Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by MintyBadger_

  1. I disagree that we should accommodate for all play styles when it comes at the expense of a richer, more rewarding game experience. I believe realism (believability if you want) and variety attracted most of the players to this mod, and the devs should focus on these principles when it comes to adding new stuff. Some players might rush through to steel without bothering with some of the finer details of the mod, but shouldn't a game be designed so that the most enjoyable route for most players is also the most efficient? You have all of these awesome features that took ages to code and implement, that are being sidelined because the game can effectively be played as a metallurgy simulator.


  2. I suspect the devs are being deliberately coy about this, but it's worth a shot anyway. Kitty mentioned hostile surface mobs that would replace the current spooky ones after they're pushed underground. Any information on these? Are they being worked on?


  3. I'm paying close attention to the development of tfc and I can't help but be concerned. The devs are focusing far too much on adding challenging, enjoyable features. They're obviously catering to those who play videogames for recreation rather than those who play as substitute for meaningful social contact. IMO bioxx and dunk should be reflecting this core group by adding mechanics that simulate hardships in the real world, to better prepare them for it. I suggest a number of educational features:

    First off, an NPC would be added. (I know that doesn't sit well on this forum, but bear with.) This NPC is the taxman, and visits chunks under spawn protection at random intervals throughout the year to take an audit. After this has been completed, the player must pay a sum of resources to a vendor set up in the nether (only reachable through a portal that appears after your monotony and regrettable life decision skills are at maximum.) The player would pay an amount of gems that reflect their worldly wealth. Should they fail to do this, the world will experience crippling lag, inventory items will despawn, and the taxman NPC will reappear to destroy any placed blocks. Should you repeatedly fail to pay your debt to society, your minecraft account will be terminated, and you will receive an aggressively worded email from the devs bringing your sexual vigour into question.

    I feel these additions would provide a unique challenge and longevity to the mod, and might also be of educational value in fostering a sense of commitment. These additions would be easy to implement, and would undoubtedly cause a shift in public perception toward videogames, which I predict will eventually lead to them being accepted as an art form.

    That's just my idea.
