Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Zerren

  1. I think we'll do just fine with only one texture for logs, them appearing and disappearing once burnt out being nice enough touch as it is. Adding different textures for each logs combination (how many is that, about 25 thousands of them?) is too much work for too little outcome, if you ask me.

    Yeah, exactly. We could get extremely fancy with all of this but after all, it's just a firepit.

  2. A spit over a fire that worked like a quern where you have to turn it x number of times to cook one item would be neat.

    So would cows dropping sides of beef or pigs dropping sides of pork that you had to butcher instead of individual pre-cut steaks/porkchops.

    The number of steaks/chops you can get out of a side of beef/pork would depend on the tier of knife used maybe?

    Maybe the number of meat acquired not being dependant on tier of knife, but butchering one would use 10-20 durability (all those cuts) to encourage better knives. It doesn't punish early game butchery, but does reward later game high tier knives.

  3. Who says that's rock? Looks like a bed of ashes to me.

    -- that's the advantage of 16x16 textures, there's wiggle room to (re)interpret them according to context.

    Also i like the burning coals in the middle. That explains why the fire pit is so much easier to relight than light the first time.

    It's the same texture as a hot forge, I just copied it.


    I feel like the firepit DOES need to be better represented, but there is definitely a point where it gets too complicated (different type logs on render etc)

    But alas, here's the model and texture for anyone to tinker with.


  4. The rocks made sense to me, as not every crafting recipe has all of it's component parts in the recipe.

    More ideas is always a great thing and leads to a better end product, if this is indeed going to be a thing.

    Also, doesn't the normal firepit have a 'lit' texture?


  5. I love it. Can I have a hand at it?

    Here's it with no texture

    Posted Image

    And one with texture (the box at the bottom makes more sense this way)

    Posted Image

    The glowing coals (bloomery/forge) turn to the dark texture of a cold forge when the firepit isn't burning.


  6. Does rain have any effect on growth or nutrients?

    Not that I know of, if you're in a normal rain area. Definitely doesn't restore nutrients.

    I think the "full" level of nutrients is a bug, some of them reset to 1/2 of block height after planting, it is probably something to do with how the graphics are rendered.

    I thought that as well since they reset after a while of being left fallow, but after testing it seems they're actual nutrients if you immediately plant seeds there. 4 maize grew in the time 1 grew in 'default low' nutrient.

    No clue what's going on there.


  7. Yes, waiting for it to grass over is probably faster than waiting for the levels to go up.

    But digging up the soil takes like 1 hour.

    The levels never raise up to the original freshly tilled field either.. They only ever get up to '1/2 a block height' (nutrients) in my experience.

    Sucks, but the only way I've EVER been able to grow maize was on fresh grass. Which means I have to punch farmland for 45 minutes.


  8. Can I mix and match ore sizes in the bloomery? I.e. when smelting native copper, can I throw in both the big chunks from underground veins and the small nuggets you get from surface rocks at the same time? (I know that the latter takes the same amount of charcoal for less output, but I want to know if I can combine them in a single smelting.)

    Yes you can.

  9. If I'm not mistaken (I might be), the base HP is 500 (250 'vanilla hearts' as it would) and it caps out at 1000 (500)..?

    I could be spouting nonsense right now, but I remember those numbers in a changelog somewhere. It's funny though, give yourself a vanilla diamond sword and try to kill a skeleton with it. Not happening.


  10. Tutorial to get infinite money:

    Step 1: Buy a box.

    Step 2: Put infinite money in box.

    Step 3: ???

    Step 4: Enjoy your money.

    - Banks will go bankrupt -

    - Money will go bankrupt -

    Now to do this with food and end world hunger!

    We're geniuses!


  11. So from a modder standpoint, how does this work?

    Each mint is different and unique to the server (damage value metadata?) And makes coins with the same metadata?

    If you use every ingot for quarters and coins and want unique currency, you need 22x3=66 items per unique mint.

    Can you layer graphics dependent on metadata? I.e. one set if base coin images, with a layered graphic designatior tied to the mint?

    Would coins from mint 1 stack with mint 2? Could coins from different mints be melted back into ingots together?

    Sorry for the disjointed post, its just precoffee musings.


    I'll answer the 'modder' standpoint questions, to the best of my knowledge:

    Yes you can layer graphics. You can even do a colorizer for layering (example: spawn eggs have only 2 grayscale textures, each one is colorized via code, and then layered on top of one another)

    A coin could do the background layer, colored to the specific metal color, and then have a symbol, dot, or other texture of a different color on top, to differentiate same coins.

    All of them can share the same item ID, different metas.

    Created mints could either use the world seed for a pseudorandom 'mint ID' or the person creating the mint via NBT data.

    There's more than one way to skin a cat, but again, I agree with everything Omicron has said. It's just too much in my opinion. I'd rather just trade with ingots in a barter system, even if said ingots are useless (platinum).


  12. If we're talking about the "cobblestone" equivalent of a fence, a recipe of 6 rocks, would make more sense, IMHO, since it will take 4 of them to make a cobblestone block, right?

    In 76 cobble blocks will be obtainable anyway using 4 rocks, it just kinda identifies the recipe for what it is.

  13. Quick question: Are the wall recipes only supposed to yield 1 (next to cobblestone's 6 for 6)?

    Using 6 pieces of raw stone to get 1 raw stone wall seems a little silly.


  14. I really agree with almost all of these suggestions fully. Here are my thoughts on your list, and what I might add in my opinion:

    1. A little known fact is that you can actually use paper in the making of a firepit/forge. Adding a piece of paper greatly increases the chances of catching a flame. A nice change that would make sense would to REQUIRE a piece of paper for making a forge. It's nearly impossible to light coal/charcoal with just two sticks..

    2. I would agree with a higher tier firepit. Cooking food in a forge, at least to me, doesn't make much sense. I propose a method similar to Railcraft's boilers: A clay brick/stone brick/pig iron firebox on the bottom, and a heating chamber placed on top. Logs are placed into the firebox, which heats a cooking chamber directly above it, which can cook 4 items at a time, slightly faster than a firepit.

    3. I think this is already in the works, after reading one of Dunk's recent comments. I can't remember where though..

    4. A great aesthetic, if not functional idea. There is a post of the discussion forums that caught dunk's interest regarding more plant types and already had texture files for them. (lilies, cat tails)

    5. Everybody loves variety. I would like a maroon fur lined leather coat, please..

    6a. This is a great idea, and honestly would be an interesting gap to make skipping wrought iron harder. (Currently there is almost no reason to not skip wrought). Maybe make it so anything with a higher melting point, or higher tier, than wrought iron requires one of these graphite crucibles/molds for holding such hot metals and not cracking instantly.

    6b. Gypsum would be an interesting alternative (not replacement!) to the current mortar planned for b76, in addition to your suggestion. There is also no way currently to revitalize soil, short of planting something else. It seems leaving them fallow doesn't even work.

    6c-f. I have no good comments or suggestions regarding these four, but any use is better than no use. I have no ideas.

    7. I'm not a fan of the enchantment system in any form in TFC, to be honest. The farthest I would like to see it go is a 'Sharpness 1-5' bonus on swords if you hone them at a new block, the Grindstone. This takes away a good portion of their durability, though. (1/10 for each level)

    8. 100% agree, I love gems and want to see them get a use. Gemming pommels, encrusting armor, or placing them in world would make me happy.

    To put a gem into a wall, you would first have to chisel the block to the detailing mode, and carve out a 1x1(pixel), 2x2, etc. slot into the block, and can place a gem into this chiseled 'slot'.

    This could add personality to any armor set or weapon, and isn't even demaning code wise (from my coding knowledge/understanding). Just a sprite sheet with the gems that overlays itself onto the armor part of choice.

    9. More storage is always nice, as long as it makes sense. Currently almost all of the 'huge' items that you can't store, can be placed in the world. Any item that isn't able to be placed in the world, or put into a chest or on a tool rack, needs a method of storage though.

    10. Half and half here. I love the transport methods, (the elegant punt mod does this wonderfully), but I greatly dislike any human, or even squidward npcs, in my game. TFC gives an air of a virgin land, where you're the first human to step foot and make a name for yourself. Villages of any sort eliminate that feeling imo, as theres already someone living there.

    These are obviously my opinions, take them as such, but you've got some good ideas here that I agree with.

    I'm especially a fan of the graphite crucibles making steel harder to get to, and the gems.


  15. Garnierite (nickel ore) doesn't spawn in basalt. It only spawns in gabbro.

    Yes, I was referring to how much mining I've done/luck. Gold also spawns in gabbro supposedly, and that's what I've been mining, but I've only found nickel.

    I need to mine basalt now, sorry for the confusion.


  16. Not much to be had directly from caves, but I like to use them as a prospecting tool.

    It's a huge tunnel of exposed air, GREAT for prospecting around in. Usually how I find my first iron bearing ores.
