Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by DocStineTM

  1. you know, i really find it sad that you guys dont have a credit list for you two working on this so much, not to mention that other people had bits and pieces that might have brought together your ideas, could you(i am asking very very very very very nicely) to make a credits section on this post please, ill give you a cookie and a red steel star.


  2. you know, you guys are really good at thinking out this kinda stuff, when you make a new topic on the cartography map idea send me a message about it, i think this can go some were for TFC,


  3. i hope they add metal storage blocks very soon, thats going to give me somthing to use all this starter ore for somthing other then a ton of tools and armor for the armor stand mod,


  4. okay so i was talking to this guy (who happens to be the Real "Doc Stine") and he got pissy with me about not using a fan name instead, so i deicided to make him a foum post if anyone likes Underground Heavy metal and just let people talk about it, (ITS NOT MY STUFF SO DONT HATE) this guy makes me look and sound like a little girl, just wait till you hear him, also talk about other bands that you all like, this is for fun, so lets get this ball rolling :D.


  5. So whats in the dev, teams mind please for the next up coming update if you don't mind me asking :D im not trying to be a bother but im sure we all want to know what MIGHT be coming up, if its a secret update with some cool stuff then that's fine.


  6. i have a wrought iron anvil know actually, i just couldn't figure out the whole unshaped liquid wrought iron

    EDIT- yup, put a ceramic mold in the forge and heated the wrought iron to brillient white and it gave me unshaped wrought iron mold. :D WHO HOO!


  7. idk, but i dont know how to melt the wrought iron into a mold, do i use a fire pit or what? can someone give me specifics, because no one has said whether it be in a bloomary, fire pit, or forge. because ive tried so much but cant figure it out. im so sorry for being dumb.

    do i just put a ceramic mold in the forge? because that's what i'm thinking


  8. how do you make unshaped wrought iron in a mold for mixing pig iron and wrought iron to make steel, i check the wiki but cant find anything.

    IM SOOOOOOOO SORRY!!! i know i sound like a newb, please forgive me.


  9. I honestly can't think of a way to make a large ceramic mold easily what if we used stone? I'm at a loss here someone help me out.

    you could add a copper smelter, that when a storage block as added it melts down the blocks into its own storage container, that you then add regular molds too to gain the liquid ore, "to smelt, or not to smelt, that is the question"


  10. Redstone makes little sense. Cartography was done with paper, ordinary tables, inks, and charcoal(or other marking implements

    Redstone, or the minecraft equivalent of electricity, does not really fit into this

    For that matter, Tables were not available for most of the work. Most of it was done in the field and only touched up later at a residence.

    the red stone was for difficulty purpose only, not really to make exact sense. the table is because you could not possibly complete all the steps in making a map that requires that much work in the field, unless you made the process achievable through a portable cartography kit but that also would make it easier for people to mark their maps because they could just keep walking and detailing the landscape as they go, as compared to thoroughly memorizing the landscape and detailing the map from a workspace, also if you wanted to detail the map on the go, you could just take the table with you anyway, along with the materials needed to detail the map.

    if you have a suggestion, leave at least one paragraph of details with this in mind, it may not make complete sense, but also make it so it takes skill and time to do as a cartography map gives a lot of help.

    edit: i have mentioned the points of paper, and cartography inks(made through the detailed process on page one). Red stone(yes i know it is pretty much electricity) because it would but mapping in a more advanced stage of Terrafirmacraft. and also the fact that you could just take the cartography table with in the field because it is easier to link to GUI the a block. Also terrafirmacraft is made to be a challenge for expert mine crafters but simple enough for new players also. and even though cartography was done on ordinary tables, the cartography table includes all the tools cartographer used to chart the maps anyway.


  11. howsabout instead of orange and red, green and blue, because those are more colors that you would use when plotting a map, for the land and water

    you know, that is a good idea, makes much more sense, red should be more for lava and orange really does not match anything except for deserts but would yellow be better for deserts? im thinking it would, with lime green dye dotting the cacti.


  12. Posted Image

    yup, because it would put cartography in an advanced stage of the game because of how hard it is to find red stone ore, everything else is just to match the theme of a cartography table with the dyes being the colors and the wood being the base and the paper being the cover for the table. stuff like that


  13. indeed, and if it happens again, we're revoking your breathing privalages :P

    :blink: ohhhhhhhhh nooooooooo, well time to insert an air tube down my throat. and besides i dont think he was talking about me anyway, i only called my self a name under good reason

    except for maybe a few things here and their. lol


  14. no in a past version of minsraft, the iron blocks didnt have that corrugation, and i liked building with them much better, i think they just look silly now

    ohhhhh, i thought you meant for this mod, my apologies


  15. they represent corrugation, implying that the blocks are made of corrugated metal sheets

    -personally i miss the old smooth iron block-

    i could go with either one, smooth or corrugated. i think the smooth type with the ability to engrave would be pretty cool though.


  16. it's ok, I wouldn't really expect a 12 year old to get 1950s slang anyway

    its okay, i wouldn't expect you to totally miss my own 1950's slang for square, so before you start acting like you are some 50 year old(which is fine if you actually are) just stop being hatefull, please you really are doing nothing but cause trouble and i would respect you more you acted your age


  17. why not a metal table with a 4X4(18) crafting grid using instead of nine double ignots it take metal sheets, and using 18 metal sheets you get 8 metal slabs that you can stack and chisel to your hearts desire. just a suggestion.

    the metal table could be made like AlloftheSquids depiction of the block idea but instead it would make the table.


  18. I know this isn't a great suggestion and is pretty much worthless for survival mode, it is just something quick for creative.

    Simply allow ingots to be somehow welded/melted together to create a metal block (I guessed about fifty ingots per block). Once more nobody would make this survival except for excess storage. However many people like metal decorations regardless of reflectivity (which I don't know if that is within our ability).

    First allow a metal sheet be welded together with another sheet and an ingot to create a metal plate (placeable) and then just make double plate, triple plate, etc by continued welding.

    FIST BUMP! i always have literally a hundred bars of ignots with nothing to really use them for expect make more tools and get even more ore. lol i would like some black steel floors( after the month it takes to finally make steel. lol)

    something to look forward too. :D

    tip for prospecting(in case you need it) bring ladders, mine and scan until you have found very large samples of the ore, then find were the border of the samples change between four directions, go as close to the middle as you can and go straight up or down using the ladders and torches til you find to ore(this is a tip not a detail how-to guide so sorry if i may have left anything out)


  19. I like how everyone ignored this actually pretty cool idea.

    Make maps just a piece of paper, bottle, and feather combined in a crafting table, then it automatically uses various colored marking items (or, if you wanted to improve on that a little, make it use bottle of ink, and get rid of the bottle requirement in crafting) as it writes stuff on the map.

    Or, you could have a blank piece of paper which you could write on, and you could use your own map.

    Either option works, in my opinion.

    to simple to make the paper and map, terrafirmacraft is supposed to be a mastering of skills which makes survival even harder. the concept is good but i think it should be a skill set and time consuming to make something as helpful as a map. and even more so a good map.

    please return to the first page to review the current concept and basis of this suggestion.


  20. the sneaky post edits on this guy...

    apparently, but i dont think the post could not have made me sound like a dumb ass earlier. so any ideas of the materials to use for an in game map? who agrees on using the various dyes to color craft able map paper using a special type of cartography table? sounds like just a start to me
