Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Jiro_89

  1. [Can't Fix] Server Exception ticking world

    I've been working a bit behind the scenes with this world as well and did some further testing. I disabled the cavein option in the config with no effect. I then disabled the ore destroy with no effect. I also tested keeping the caveins on and the ore destroy off with no effect. I then backdated the world to .15 and repeated the last steps with no change. The problem persists.
  2. TFC Version #: Version #: (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): MultiplayerDescription: Falling dirt or cobble over a detail mode chiseled plank or cobblestone results in a fast looping “fall sound”. The detailed block underneath will not break and the sound will continue to play. It may also cause a drop in fps and in extreme cases can cause the server to timeout resulting in complete usage of the server processes to the point where players are ejected from the server and it freezes in its stalled state without a crash. The server stall can be most easily replicated by doing around 10 of these continuous falling dirt on detailed blocks at once. The looping fall sound can also be replicated with dirt on top of a redstone block, but I have not been able to reproduce a server timeout with the redstone block. Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): NoIf yes, which mods?
  3. [Solved] Continuous fall sound for dirt/cobble

    Several different variations of simply placing a block on the chiseled blocks. 3 framed fall. The dirt doesn't break the chiseled block, simply shoots back up and starts the fall sound loop like the other variations.
  4. Many of our players are helpful and would be more than willing to help you to succeed at the game. I suggest you join with a larger town that can help acclimate you to the TerraFirmaCraft mod.
  5. Well since you asked.. I've had a few reports of similar issues on our Cauldron server, but of course did not report it I haven't been able to reproduce it in single player either.
  6. Item name dictionary

    I've actually compiled a switch list for Lockette specifically, we use it for our server of course. I'd be happy to share it with you if you'd like, Djakuta. Feel free to send me a private message if you'd like our list.
  7. HappyDiggers TerraFirmaCraft Hard Core members rejoice! After our HC group exploded in members in the first two weeks we decided to create an entire world just for the HC players. The world is 30,000 by 30,000 blocks and is almost as big as our last B78 server! There are a few updates to the Hard Core group that should enhance the adventure. - Hard Core World is set to Hard mode. - Towny will force toggle mobs, fire spread, and explosions to ON. - Explosion regeneration/fixing has been set to OFF. - Chat interaction will be server wide. And as always, there will be no teleporting of any kind along with no use of the /me or /afk commands. Current Hard Core members will have one week to move their items and goods from the HC Area to the HC World before the original area is removed. Hard Core is a subgroup on our TerraFirmaCraft server. If you want to play in the Hard Core group, please apply in our HC Whitelist thread on the HappyDiggers forums. Our TerraFirmaCraft server IP is:
  8. I've actually taken care of your fruit tree problem prior to seeing this post. Another player reported crashing at your town and I easily found/destroyed the culprit so you should be able to log in again. You should consider using optifine as Calongo suggests as it would prevent you from crashing in the future due to similiar bugged fruit trees.
  9. The announcer plugin was removed several days ago due to the pausing issue. The current announcements are not being run on a plugin, but rather a custom made server script, the same one used to give you the message upon entering the game, etc. The timeouts are due to an error with java and netty and is currently being fixed and troubleshooted. You can follow the discussion on the issue on the Server Disconnect Problem thread on the forums.
  10. [Solved] Graphite only spawns in schist

    Thank you for your time. We'll take that under advisement and see what we can do.
  11. [Solved] Graphite only spawns in schist

    We have many players that enjoy our server with over 2 months of work in developing the world for players. We would greatly appreciate a retro-active ore gen if possible. Many players would benefit on many servers and I know we would be grateful as well.
  12. You can likely fix it by replacing the TFC mod in the appropriate mod folder. Depending on which mod pack you're using and which client launcher it is you should be able to find it in something like the "instances" sub folder or the like. Look for the mod folder and just switcheroo it. You may also need to change your forge to the appropriate update as well.
  13. How have you set up your blast furnace?

    I'm a big fan of underground basements. By the time I get far enough in the game to make a decent one, I'm already living in it . I like to set up my metalworking rooms adjacent to my storage underground.
  14. Multiplayer

    Well that certainly makes sense, I only comment in that regard as it seems more stable in ssp. But then again, I'm not a developer
  15. Some impressions of the new build...

    This is true. A workaround I have found is to utilize any sort of chisel function on the block between the crop and the sky. Stair, slab, microblock all function to allow the crop to gain access to the sky without halving to have an open hole. I've noticed chiseling blocks in this manner can help with lighting areas without clogging up the space with torches as well. For example you can dig a 2 block down hole, place a jack-o'-lantern, and then place your desired floor block above it. After chiseling the block it will illuminate the area as if the block above the light source didn't exist. It has many useful applications.
  16. Multiplayer

    From what I've observed it seems optimized for singleplayer, but participating in TFC servers can share the fun Several servers incorporate anti-grief protections, towny style claims, administrative support, etc. If you join a server that you enjoy that doesn't mean you have to tier up immediately with people, and many won't anyway. As for resets it's up to the server owners of course, but several servers don't reset unless generation makes a big change (and wouldn't you want the updates with that?). I don't mean to sound like a salesman for servers haha, but it certainly makes a fun environment for enjoying TerraFirmaCraft if you find the right server.
  17. Well I call BS

    I've also noticed if you logout on snow covered blocks or teleport onto snow covered blocks there is a chance you will suffocate into the ground.
  18. Optifine

    I've also found having OptiFine prevents render bugs with olive and banana trees.