Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Link2o1o

  1. Making teams now, it would be nice for one or two more people to join, if not we can do it with just the 6 of us it just might take quite a while. Another two people would be greate and another four would be amazing.

    Also updated smart moving to 11.0. Make sure you update dependencies if need be.


  2. Its fine. Been updating the main page everytime I get a new application or a previous persons Username. Will be doing so till Friday morning for GMT - 6 for time accuracy. On friday I'll be sending out server and teamspeak IP's to those that are new. I'll be updating the IP for those that were part of this previously.

    I'm updating the times to GMT(Greenwich Mean Time) for time accuracy as well. To better relate to Zakhad's post above.


  3. Well I'm back from a long week, and sadly I also will be unable to continue hosting/providing this game past two to three weeks from now. I will host one more game before I, hopefully, pass this off to someone else. The next game will be a 5 v 5 instead of 10 v 10. Those who were in the last one repost your minecraft username, for new entries post the application. First 10 posts are the 10 people playing. Look to the main post for more information.


  4. I posted the versions with the list thats installed/allowed on server. FYI: Optifine okay, if it works..., and matmos certainly okay.

    Who has Livestream capabilities? And I'm working out the team imbalance as we speak, there is one person who has already submitted a application before I closed applications. If they still can't make it or don't say otherwise I've still got another person to balance things out.

    Smart Moving 10.5 (Hard mode)

    TFC Beta 52e

    Rei's Minimap (optional)


  5. Who has Livestream capabilities? And I'm working out the team imbalance as we speak, there is one person who has already submitted a application before I closed applications. If they still can't make it or don't say otherwise I've still got another person to balance things out.

    Smart Moving 10.5 (Hard mode)

    TFC Beta 52e

    Rei's Minimap (optional)

    This is all I currently have installed on the server, if anyone has other suggestions speak now.


  6. Experiementation... And you Shift+Right Click for a log pile and just add logs to a fire and wait for the ore to melt into a ceramic mold. (Which is made by cooking a clay mold, which is made from clay, which is found near water.) Also just follow links in the wiki to figure stuff out...


  7. UPDATED: I though you guys seeing early morning in USA meant Evening in GMT +1 :D So i forgot the PM. Its not morning for GMT +1 its 5 in the evening...

    (And yes, I dun oops... My txt file I'm using for time/day/teams says the correct time, and I realized I misplaced the PM)


  8. I'm not sure If you guys want Smart Moving with it or not or just plain TFC. I was thinking of adding smart Moving as well, but if you guys don't want it we'll just use TFC. You guys can give suggestions of mods to add. I'm open for more suggestions.

    An hour later should be just fine, I'm just leaving enough time so we don't run into the next day, for some of you, while we play :D


  9. A short bow should be added to replace the vanilla bow instead of the Composite/Recurve Bow as its a more accessible/usable weapon than the composite for the fact that Composite bows wouldn't work in humidity/water. Especially since rain variable Is implemented into the calendar now...


  10. FYI by Chat/voice/video I was meaning between Skype, Mumble, Vent, or Teamspeak. :P I don't actually want any description on video software :D (Not very important unless you want to livestream/record :P)

    And how long it lasts is really up to you guys I say just to Red/Blue steel tools plus bucket so this doesn't end up being a month long game.


  11. Survive and Thrive

    Original idea by Xepher101.

    Server IP will be given a day in advance to those playing. And its Whitelisted.

    The idea of the game is that two teams, consisting of a maximum of 10 players per team, head in different directions in a total of 1000 blocks each. Once there they must, Survive... and Thrive, by getting tools and a bucket for everyone on their team. One team makes Blue Steel, one team makes Red Steel.

    Team Trading

    Trading or Raiding are allowed, Raiding is limited to attacks and chest raiding, not base destruction. Single blocks are allowed to be placed on top of Bloomeries and forges, to slow enemy production if you so desire. Since the first 3 Teirs are different for Red and Blue Steels Trading one source for another is recommended, so both can prosper, or for more of one material.

    Griefing and or Team Betrayal

    Griefing your own or an enemy base is not allowed Team Betrayals are not allowed, those that are on your team are you team. You want to leave them, or take their stuff you should just leave. Teams are final no switching in game.

    Breaking Rules

    If you break any of the above mentioned rules a Ban will be freely given to those offenders, if it was for Team betrayal or Raiding, its only for that game. If your Griefing or otherwise you will be banned for this game and every game to come. Do Not Grief.

    Current Players

    Re-post your username if you want to join the next one...







    Red teams gets Red Steel, Blue team gets Blue Steel.

    4 slots still available

    Application Form: Copy and paste this. (its the easy thing to do)

    Minecraft Username:

    What VOIP do you use(Mumble, Ventrilo, Skype, and Teamspeak):

    Why you want to play:

    What is the best time you can play:

    Time zone:

    Next game: Oct 13. Time: 10 GMT - 6 and 17 GMT + 1

    Be 15 minutes early so that we can settle teams and such.
