanilla.BlockCustomFlowing.func_71847_b( Block being ticked --Details:Block type: ID #2136 (tile.water // TFC.Blocks.Terrain.BlockFreshWaterFlowing)Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000Block location: World: (224,136,-3249), Chunk: (at 0,8,15 in 14,-204; contains blocks 224,0,-3264 to 239,255,-3249), Region: (0,-7; contains chunks 0,-224 to 31,-193, blocks 0,0,-3584 to 511,255,-3073)Stacktrace:at Affected level --Details:Level name: New WorldAll players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerMP['essenceoflove'/950, l='New World', x=120.50, y=147.00, z=-3440.50]]Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 759 Drop: 0Level seed: -9133568375888967826Level generator: ID 00 - DEFAULT, ver 1. Features enabled: trueLevel generator options:Level spawn location: World: (120,147,-3441), Chunk: (at 8,9,15 in 7,-216; contains blocks 112,0,-3456 to 127,255,-3441), Region: (0,-7; contains chunks 0,-224 to 31,-193, blocks 0,0,-3584 to 511,255,-3073)Level time: 37 game time, 576037 day timeLevel dimension: 0Level storage version: 0x04ABD - AnvilLevel weather: Rain time: 78413 (now: false), thunder time: 154105 (now: false)Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: trueStacktrace:at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(


  7.   I came on here thinking a green house could be, would be a long shot, yet this conversion is complex enough to support it. So I thought I would look it up. I guess I will begin with, greenhouses are designed to insulate and trap heat from the sun. The average greenhouse temperature, in a cold area, is 10` warmer than the outside temp during winter. In summer, it's 50` warmer than the outside temperature. This is the average temp. differential without mechanical assistance. Campfires, pit fires, forges, and charcoal pits are more than believable, they are facts. In many ancient to pre-industrial cultures around the world, people would build greenhouses,(without glass), and use said methods to keep the temperature in these buildings warmer. To cure, ferment, and/or protect foods from outside conditions.

      I agree that greenhouses would make an excellent addition to the game, and wouldn't need to be as complex as some of these suggestions, so it would be easier on those who are writing the code. If the coders feel up to the challenge, the advancement of greenhouse technology through the ages would go perfect with their already brillant theme.

      An example; thatch buildings require man made fires. Through progression of the ages, thatch, wood, stone, and glass greenhouses. Would start with simple mechanics building up to thermal, and/or transported steam through a pipe systems.


      I am about to hit my first winter, and I am concerned that my crops will not survive. I take my time, I don't rush through game play. I didn't get to the agricultural part of the guide until late summer. That's when I realized the depth of complexity that this conversion offers. I haven't played most of the day, real life circumstances a side, I don't know what to do about my young crops. Of course I will continue to search for answers. If there are any willing veterans, all suggestions about my impending issue, are appreciated.
