Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by JSparrow

  1. 32 minutes ago, ToedPlays said:

    So. sometime between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. EST last night/ this morning, My base was completely greifed. Myself and ItsPito had built a farm, had vessels full of produce, 15 or so animals, and an almost finished house.  All of this, gone. It's the dead of winter, so no wild crops to find, and all the seeds and food has been stolen. I really wanted to play on this server, but this makes it impossible. As I said before, this happened sometime between the time I got off last night (not exactly sure, should be around 9), and when ItsPito got online this morning at 6. My base was at x=620 z= -12125.

    I am looking in to getting some kind of grief protection / land ownership mod/plugin installed but the problem is TFC uses forge and most if not all mods like towny! etc require a bukkit server which isn't forge compatible that I can find.


    Please, guys.. if I am overlooking something simple here to enable some sort of anti-grief protection, please, let me know asap! 


    The search continues for some security and piece of mind. Catch me in game later this evening and I will replace your stolen materials to the best of my ability.


    ~Jack Sparrow


  2. 2 hours ago, mrdorkface said:

    From what I've played of this server, It is really nice, although it could use a few plugins. Hope it picks up steam and gains a player base.

    Thanks! I am working to make it  better and better! It had a hickup today while i was in conference at work and unable to monitor it, it's back up and I'm investigating the reason for the crash.


    What plugins would you suggest? I'd be happy to look into adding them for you!





  3. UPDATE! Changed VPS to one with better resources and new host! Updated server info below!


    Greetings everyone, JSparrowist here!


    I setup a dedicated TerraFirmaCraft server and would like to share it with you all! I have a couple simple rules that must be followed!

    1. Be respectful of others! If you cannot follow this simple rule, please don't bother joining!

    2. No Griefing! Period! Destroying someone else's hard work for fun will not be tolerated and you will be banned!

    3. No PvP! This may change should enough players desire the ability. As of right now PvP is disabled.


    As mentioned this is a dedicated server running on my VPS and will maintain as much up-time as my VPS host can offer, which so far is 99%. I will be actively playing on my own server and available to admin said server when not playing. I will provide contact details in case of emergency. 

    Server Details:

    Server Address:

    Server IP:

    Server Port: 25565

    Server Mods: Default Vanilla Install.

    Server Admins: JSparrowist, KennyRY


    Admin Contact:

    JSparrowist in game.

    Jack Sparrow on Steam.

    [email protected] via email. Checked Immediately.


    Ninjaskill TerraFirmaCraft will need admins other than myself and will actively recruit admins from the player base that are known to be nice and provide help or assistance to others in need. Lets be helpful to those who are new and wish to learn this wonderful mod!

    New mods in addition to the base TerraFirmaCraft will be considered as long as they do not alter the base game play and have something worth while to add. Have a mod you would like to see on the server? Simply request it using the contact above! I would like to keep this as simple as possible to join for the moment though.


    Thank you for your time and I hope to survive with you in game!





  4. Greetings!


    I have a new server up after many many long months! Anyone is welcome!


    Current Build: 0.77.21

    Address: ( :25565 )

    Smart Moving: Installed. (all needed framework)

    Admins: Archeleus, Weeyum, Madafe, JSparrowist

    Server Location: Central US


    Rules: There aren't any rules other than to respect your fellow Minecrafter and do NOT grief! Looting is considered griefing! 


    Any suggestions, advice, or criticism is welcome! 


    Come have some fun! 




  5. And smartmoving why isnt 10.5?

    I'll update it today.

    Hello! I live in Russia and would like to play on your server. But when I press "connect", it gives me the answer "Logon failure: Bad Login" or "Logon failure: The user not premium". My client version 52d. You do not know why I did not get to connect to you?

    I am not sure why you are getting that error. Do you have any issues connecting to other servers and is your login info correct?


  6. The only YTer ever who did edeting right was X. or david64yt. recorded audio seperat, added brightness and all that. he spend waaay to long fiddling around with that stuff, but it sure cane out great.

    Also, im not going to sub to you since I watch cry and Mead, and you stated yourself as a personality. I have a problem with people from the internet thinking they're famous. (imho)

    You should get over yourself. I watch Crysyn and Mead as well but this guy clearly put together a great intro video and anyone with the ability to bring more light to TFC and expose more people to this great mod is more than welcome in my opinion.

    Also, where did he claim to be famous? He has a personality and he's on Youtube. Seems legit.


  7. Greetings folks,

    I have a server up. Anyone is welcome.

    Current Build: TFC 52e

    Address: (:25565)

    Smart Moving: Enabled

    Admins: Skully250

    Server Location: Central US.

    Rules: There aren't any rules other than to respect your fellow player. If you're found to be griefing, I will roll back your damage and forever ban you from any future instances of my server. Period. No discussion. Other than that have a good time, experiment with Bioxx's awesome work and most of all have fun!

    Any suggestions, advice, or criticism is welcome.



  8. Correct me if i'm wrong but as I've read previously the attempt with this mod is to make minecraft more difficult, without being stupid.

    If it takes several picks doesn't mean it is difficult, maybe you don't know where or how to search. You could search random places and destroy several picks just being stupid. And if the range of the propick would be increased ten fold doesn't mean either that is more difficult if you know how it works... What would make it more difficult is increase the rate of false positives, that would be insane! Anyway, if you have a deposit that makes you stay there for a lifetime it is, again correct me if I'm wrong, not as designed to be.

    Your attempt to be ironic fails too hard... sorry.

    It was just sarcasm. Sorry you missed it. :P


  9. I too am exceedingly masochistic and thoroughly enjoy the tedium of eating up several starter metal picks in a vain search for starter ore. There should be absolutely no solid or repeatable method for finding starter ores. They should be totally random in placement and furthermore, the propick's range should be increased ten-fold, you know, to increase the monotony of breaking out of the stone age.

    Any consistent means to understanding this wonderful mod should be stopped immediately! :rolleyes:


  10. I've tried everything, working on a steel anvil(a gift from creative mode), with a bismuth hammer(also creative), with every temp. the green arrow simply won't move...

    Confirmed. Same exact issue here. Quite frustrating, but this is beta and I'm sure there's an answer or fix for it.

    *edit* Apparently I have the same issue with Tin as well. Temps are correct, anvil shapes up fine, stone hammer. No go. 49c


  11. I don't know if it was intentional, but in the Rolling Hills and Plains biomes, i haven't found any rocks. At all. I've had to go to beaches and such to find them. ~Clipped~

    I too am unsure if the lack of rocks is a bug or not. Seems all the plains biomes I spawn in are completely void of them. Kind of hard to start out without even the most basic of tools.


  12. Log piles act pretty weird when shift clicking logs into them. I'm not sure if its inventory tweaks causing this or not but they stack more than they should.. Also the stone anvil has some updating issues.

    Here's a quick video for clarification.
