Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by aeroserenity

  1. ok  the tfc food causes a few little issues in world esp with nei - it crashes players when they look in to the recipes but is livable 

    the main issue is that of the merchant mod not liking to sell  the food where it crashes ( i have added a post in the merchant mod on this issue ) this post is more about how do players sell there foods in people s servers to other players? i have tried chest shop but not working either  my server has the ability of plugins  so hopefully some one has a answer to this issue that im sure is affecting many 



  2. i know this is about going from cauldron to forge but kcauldron works fine ( dont add cauldron  only kcauldron server files

    0 and always you to use plugins the only downer is when you die your crafting grid is set to 4 and cant be returned to 3 x3 with out reloging 

    but realistically you only need to re-log when your needing to craft  in a 3x3  and you can add and use so many more plugins etc as well as mods

    im not sure if the tfc team would be able to come up with a fix for that or not but at the end of the day its only a little issue


  3. the joy of tfc is if your finding  mc reptative etc and want a little chaleng then this is relay the thing as you can play low tech all the way up to high tech  and rather than  chucking a ston on a stick and calling it a axe you actualy have to make every thing  in pieces and detail and generally meens there is all ways stuff to do etc . so gives you a a great challenge no mater what level :)


  4. awsome worked  and yea i see the issue with the crafting table but if thats all i have to deal with im happy  as now i got rid of forge essentials im not having  lag or load issues now as it kept chucking up errors all the time 


  5. cool thanks :) how did you get kcauldrin to work ? i haven't been able to get my server to work with it other wise with plugins would be simple ( done a bit of work with servers with plugins just the forge version is new to me now :(

    and yea been working with a big technic server company  so up with the eula etc the main reason for the donations is mainly to just help pay for the server it self 


  6. ok i have a server and im trying to work out how to link donations to it as normaly most servers use buycraft but that is plugin based and i use tfc 79.25 which is not compatible with cauldron . im just wondering what mods there are that i will be able to use instead of buycraft ?



  7. ok basically i run a cauldron based servers and im trying to make a terafirma server the issue im finding is if i use the bukkit version of worldedit  the commands all work fine its just if the first thing i do is break a block then my wand doesn't work. if i use my wand first my whole hot bar is a wand and the same for the compass i have to log out and log back in to change it .

    and when i use the forge version of mine craft the hot bar works fine but it says the command ( //expand etc) do not exist yet if i type /help and scroll through the commands are there 

    any one have any ideas on what is wrong or how i can remedy this i have tried all there versions of .23 , .24 and .25 and only mods added are from the forums here and have tried with out mods also 


    thanks in advance to any one that may know a fix on this - ps i put it here as its not so much a terafirmacraft issue but more just a general iussue 
