Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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future man

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Posts posted by future man

  1. Just because a texture pack is designed for TFC, doesn't mean it's kept up to date. chances are they haven't updated their textures to match the most recent release. Also yes it isn't relevant, because the support is for the mod only, not texture packs other than the official one.

    Thanks for the great answer to my question, which I was looking for! The texture pack authors simply have not kept it updated as quickly as the mod has been updated. This is the exact answer I was looking for. I will now use this information to solve my problem and I will make sure that I only use up to date ones. Thank You.


  2. You do realize that this support is for the mod itself and not official texturepacks right?

    Sorry I don't understand. It's any HD texture pack designed for this mod. That seems relevant.

    I can't imagine I'm the only person with this problem. Are other people successfully using HD textures with the most recent versions of everything?

    edit - somehow I thought this would be a common problem, or easy to solve since the symptom seems like it stands out. I have tried downloading a couple of textures that do not require me to combine two separate texture zip files and these work. None of them are higher than 64 though. Blockheads looks great; I can be happy with this. I like photorealism though :(


  3. Hello,

    When I use the default texture pack, everything appears to be working fine. I have made a fire pit and picked up stones and it looks good.

    When I install any HD texture pack (I haven't tried any non-hd ones), like LB Photorealism with the StoneCold addon, a whole lot of random textures do not appear. Most obviously, the stones that I pick up, and the tool heads that I make out of them are invisible. I can hover my mouse over an inventory spot and their name will appear, but the inventory slot is blank and I can't see them held in my hand. When I craft these into a tool, I get the default low-res texture version of a tool which I think should be expected since the texture author hasn't made all the tools yet. That's fine, but a whole lot of stuff is invisible and makes the game unplayable.

    There are also various blocks in the world, like the bottom of a nearby lake and some portion of a mountain, which are transparent. The mountain is shaped weird, and the lake has distant caves and lava way underneath it visible. These look fine when I use the default textures.

    Pretty sure I installed it right because I can see the HD firepit texture when I made a fire pit. It's not the default texture, it's the HD texture that I can see inside the Stonecold addon. I also have the same problem with HiTeen's faithful texture pack, the same random textures are invisible.

    I have installed OptiFine in order to get the HD textures. The textures work great, except for these few random ones. Please help me figure out why I can't see stones that I pick up or various random ground textures like those at the bottom of a lake.

    This is regarding Minecraft 1.3.2. I just decided to install and play this mod today, Sept 12.

    Thank you.
