Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by DrCataclysm

  1. Version #:79.13SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): tested in bothSuggested Name: Generated leaves disappearSuggested Category: Annoying

    Description:Trees that are large enough to have very wide leafing (IE Sequoias) produce leaf blocks which are too far from the trunk and immediately disappear once updated, which in the case of Sequoias makes them look a somewhat ugly in comparison to what they were.


    Maybe extend the distance certain types of leaf blocks can be from their host trunk?



    You can get sequoia saplings only through creative mode

    Sorry, you are incorrect.




    Note: Sequoia saplings do not drop from leaves, but still regenerate in natural Sequoia Forests. Acacia and Kapok saplings are only available by cheating them in.


    I have seen a sequoia sapling generate before (but not in the particular forest I'm currently in). Other players on this server have also acquired Sequoia saplings through this method


  3. I've cleared out a fairly large area in a distant sequoia forest in an attempt to generate saplings (to bring back to my home and plant for aesthetics)


    But I've yet to see a sequoia sapling spawn, but the other sapling types of that forest have appeared.


    My questions are:


    • Do sequoia saplings spawn/generate more rarely than other saplings? Should I just be patient and keep the chunks loaded during the spring-summer months?
    • Does sapling spawning depend on whether or not the tree in question (Sequoia, in this case) is a primary tree or secondary tree?
    • Will removing more sequoia trees encourage sapling generation?

    For clarification, Sequoia saplings do not drop from leaves (and that is not what these questions are about), but still regenerate in natural Sequoia Forests. Acacia and Kapok saplings are only available by cheating them in.


    EDIT: Kittychanley posted an excellent explanation below!


  4. Version #: 79.8

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer):

    Suggested Name: Snowed winter terrain generates barren

    Suggested Category: Severe

    Description: Generating new terrain (during the winter) where temperatures may drop below zero yields a snow-covered terrain, which is intended.


    However, what is probably not intended is that this causes trees/rocks/grass/animals/anything to be unable to appear/spawn.


    Example screenshot: Posted Image

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No - I removed any mods I had and again tested this in a newly created, clean/pure version with only forge and TFC 79.8


  5. IGN: DrCataclysm

    Age: 21

    Why this server?: I'm looking for a server with a good community, as well as mature and cool people to play TFC with, and this server seems to have just that!

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: I like sandbox games, biking, cats, and astronomy. I'm currently at a university majoring in astrophysics!


  6. Version #: b79.7SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer):Suggested Name: TFC Bone meal not acting as white dyeSuggested Category: (very) MinorDescription: In crafting recipes, bonemeal is unable to be used as white dye for stained glass.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No


  7. I do really like this feature, but for now I increased the time it takes for them to burn out to be a bit longer.... I think I will really be able to appreciate this feature more when lanterns (or some other longer burning light source) is added.


    I could use lit pumpkins, but that feels kind of cheaty.



    the /debug start is a vanilla command that doesn't have anything to do with TFC, and frankly I've never heard of it until now

    lmao, I've never heard of it either until I stumbled across it just now! I just started typing /deb and used tab for autocomplete and saw that as well. I wondered what it was... :P


    In any case, that console spamming doesn't actually start until after I've attempted the /gen command, and I've never seen that particular error message in my launcher log before, which is why I thought it might be related.


    I'll wait for your response and mark this topic solved as necessary.


  9. So, after using /debugmode and /debug start, and then attempting the /gen commands you gave, the game output logged this:

    Posted Image



    After thinking the area I was attempting it in wasn't open enough, I used MCEdit to create a huge area (made of terrafirmacraft grass and dirt, of course), as pictured here:



    and encountered the same results.



    If this works for you, could it be something on my end that might be out of the ordinary?



    Well for one, /time add does nothing to make saplings grow faster, other than the initial bypassing of the average 10 day planted requirement. After that point, /time add does nothing.


    I'm very aware of the limitations of the /time add command and the other tree growth requirements, which is why I did the following experiment.

    The test I did was in a very, very flat area. I cleared out any tall grass, rocks, and sticks, and planted several of various saplings. Assuming no changes from the previous update and that remains accurate, I did /time add 480000 which is the equivalent of 20 days. After leaving minecraft idle for around 30 minutes, several or all of every sapling type had grown, EXCEPT Sequoia. I performed the same test in b78, except Sequoia saplings had sprouted within 5-10 minutes, and a longer time was not even required. I'm not saying something's wrong, but I've done thorough experiments to eliminate variables and these are the results I've obtained.


    I'm also not finding any sequoia trees in the wilderness, despite after creating ~40 new worlds to test this part, and flying to various latitudes on both + and - Z. Maybe, in this case, I'm just being unlucky, but it didn't seem nearly as difficult to find sequoia trees in b78


  11. Version #:  0.79.6SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Only tested in single playerSuggested Name: Sequoia saplings don't grow; or appear in the wildSuggested Category: MinorDescription: Sequoia saplings don't seem to grow at all. I further tested using the /time add command which makes saplings' grow time significantly faster

    I also can't seem to find Sequoias in the wildHave you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No


  12. I'd love to have better foilage - I'm not sure what to enter for the block IDs in the block whitelist to allow rendering of shortgrass on TFC grass


    Update: I've identified what must be entered in Better Foilage. In the better foilage menu -> Block Types -> Grass Whitelist -> enter "com.bioxx.tfc.Blocks.Terrain.BlockGrass" and "com.bioxx.tfc.Blocks.Terrain.BlockClayGrass" for the shortgrass to render atop TFC grass and claygrass blocks respectively.


    The problem: They render grey and as of now am searching for a solution to that
