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Posts posted by Lavos5181

  1. ---

    i will probably be standing a new pvp server up with the new version... so if you want to wait that long...



    This entirely


    TFC used to have a large PvP base, but since minecraft itself has changed to mainly 9-12 year olds,It has lost all of it's popularity. PvP just makes them screech and cry, which pisses server owners off to no end, and having 50 autistic kids screaming that everything is too hard, or the guy who killed them is a "Haxxor" is something nobody wants to see or hear, which murders any true community that comes into existence. Some PvP servers do start and get decently popular, but over time the older players grow bored and play other games, leaving only the autistic children who then cry to remove PvP, and it becomes yet another shithole. It's a sad fact of minecraft now, and mods are not spared, I feel there's no point in multiplayer, unless it's with friends or family.

    I figured pvp servers would have lasted long then pve or of the like servers more to do,  cause once you get to bout the steel age theres not alot left. But hey im pretty sure there will be a combat update maybe that will change things around cause terra firma craft has sooo much potential for pvp and town srevers alike. But Rhodance as long as it has towny, mytown or factions I would rather wait for a good server rather then join a crappy one early 


  2. I'm looking forward to the server this might be what me and my group have been looking for. However I do have some suggestions/ Questions. The first being does a player have to be in one of the say 4 homelands/towns.

     Now for the rest of this I'm going to assume that no you do not. So with this I would feel that trade should not be as pushed. New players will want to trade to catch up to everyone else quickly. So this will obviously increase trade between players. However those farther in may want only iron if there are in the iron/steel age. Then it would be up to the new player to go mine iron instead of copper or tin to get to the copper or bronze age. I feel trade between players rather then some npc type shop  makes a server more fun then bunch of towns/nations just going back and forth to one central location. Also it would allow more roads to go up to each others towns.

     Secondly, You should allow "bandit" towns. Or towns that just PVP to get all of there goods.This would allow a more slower progression with towns so towns wont get to steel age in a few weeks. Also it would make roads more useful. Saying you have a horse which is really only good in a field sand sucks in forest or mountains unless you have roads. These "bandit" towns wouldn't be able to catch you while on horse to get to another town. As opposed to a player using a horse or walking in a forest were you would either be going slow on a horse or walking and end up getting ambushed by these "bandits."

     Also for those more advance towns when they have everything it would allow them to do more if they are able to be one of these "bandit" towns. If they did get to powerful and just attack anyone then they would start making many enemys and make the enemys allies want to go after them. So it would result in them being the one attacked

     Third would be to not do the point system or give anyone buffs or debuffs. As if I'm a new player to the server and i joined while others are in the iron age i would more then likely be the one who gets the debuff since I am new. Also this would put down most new people who would want to start there own towns making the more powerful towns get more powerful and the weaker ones will become weaker.

     I know you may be worried bout the "bandit" towns but you will end up with people who are looking to pvp. This would allow them to play but at the risk of the server being angry at them and attacking them. As great reward comes with great risk. 

     Also be careful with Archimedes ship as it can quickly lag servers with larger ships.


  3. Me and my other faction mates are looking to join a pvp server. So far of all the servers I have went through most server post on this forum most of them seem to be offline, PVE or non PVP or complete vanilla with no protection for items. We are looking for the following in the server


    - Towny, MyTown or Factions type system preferably Towny though

    - Able to raid enemy bases when declaring war
