Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by NordinTheLich

  1. When can this server expect to be brought back up? I can't even make a network connection to the server at all, and it seems this has been a recurring issue with this server.


    Link to screenshots:,oJtwu2s,lfvht85#0


    If anyone wants any more specific info, the link above shows the server in my list, it selected when I click "join", and the error I get.


  2. ok this website deal is starting to give me a headache i made that site from freewebs and i am not able to accepted new members and its dashboard has changed a lot with in the past 6 years :(! Maybe as a team we can find a good free spot to set up a site at that is free and customizable to how we like it but i would love to use screenshots of all our builds and if anyone plays with shaders then that would be awesome i think! also i would love for it to accommodate tfc and the pure vanilla 1.8 so if anyone knows how to and what to with this let me know please!

    I don't know the price tag on Enjin, but I'd check them out.


  3. 1 NordinTheLich

    2  East coast of the USA; timezone is EST

    3 I use Skype, but not very often.

    4 500 units, so 15 pieces of rich ore, along with an extra 25 units.

    5 I don't know the agricultural aspects all too well, but I do know a lot of the more... productive sides, such as smithing, mining, building, crafting, etc. 

    6 I don't do any recording yet, but I do stream on Twitch/hitbox each weekend.

    7 I was raised in Japan, and I've always loved its culture. I'll likely end up making references here-and-there, but if you don't get them, no worries. I often lead my own towns or nations in Minecraft, and especially TFC, but I also often use extra resources to help out the newer, developing towns run by other players.


  4. 1. 17, nearly 18

    2. NordinTheLich

    3. I've been looking for a new server to join and have been having a tough time.

    4. I'll likely stick with the main town for a bit, build up a small following of friends, and go off to settle another area. I will likely have my new town helping the server's main town in regards of resources and what-not.

    5. I have been playing for somewhere between one and a half years to two years.

    6. NordinTheLich


  5. Application:
    Posted Image
    My IGN is NordinTheLich,
    I am seventeen years-old,
    nearly eighteen, and my
    timezone is EST.
    Posted Image
    I've been having a really
    tough time finding a good,
    new, server to check out,
    and this seems like it might
    be quite promising.
    Posted Image
    I've been playing TFC for at
    least a year and a half; possibly
    even two years, by now. I
    really enjoy the mod, and the
    level of realism it adds!
    Posted Image
    I'm not really sure what I should
    put here, so I'll include a few
    things. For starters, I was raised
    in Japan; I go really in depth with
    my towns in TFC, to the point of
    even using book & quills to keep
    records of sorts, and in case you
    somehow missed it: I have this
    awesome and unique little visual
    novel style of typing out forum posts.


  6. [*]In-game name: Nordinthelich

    [*]Age: 17

    [*]Where do you come from: I was raised in Japan, but I am currently in Florida, USA.

    [*]Native Language (must be able to speak english): Japanese is my native tongue, but I've taken many years of English, and according to many people, my knowledge of the English language is incredibly fluent.

    [*]Read all server rules?: Yes, I did.

    [*]Where did you hear about our Server(s)?: This forum.


  7. Well, I can try it -

    Age 19

    Timezone - GMT 3 or 4 (depends on season)

    No IGN account, But i can create one


    And before joining i reealy want to know more info about your server. Like rules and other stuff.

    (Yes, i can talk a bit strange, but i dont think this is a problem)


    I thought I'd help you out and point out what IGN means. He doesn't mean the gaming network on the Internet (Wait, does IGN stand for Internet Gaming Network? Just realized that.) In this context, IGN stands for In-Game Name. Meaning what you type to log in. Your username.


  8. Full Name: Shiroe Mahotsukai ((If you mean my real name: Masato Iino.))

    Time-Zone: EST

    Skype: yes or no? Yes, Nordin Reecendo

    Ingame Name: Nordinthelich

    Age: 17

    Experience with Minecraft: I have been playing Minecraft for many years now, and I started back in Beta 1.1

    Experience with TFC: I have been playing TFC for a while, but due to distractions, being busy, and general hiccups in my in-game daily plans, I've only reached the early Iron Age.

    Why you wish to join: This is a very interesting idea, and honestly, I love role-playing. I also love TFC. I'd love to be a part of this community, and I hope you will accept me.
