Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by AlloftheSquids

  1. Meteors

    Party on Garth. And yes, it's really about the sense of scope for Terrafirmacraft... Rare geological features like these can give a bit more depth to the world, even if you only come across them once in a blue moon. I am fully in favor of occasionally finding volcanoes or ocean trenches or other such features even if you may not find them on every map you make, if only for the fact that it will give that little extra something to the world gen.
  2. Bricks and Cements, Pulverizing rocks

    Well, you know, unless you're throwing a party for a Mister Sheen... and we don't have tigers as such in Terrafirmacraft so I don't think you could really serve the right cocktails for the event.
  3. Meteors

    These would have to be rare finds on a map, for one, and for another, if you did want to incorporate a drawback, keep in mind that with most metal meteors, the metals will melt along the outside of the rock seeing as the friction of moving through the atmosphere will generate sufficient heat. If you wanted to give a drawback you could potentially introduce them as a rock type with a harder toll on pickaxes, using up their durability much more quickly to extract the ore. Otherwise, keep in mind that many times you are dealing with Magnetite, not hematite, so you would be working with the more annoying forms of iron within Terrafirmacraft.
  4. Bricks and Cements, Pulverizing rocks

    Oh wow, derp, I totally spaced on the fact we make flux like that... but seeing as lime is our flux in Terrafirmacraft, I might suggest just straight up calling it lime, since that's what you get for breaking up calcium oxides into a powdered form. Even more reason, seeing as we already have flux in the game, to incorporate it into more of the game mechanics rather than just for joining ingots.
  5. Meteors

    This is more intended as an ore- and terrain-generation suggestion for surface and just-below-the-surface features, and would allow another plausible source of metals for players to look out for. Having certain geological features that were readily discernable like craters would also be nifty in that it may give some more direction for where to pan and sluice for metals in the earlier game.