Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Zerren

  1. Posting here again, with the view of 77.7 now. My other post was pretty ranty on the mobs.


    Mobs are much better if you have a sword and armor, which is great news. Early game its best to just hide.


    Thirst is a small annoyance now. I think that jugs should always refill 50% of your thirst meter and bottles refill 30%, no matter what level you are.


    Tetrahedrite is WAY too common. Mining a few mineshafts, I've found over 5x as many tetrahedrite veins as any other ore, all very large.


    Powder kegs are too expensive, requiring two whole stacks of charcoal for one measly explosion (in stone at least). Instead of four stacks of gunpowder, it should only be one.


    This last part is only things that aren't in, that I would like crafting recipes for: the new 1.6 Leads (you need a slime ball in vanilla). This would make animal herding much easier. Carpets, or any placeable wool. (Two wool cloth is a couple carpets?) Since when do you get blocks of wool from shearing sheep instead of wool items? That's cool.


  2. Dang, are these numbers for standard difficulty?  Because I'm playing on hardcore difficulty and I have broken every stone tool against one of those zombies and haven't landed a single hit on a spider.  Does the mob damage/health scale even more with difficulty?


    I can accept this as "stone tools are terrible," but the tool progression overall seems unsatisfying.


    Funnily enough, those numbers are for Easy. (health doesn't change per difficulty afaik)


  3. I'd like to talk about the new monsters, and how they've found a box of weapons grade plutonium before meeting me.
    (I love 77, no planks until metal is challenging, pottery is fantastic, everything is really great.. except the monsters)
    Let me explain deeper, using the Damage Indicators mod as some explanation. One or two mobs would be okay as it is in vanilla, but since there are usually no nearby caves in TFC, all of the mob spawning weight gets shoved to the surface at night where they can spawn, leading to zombie AI lag, 20 skeletons, and much much more. 
    Don't open spoilers unless you're okay with seeing monster health numbers.
    The 'Humble' Zombie

      The zombie used to be Minecraft's cannon fodder enemy, but since some vanilla 1.6 changes, it's become one of it's most fearsome, using numbers to overwhelm and their sight range to lock on. Zombies, by default, have 20 health (10 hearts) like most of the hostile enemies, and have 1 armor as well. Their sight range is 80 blocks, and they call other zombies to help them when they've been hit (a random roll EVERY HIT, so punching them is a death sentence.) Your fists do 1 damage.
    Zombies in TerraFirmacraft have 2500 health. Your fists do 10-12 damage. A javelin throw does around 60 damage. You're NEVER going to be fighting ONE zombie, so fighting zombies is completely foolish now. It takes 25 hits with a bronze sword and 10 with a RED STEEL sword, the best sword in the game, to kill a SINGLE zombie.
    Damage Suggestion: Weak to slashing, neutral to crushing, strong to piercing (with the reasoning that you decapitate them, but they have no organs to stab)
    Solution? Do you want zombies to be the mass grouping guys they are, or be tanks in their own right? If you want them to walk in groups and have massive sight range like zombies do, reduce their health by a SIGNIFICANT amount. 500 maximum. As it stands, having more than 10 zombies near you at a door will lag your game due to mojang's 'great' zombie AI. You can't kill them if you don't have metal tools (even then, you can kill about 10 zombies with your bronze sword before it breaks.)

    The Deceptive Spider

    Spiders in vanilla are an auxiliary hostile mob, climbing walls and (recently) spawning with random potion effects. They don't hit hard, but they're very fast and can jump on you to overwhelm you if you have enough of them on your trail. They have 16 health and no armor. They're one of the weaker mobs, but don't underestimate their small cave dwelling cousins' venomous bite.
    Spiders in TFC have 1800 health, and have a hitbox that doesn't depict their size at ALL. 18 hits with a bronze sword. They can fit through 1x1 gaps, making early game a nightmare since you can't even make a door. Again, like the zombies, they have far too much health.
    Damage suggestion: Weak to crushing and piercing, strong against slashing, with the reasoning that you damage their exoskeleton or hit an organ. Sword blows would glance off their tough body.
    Solution? Make them their original size again, or severely reduce their health.

    Skeletons and Javelin Skeletons

    In vanilla, skeletons are a fight to be had if you don't have armor. Fighting more than 1 up close gets extremely dangerous, due to their quick firing speed knockback. They have 20 health and do damage based on how close you are.
    In TFC, which also adds the Javelin skeletons (awesome), skeletons have 1500 health and can spawn with powerful armor.
    Their arrows pack a punch, and their javelins will damage you quite a bit as well. Of all of the current TFC monsters, I think the skeletons are the most balanced, only requiring a little bit of health decrease, OR making maces(crushing damage) do MASSIVE damage to them, DnD style.
    Damage Suggestion: Critically weak to crushing, neutral to slashing, immune to piercing
    Solution? Just reduce their health down to reasonable levels (2 hits with a steel mace should kill them)

    The Adamantium Enderman

    Same as vanilla mostly, except for the fact they have 4000 health. Really? 17 hits with a red steel sword? I hope these numbers aren't here to stay, at all. I can almost understand 1500 health for such a hearty mob (40 health in vanilla), but nothing else.
    Damage suggestion: Neutral to all damage types
    Suggestion? Their health is WAY TOO HIGH. At least they're not hostile...

    The Iconic Creeper

    Creepers in vanilla are a FEARSOME opponent if you let your guard down, otherwise they're not bad to kill. They destroy homes, kill players instantly that have lower armor, and cause havoc. 
    Creepers in TFC are almost a joke. They do minimal land damage (which is ok with me, honestly), do next to ZERO damage, and only have 500 health. 500 is a great number for the other mobs! That's two hits with a red steel sword! Why such high numbers for the other mobs?
    Damage suggestion: Weak to slashing, neutral to piercing, strong against crushing (or crushing makes them instantly explode)
    Solution? Creepers need some more explosion health damage (not land damage). One good point blank blast should do well over 750 damage to a player. Their health is perfect. 5 hits with a bronze sword, or 2-3 with a red steel. More mobs should follow this 500 baseline.

    I'm very satisfied with b77 so far in general, but am sorely disappointed at how unbalanced most of the monsters are.
    Oh, and taking 20 javelin throws to kill a cow or squid is kind of absurd, too.

  4. Bug reportSuggested name: Waterbucket shift click into barrel bugSuggested category: Severe/AnnoyingDescription: Shift clicking water into an empty/partially filled water barrel with a wooden water bucket crashes with (below)Have you deleted your config file and then still been able to reproduce this bug?: YesPastebin of the error report if this bug produces one


    at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.<init>(
    at TFC.Items.Tools.ItemCustomBucket.func_77659_a(
    at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77957_a(
    at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78769_a(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71402_c(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
    at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(


  5. Saw you needed some as and I was in the process of making some more textures for my own texture pack for Gregtech, and thought you could use a hand :P. If you use it, it's 100% yours.

    Nice mod by the way. Early game needs some tools that last longer than 10 stabs..


    Also, trying to disable the mod client side if the server doesn't have it is a very rare thing that I've never seen a mod do. It just becomes uncraftable if the server doesn't recognize it. I wouldn't worry about it.


  6. I'll add something to this post that is somewhat unrelated. Already search for a topic on this and nothing. Is it possible to put the tier 0 ingots placeable on the flor like the others? Its strange to keep them unshaped in the chests cause the moment you turn them into a ingot you have to carry them around inside your inventory.

    Were your ingots still warm, or did they have any working on them? (Hit, shrunk etc)

    Ingots, to be placeable, need to be cold and unworked.


  7. Can we expect the vanilla movement feel? The Simply Horses move, or at least used to, move like pigs/boats. Kind of unfriendly. The vanilla horses are a JOY to ride.


  8. Just want to say I love the feature of barrels regarding cooling ingots, but one gripe: it takes way too much water! To cool an ingot from bright red to cold costs almost an entire barrel full of water!

    I know ingots are quite large, but when I blacksmith for fun, I use the same quench tank all day. Maybe knock down the water consumed just a bit?


  9. That's not a bug really. Right clicking on a block with a knife makes a food prep table block. Since two normal blocks can't occupy the same place, the water gets replaced.

    Unfortunate side effect.


  10. I'm testing the barrels now. If this turns out to be the major cause then we can all blame dunk :). What is the timeframe that it takes you guys to see the memory hit 6-8GB levels?

    For a single barrel, upwards of 30 minutes, but the moment you start adding more it becomes a serious problem. 64 barrels and you don't last 3 minutes before memory is at 8 million for myself.

    I tested ingot piles and fruit trees as well, it's only barrels.

    Edit: This is on hotfix 9, recommended forge, not using the launcher, only mods installed. The leak happens with and without optifine installed.


  11. This happened to me last night. When I made mortar with limewater and sand all at once in a crafting bench, I didn't get the extra bucket. Only when I did it in two steps.

    The reason is that the item crafted (mortar) is a non-bucket item, but Limewater IS a bucket item. They both want to return an empty bucket to you, but one of them already IS a bucket.

  12. Which, basically, means custom blocks rendering, right? Have you tried ingot piles?

    I can try right now. Give me a few minutes. See edit

    It doesn't necessarily mean custom rendering though; it could be the TileEntity or Container for the barrel is ticking somewhere in a loop (for the barrel seal time maybe). The FPS drop stays even when not looked at.


    Ingot piles are not affected. While they DO reduce framerate SLIGHTLY when there are about 200 full ingot piles (which is to be expected with custom rendering), they do NOT increase my CPU usage.
