Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Hubertus

  1. Version #: 79.5.236SSPSuggested Name: No Dirt from FarmlandSuggested Category: Wonderful (But in all seriousness, minor)Description:

    When destroying farmland with a shovel, no dirt is dropped. The farmland just vanishes, leaving a hole and no item. I combed the wiki and changelogs and couldn't find it mentioned somewhere, so if the behaviour is intended I appologise.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No


  2. I'm not sure this is a bug, so untill somebody says it is I won't make a formal report.


    In short, I have some pigs. I want them to breed, so I've been feeding them grains. My male pig has consumed 7 stacks of grains (Full stacks) and has yet to become full. Just how much do these things eat? It took me days to scavange together that much wheat.


  3. I haven't played this mod for very long (I started it 3 days ago), but I figured I'd throw in my two cents.


    I play in the dark.


    A rediculous statement, I know. The only light I get is from my smelting pit. I was forced to abandon my first house after skeletons kept coming along and killing me. Now on house 2, I kept about 5 torches burning down by my farm (Because I know crops grow faster with light, and have no idea if that mechanic exists in this mod). Why didn't I make more torches and light up my areas? Because it's a pain to have to load sticks into my fire 1 by 1 to get a handful of torches. Now that those torches burn out, I'm just not bothering with them. Everybody talking about a permanent light source leads me to assume redstone lanterns and glowstone don't exist in this mod. That is a shame, since my play style is traditionally to dig down deep and make an underground fortress. The lack of long lasting light sources will certainly limit my decorative pursuits, but it's not like I'm playing this mod because it enhances my megabuilds. I'm playing it for the fun of a semi-realistic survival experience. I like the fact that I barely survived my first weeks because I couldn't find any animals and yellow bell peppers only filled me up so much. Finding enough food without getting 1 shot by skeletons throwing spears was the biggest challenge I've had in a long time. At some point, walking around half blind is going to annoy the **** out of me, and I'll find a way to adapt to this new challenge. I do like the idea of a better light source I can work towards. I just managed to make my first loaf of bread, and it was the most satisfying thing I'd done all day. Being able to go on a quest for a super rare non-cultavatable flower that has a light level of 20 or having to climb the many rungs of a tech tree that will grant me a couple extra days of light would be exciting. I'm not against permanent light sources, because I feel like you should be able to earn a reprieve from having to light your torches over and over. But I am also not in favour of forever burning torches.


    That's just my opinion


    (Also, Jack o Lanterns really are dumb.... I can barely get mine to burn for long enough so that I don't have to relight them halfway through an evening of trick or treaters)


  4. Version #: 79.4.224SSP/SMP: SingleplayerSuggested Name: Creeper ExplosionSuggested Category: MinorDescription:


    While running around on a basalt cliff, I came across a creeper. Gave it a good whack with my copper sword before it exploded. To my surprise, the broken bassalt stone generated diorite rocks (I'd been looking for diorite for days, so hurray). There was absolutely no diorite in the area, and the creeper definitely destroyed basalt stone. I can think of no reason for the diorite to have appeared there, other than the game mistakenly having generated diorite instead of basalt.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?:

    I barely survived the first explosion, and am not eager to try it again. I've never touched the config files, anyway.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No
