Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by JR95649

  1. Well, this is what makes the game interesting. It doesnt take long to dry out wood for 1/2 a day to build a permenant home. You have more than enough time to go out chop down trees and build you strong wooden home with normal logs. Most people who play usually consult a wiki anyway, I know i did!.

    I do not think that the wood should be repairable, but only the Sequia and the other tree that cannot be regrown should look degraded to a point that looks ugly. The home would be permanent but ugly looking. This would be the price you pay for using the tree without drying.

    But as i say you will also have to remember that the blocks, yes they may dissappear but you have got to bare in mind that they produce a byproduct called Moss Balls. This will be obtainable only by metal knives, because i feel that getting yourself the ability to build a Ghillie suit from leather armour ( If you look in my earlier posts ) is more than enough of a reason for it to decay.

    Please consider this in mind. I know servers will be on 24/7 but im also thinking about the people like myself who play on a Home Server and its only on when we play on it. Its not just fair to think of SMP when there are also SSP players.

    By creating this idea, i hope it will give more of a challange and more reward for the earlier, harsher time in TFCraft. Knowing that your house will degrade within 40 minecraft days reinforces the player to think of that nothing lasts forever and you must constantly progress and move forward in the ages.

    You must look at the comments that have been put before and think, well this blocks going to dissappear soon, if i get a metal knife i can use this to make a Ghillie suit to protect myself from mobs a little better.

    But thank you all for putting your ideas forward, this thread is getting more attention than i thought in the first place, I know some ideas cant please everyone, but as far as this idea goes, this would be a suggession that implements progression with rewards.



  2. This is why you are offered to harvest the Moss Balls from the Plank Blocks, therefore gaining something from an object that will be destroyed anyway.

    The main point of the wood rotting and dissappearing is basically reminding the player that nothing lasts forever hence why it dissappears.

    Very interesting about the falling blocks though but i can imagine this with a wooden shak would be a nightmare, so as i say, i would rather have the block slowly decay and dissappear. This would need the player to eather build a temporary roof to dry logs out to use as a home while the little hut slowly decays. the player would have probably 30 - 40 minecraft days before the wood vanishes anyway. This is plenty of time to obtain wood, dry it and then use to build for a home that is permanent.

    Only the wet logs will rot for the main reason that there is water in them and this can lead to mold and many other tings that make the wood brittle.

    Thanks for the ideas anyway.


  3. Kotoroshinoto, we corrected this earlier in the topic. It simply isnt in the time period Bioxx has wanted the mod to be made in, so we decided to keep it more TFCraft acceptable. =)


  4. Thank you SOOOO much!!!! To hear someone tell me that instead of this idea isnt going to work is great!! I've been playing the mod with my girlfriend for about a week and we get such a sense of achievement from this mod, and i was talking to her about my idea and she told me to put it on the forum and see what other peoples thoughts would be towards it.

    With you also constantly giving more questions it enables me to think of things ive never even considered and now you can see what i mean by that this can be adapted into so many ways, but it must be thought about because i think to myself when you ask the questions is...... is this really reasonable and is it gonna over power my gaming experience.

    And like now i have to look at things and think how Bioxx would look at things for this part to even be considered as part of his marvalous work.

    Thanks again Wolf277


  5. Wet logs that exstinguish fires on a (say) 1/10 chance is an incredible idea! I dont know anything about computer programming so to me everything i say could possibly be hard lol.

    As for the Moss, i would say instead of using a chisel, i would use a knife, but it would have to be a Metal Knife as the stone one is too easy to make. So if you did use the Stone Knife on the Mossy Wood it would just dissapear. Using the Metal Knife on the Mossy Wood Plank would yeald Moss Clumps or Moss Balls. These moss balls would be crafted into Moss Sheet.

    To create the Moss Sheet you would need 4x Moss Ball/Clumps placed in a 2x2 crafting to create the Moss Sheet

    The camoflauge aspect seems a little overpowered but.... its a great idea and you would have to get the Moss Sheets in the same shape that you make the armour ( 3x3 crafting grid) first before applying it to leather armour. This would create a Mossy Helm Cover, Mossy Body Cover, Mossy Legs Cover, Mossy Shoes Cover. This would be unwearable until it is applied to the leather armour in a crafting grid.

    This would only be made exclusively to the leather so that you are not over powered and have to sacrafice armour strength and durability for a type of invisibility ( but not obviously completely invisible ) like looking at a ghillie suit.

    Also sorry for the slow replies as i am trying to think what to write to get it sounding perfectly right, so that you can understand form my point of view :)

    HEHE really excited now.


  6. I would say yes that this would be interesting. I think that if the block would change texture and become to slowly grow either moldy or rotten looking, so after say for example 10 - 20 minecraft days the first stage would show like green dots on it ( Mold ) or something then 20 - 30 days the next stage would appear etc....etc....

    I would also say if this was to get the go ahead then weather would need to be taken into account for the block to decay such as the rain, heat from the sun, tempereatures, but then i dont want this idea to be to complex to implement in to the game. I would really hope this one could be implemented because it can be adapted in the future for other things like Achartran said about smoking or food preservation things. I would hope that it can be adapted and not just a one off thing.

    The questions are good though and its keeping me right on my toes.


  7. You can make everything with wet wood that you can with normal wood but it doesnt look nice, and when burnt in a fire it doesnt burn as well, so hickory for example is the best burner, but when wet it doesnt perform as well but when its dried to fullest dry it burns slightly better than normal hickory.

    I will explain like this it seams easier, its like ingots in a furnace for example purpose so i can explain.


    I would like to say the rain would only affect the logs as Log Piles and NOT planks or plank blocks. So once planks are made into Wet, Normal or Dry planks this becomes irriversable.

    (Logs freshly chopped from a tree)

    Wet Logs <-------- This Log looks ugly but can do anything normal Logs can do except for fires where the performance is hindered due to it being wet, but i like the idea of smoking. This could be implemented to smoke fish possibly or something like that.

    (Logs Drying with a roof out in open, as Log Piles)

    Wet Logs*

    Wet Logs**

    Wet Logs***

    Wet Logs****

    ( Logs dried out in the open with a roof as Log Piles)

    Logs <---------This is normal TFCraft type woods in the game, The Logs would then go back down if it became wet in the rain.

    (Log piles placed inside a building ((possibly with a new instrument like a camp fire for heat)) and its air tight)





    ( This product is then used in camp fire or really nice decorative things)

    Dry Logs <---- This wood can go back to normal wood by using a bucket of water and right clicking (possibly) but i would say as a building material would be alright in the rain because churches are made of dried wood.

    This is basicly the way i can explain it, in my head this seems like a logical approach, and say it takes like a quater or half a minecraft day.

    Thanks for the questions as it helps me think about it more.

    PS. Nylon wouldnt be practical because this isnt implemented in the game and im not sure if it would fit in with the time period.


  8. Yes, both of these ideas i did have in mind but i couldnt express them into words. For instance the wood you just chopped down (saying you have a small shelter for yourself) you would need to make a shelter for the log piles to go under in order to dry. So they are under shade and out of the rain, but yes this is what i had in mind.

    I didnt even think about the smoking of foods and stuff but that sounds incredible as well. I wasnt too sure on asking about smoke because i can imagine implementing that could be difficult so i kept my idea plain and simple for others to involve their ideas onto mine and to see if something can be made.

    You wouldnt need to dry the logs in a room, you would have to just have a shelter over the top. Something like 4 posts on corners and a roof on top like a warehouse. But now you have suggested wet wood, may be you could do like extra dry where that would need a housing for the wood so no air or anything could get in to make extra dry logs ideal for burning and making lovely textured woods. I am unsure on how to describe what i mean but maybe you can understand and say it.

    This whole idea was formed from when me and my dad was chopping wood for his log burner and he told me why its important for the wood to be dried. We then made our own log store, its outside to the elements but its covered with a roof to stop the rain getting in. With playing this for a while it has only just sprung into my mind to become a member on the forum and express my idea with you lot.

    Whether it is in the same time period as the creator has invisioned, i do not know but what i do know is that people have been doing this for many hundreds of years.

    Thanks so much guys for replying quickly, im really excited to see how for this idea can develop =)

    All the best, Josh.


  9. EDIT: The edits i have put further down in this post are from the conversations i have been having with people and i would like you to read them here so that you can fully understand my idea. Thanks for looking at my idea and please vote this suggestion on the top. THANKS GUYS and GIRLS! XD


    I have been pondering for a while on an idea. I have searched the forum and i am unsure if anyone has really come up with my idea.

    Anyway, my idea is to do with wood and when it gets wet... So you might be wondering what this kid is on about, but anyway when logs or planks are stored for building or burning they first need to be dried out otherwise they are not usable and begin to warp. I know minecraft can't have warped looking objects, i understand, but imagine having to build a log store to stop those logs you have just cut down for needing further drying out. In the real world still to this day you need to dry logs and planks out before actually using them. All you would need is to build a shelter over the logs to stop them from getting wet. This would then lead to having to wait a quarter or a half of a minecraft day for the logs to dry. This could further expand into something much more. I don't really know but i would like to share this idea with the rest of you and see what people think.

    All criticism positive and negative are welcome, all i want to do is to try and help contribute to a more realistic world the same as the creator sees it.

    Thanks for reading

    EDIT: I am just putting the other ideas and suggestion into this first post as it allows ease of use for first time readers.

    You can make everything with wet wood that you can with normal wood but it doesnt look nice, and when burnt in a fire it doesnt burn as well, so hickory for example is the best burner, but when wet it doesnt perform as well but when its dried to fullest dry it burns slightly better than normal hickory.

    I will explain like this it seams easier, its like ingots in a furnace for example purpose so i can explain.


    I would like to say the rain would only affect the logs as Log Piles and NOT planks or plank blocks. So once planks are made into Wet, Normal or Dry planks this becomes irriversable.

    (Logs freshly chopped from a tree)

    Wet Logs <-------- This Log looks ugly but can do anything normal Logs can do except for fires where the performance is hindered due to it being wet, but i like the idea of smoking. This could be implemented to smoke fish possibly or something like that.

    (Logs Drying with a roof out in open, as Log Piles)

    Wet Logs*

    Wet Logs**

    Wet Logs***

    Wet Logs****

    ( Logs dried out in the open with a roof as Log Piles)

    Logs <---------This is normal TFCraft type woods in the game, The Logs would then go back down if it became wet in the rain.

    (Log piles placed inside a building ((possibly with a new instrument like a camp fire for heat)) and its air tight)





    ( This product is then used in camp fire or really nice decorative things)

    Dry Logs <---- This wood can go back to normal wood by using a bucket of water and right clicking (possibly) but i would say as a building material would be alright in the rain because churches are made of dried wood.

    This is basicly the way i can explain it, in my head this seems like a logical approach, and say it takes like a quater or half a minecraft day.

    EDIT : Further ideas brought forward from suggessions.

    Wet logs that exstinguish fires on a (say) 1/10 chance is an incredible idea! I dont know anything about computer programming so to me everything i say could possibly be hard lol.

    As for the Moss, i would say instead of using a chisel, i would use a knife, but it would have to be a Metal Knife as the stone one is too easy to make. So if you did use the Stone Knife on the Mossy Wood it would just dissapear. Using the Metal Knife on the Mossy Wood Plank would yeald Moss Clumps or Moss Balls. These moss balls would be crafted into Moss Sheet.

    To create the Moss Sheet you would need 4x Moss Ball/Clumps placed in a 2x2 crafting to create the Moss Sheet

    The camoflauge aspect seems a little overpowered but.... its a great idea and you would have to get the Moss Sheets in the same shape that you make the armour ( 3x3 crafting grid) first before applying it to leather armour. This would create a Mossy Helm Cover, Mossy Body Cover, Mossy Legs Cover, Mossy Shoes Cover. This would be unwearable until it is applied to the leather armour in a crafting grid.

    This would only be made exclusively to the leather so that you are not over powered and have to sacrafice armour strength and durability for a type of invisibility ( but not obviously completely invisible ) like looking at a ghillie suit.

    EDIT: Further ideas and suggessions that are asked but explained why they are the way they are.

    Well, this is what makes the game interesting. It doesnt take long to dry out wood for 1/2 a day to build a permenant home. You have more than enough time to go out chop down trees and build you strong wooden home with normal logs. Most people who play usually consult a wiki anyway, I know i did!.

    I do not think that the wood should be repairable, but only the Sequia and the other tree that cannot be regrown should look degraded to a point that looks ugly. The home would be permanent but ugly looking. This would be the price you pay for using the tree without drying.

    But as i say you will also have to remember that the blocks, yes they may dissappear but you have got to bare in mind that they produce a byproduct called Moss Balls. This will be obtainable only by metal knives, because i feel that getting yourself the ability to build a Ghillie suit from leather armour ( If you look in my earlier posts ) is more than enough of a reason for it to decay.

    Please consider this in mind. I know servers will be on 24/7 but im also thinking about the people like myself who play on a Home Server and its only on when we play on it. Its not just fair to think of SMP when there are also SSP players.

    By creating this idea, i hope it will give more of a challange and more reward for the earlier, harsher time in TFCraft. Knowing that your house will degrade within 40 minecraft days reinforces the player to think of that nothing lasts forever and you must constantly progress and move forward in the ages.

    You must look at the comments that have been put before and think, well this blocks going to dissappear soon, if i get a metal knife i can use this to make a Ghillie suit to protect myself from mobs a little better.

    But thank you all for putting your ideas forward, this thread is getting more attention than i thought in the first place, I know some ideas cant please everyone, but as far as this idea goes, this would be a suggession that implements progression with rewards.
