Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by BadLeo

  1. I have a totally not deserved certain fame among my pals on TFC. I'm known as to posses the skill to easily put fire on things, specially thing that shouldn't be on fire. So, I decided to build a house with decent fireplace to ensure safety. I've done that in TFC 78 with no problem at all. On my first attempt in TFC 79, however,


    Posted Image


    I do not know what I did wrong, as no burnable block was next to the firepits except for the corner floors, which I promptly removed. The fire spread, it seems, from the smoth blocks of the chiminey. What the hell did I do wrong this time?

    AW GAWD here I go again to rebuild that roof.


  2. Too this day there are still remote places in the Amazons or the Pantanal where people live without  piped water. But believe me no one is going to carry around a clay jug. They will use a metal canteen if they have access to a general store, and if they are isolated Indians they will use waterskins.  


    Clay water filters are actually a cultural accessory in Brazil. I myself have one in my kitchen, despite living on a big capital city with access to pipe water. On smaller cities and isolated regions, it's an indispensable tool.About the amount of water that goes on jugs and waterskin, I don't think It should be much. There's the barrel for that. We have to keep game balance in mind and TFC has a quite chanlenging proposal. I think if you want plenty access to fresh water, you have to live by a river. The waterskin is a suggestion to easy travelling by not forcing you to collect clay, thatch and logs because your jug broke and you're far away of your home. And because, I think, it fits well in the general feeling of TFC as an artistic depiction of early human technologic development.


  3. I came here to mention only two mobs, but one was already mentionned, the ninja carp of doom from DF. The other one is the malefic and extremely cruel Elephant of the legends of Boatmurdered. I didn't see mentioned, but I got tired of reading and skipped about 2 years worth of posts. Don't judge me.


    I would like very much to have hostile packs of elephants knocking at my door. Specially if somehow a hostile mob could be tamable. Again, don't judge me.


    Edit: Indestructible zombie giant sponges would be nice, too.


  4. Another partial solution could be reducing the copper spawning rate, as IRL it is not that common and making gold panning only possible in chunks that actually have gold/copper veins.



    TFC is supposed to be "survival as it should have been".


  5. Tribes of viking stylished neanderthal men that will raid your base, steal your things, rape your armour stands (since you have no wife and daughters), break everything and then scratch their heads about what to do with all your tools that are too advanced for their tiny tiny brains. And phylosopher/environmental activists zombie pigmen that will either bug you about what is the meaning of your virtual existence or harass you to replant that forest of sequoias you just cut down. Without sequoia saplings.


    Edit: Viking stylished neanderthal men riding saddled chickensize dinosaurs. That is a must. Do it. Now.


  6. Well, IRL that would depend on the actaul size of the waterskin. Which would depend on the size of the hide and/or blatter used. I propose it to carry less water for gameplay porpouses, so its balanced with the jug. But I also think jugs should hold more water, maybe an entire bucket worth of water instead of half, which means 2 servings, filling the entire thrist gauge. Then you mesure the size of the waterskin by that, half of what the jug caries, 1 serving, three bars of the thrist gauge.


  7. Yap. Exactly. The Idea is not to replace the clay jug, but to have one more option, specificaly one trustworth option to travel. And, if the problem is that there is addon, then, by all means, half the work is made by someone else! Just talk to the person and ask if he/she is wiling to have his/her work add to TFC. I bet he/she will be very glad.Since clay bowls were already going to be implemented anyawys, we can forget about that suggestion. But what about the fertilizer process? We could add some more requiriments to that, like mixing blocks of dirt (cause you can't move dirt to get farmland, but there might still be plenty of worms, bugs and bacteria to help te composting process) to the composting pit. Or it could take another entirely different form: making small qantities of potash with a barrel and ashes of saplings or leaves.Another thing related to farm is that cattle, sheep and pig should eat the crops if they have access to it. Would be wrathfully amazing.


  8. Yes...sorta. I recycle old wine bottles for pretty much everything for camping I just fill a bunch of the 2 gallon bottles? or are they 1 gallon, I don't remember the large sangria jugs or apple juice jugs. You would be amazed at how handy a cylinder of scrap upholstery fabric and a strap can be. Though the occasional questioning by cops does occur, not really anything to worry about if you aren't doing any no-nos.


  9. You're going to the park for a walk, do you take a glass cup, fill it with water and go for your walk hapilly with it in your hand? Do you take a glass bottle, fill it and put it on your backpack? You know that little spot on the bicycle to put a bottle, do you put a glass bottle there? You go camping, the pakcs of water bottles you buy, that bottles are made of glass? If so, you're really weirdo, you and the people who fill your mineral water bottles. xD


  10. Yes, yes, balancing is what will make it enjoyable. I think the fertilizer made this way could be 'weak', only replenishing just a little bit of nutrients. Enough for a small plantation, but definitively not enough for mass farming. Or it could take a lot of time to get done, with multiple action required, like leting it dry during the day and putting more water on it at night, for, say, 3 days, to get some pieces. The balancing could be made not only with the quantities, but with the methods and the effort needed. I just suggested it that way to kinda make it fit one of the most intuitive TFC mechanics, at least in my opinion. But it could take other methods, like grinding things, then mixing it with water. Or a combination of all the things. Lets say:


    - You take X pieces/ounces of rotten flesh or spoiled food and grind it, getting a defined amount of 'grinded decayed material';

    - Then, you have to mix it with some amount water, in the barrel or with buckets, to get biomass;

    - Then, you have to throw it on the 'composting pit', 8 pieaces at a time to form a block, and let it dry for a day and adding another 8 pieces on the next day, repeating the process for a total of, lets say, 4 days;

    - At the end, you get a 'fertilizer block' that you break down into Y number of 'weak fertilizer items';


    About the waterskin, I just think it fits the role for what it is proposed kinda better than the glass bottles just because of the flavor. I mean, not even in real life and modern time glass bottles are the chosen containers for travellers to carry their beverage. They're heavy, cumbersome and harmfull when they break. And when transported, they're prone to break. For game purposes, I'm fine with the bottles, I just feel a waterskin would better blend TFC atmosphere. xDGlass bottles could fit another entirely different purpose: aging distiled products, on dark cellars, so that it becomes stronger with the time. Aged rum would make the dizzy effects with half the doses normal rum does, for instance. it would be very cool.


  11. I'm sorry to ask such a basic question, but if your system has more than one GPU, are you absolutely sure you're running minecraft with the best one?I get about 40fps, running TFC, OptiFine Ultra, JourneyMap and Smart Movement, and my system is lower than yours: i5 2450 4 cores processor, 6gb RAM, SSHD 5400rpm, GeForce 540M GPU (it's a notebook), Win7 x64. I dedicate only 1Gb to Java, it works like a charm. Well, a little lag spike while loading MOAR chunks, but nothing serious.I think you might want to mess around on the Minecraft performance sttings, under video settings, and see what helps you. Mine, just for reference, is set as:


    Smoth FPS: OFF   Smoth World: OFF

    Load Far: OFF             Preloaded Chunks: 2

    Chunk Updates per Frame: 1 Dynamic Updates: ON

    Fast Math: ON   Lazy Chunk Loading: OFF



    Setting the Lagometer and the Debug Profilerm under 'other' settings tab, to OFF, might help to get a bit more FPS, too. Also, reduce your distance render. Mine is set to 'Normal + 64.'


    Edit: I'm sorry, your main question was about Java arguments, but I simply know nothing about it. I just feel thta, with your specs, you shouldn't depend that much on arguments to get a decent performance. Something might not be quite right.


  12. I like the idea a lot. I also think TFC could get a little into the 'Middle Ages', too, but that's a completely different thing. All in all, I think TFC would be even great with a little bit extended early gameplay.


  13. I second that request, although I would prefer to have leather bags for the role of inventory management, which is dependant on having a third part mod compatible with TFC leather or have TFC itself implementing leather bags.


  14. Hello fellows! Here some suggestions I hope you people find usefull to implement in TFC. I searched to see if there's something like that already suggested, but found nothing. I apologise if its already suggested and I didn't spoted.


    1ª) CLAY BOWL:

    made by molding 5 clay in the hand (the basic process, you know the drill), which should yield 2 bowls (much like ingot molds) that should be cooked. After that, the clay bowl is ready to use the same way the wooden one, except that:

    - it should be returned to the inventory after eating the meal made with it; (more resistent, easy to clean, so it should be reusable)
    - it should not be turned onto gold pan;

    - it could have a chance to break when used, like the jug.


    2ª) WATER SKIN

    made by cuting a piece of leather with the knife into a specific shape (same process to make leather armour and other leather stuff):


    - It should have half the capacity of the jug;

    - it could also be filled with alcoholic beverage, not only water;

    - it doesn't breaks! =p

    - it's stackable when empty! xD


    3ª) Cobblestone, stone bricks and brick blocks should NOT GO INSIDE CHESTS, much like logs


    - Cobblestone should be stocked like logs: right-clicking on the ground with one pieace opens the stock menu were you can place four stacks of four, making a pile of cobblestone that can be placed on top of each other without falling. Just like logs, really.

    - Stone bricks, made with a rock and the chisel, should be pilled up just like ingots, by right-clicking it on the ground or surface.

    - Brick blocks should not be stockable at all, or, at least, placed into piles like logs. Not into chests, no no no.


    Chests should be for small, light and medium items only. Heavy/huge items should all be piled.


    4ª) Fertilizer production with rotten flesh (give it a use or take it out of the game, it makes me crazy!) and spoiled food.


    Since feces will never be implemented (I would find amusing to find digestive byproduct drops, just like eggs, hovering inside were I pastured my cattle), then, by all means, make rotten flesh and spoiled food usable into a process to make fertilizer:


    - when you cut the spoiled part off your food, instead of desapering, the spoiled part is made into a generic item called 'spoiled food'; all foods just give that same generic item;

    - on a multi-block shape just like the forge but made with dirt (it has to be dirt), you throw 8 pieces of rotten flesh or spoiled food and one bucket of water;

    - 12 ingame hours later (maybe more time depending on game balance), and voilà! You have a block of fertilizer, just like charcoal, that you have to mine with the shovel, just like charcoal, and will drop fertilizer items that you can use on your poor-managed farms to  make you happy and well feed.

    That's all, folks! I hope you enjoy these suggestions. I have some more ideas, but I'll think on them a little bit more before posting. Cheers!


    Edit: Apologize in advance for my english, I'm not a native speaker. Feel free to correct me if I accidentaly murdered the english grammar.
