Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Hubertus

  1. "If there are no obstacles from your viewpoint, you can carve large distances. Carving further distances from your map will take longer so it is sometimes better to just move into the area and continue carving from there."


    So you want to make it so that when you try to carve a map, the game examines which blocks you can currently see, and updates your map accordingly? Unless you hack into the rendering pipeline (which the vanilla minecraft code isn't going to let you do), I don't see a simple way of doing this code wise. If you had to recompute all the visible blocks whenever you start carving the map, the lag is going to be enormous. Also, I'm not sure how you're turning blocks you can see from your camera view into what the terrain looks like in top down view. Take an arch. You can see many blocks in the bow of the arch that shouldn't actually appear on your map, since they are not on top. Also, unless you are looking at it from the top, a lot of the data you retrieve will be useless; the bottom of a cliff tells you nothing about the land above it.


    I really like the idea of adding better maps in game, and breaking our reliance on cheaty map mods (which I still use, despite thinking it's cheating). I like how much detail you've put into your suggestion. I'm concerned with the coding implimentation of this idea, since computing visibility is going to be very computationally expensive compared to vanilla's top down polling of blocks (Which is already a little slow. Just open a fresh map in vanilla and watch as it slowly fills in the pixels).


  2. Well, then it's a good thing that if you searched "drinking", or read the wiki page about the thirst bar, it'll clearly tell you to use a ceramic jug. Found that in like 10 seconds. Heck, even the unofficial TFC wiki has that nugget of information clearly displayed.

    Also, a quick search of "how to drink terrafirmacraft" on google gives plenty of results.

    As an aside, the issues you're pointing out now aren't issues with the mod. You're complaining about inadequate documentation. Since minecraft has no tutorial, it is your duty to find the information you require. Any negative effect that has on your gameplay is not really the fault of the developers. You could argue that the game should be more intuitive, but since when has minecraft ever been intuitive. So, either do a quick search, ask somebody, or keep spending minutes drinking water.

    Also, the most people are fine with the current mechanic. The vast majority don't think you should get the same amount of water from drinking by hand. When you consider the fact that this is a match between the status quo and making things easier, and the status quo is actually WINNING, that's pretty overwhelming support. People tend to vote for things that make life easier for them (within reason). Increasing the water gained from hand drinking is a pretty minor change. And yet, people are voting for the status quo.

    Now, since everything has pretty much been said up to this point, and the thread has degraded to petty insults, I think we're done, here.


  3. The very fact that you need the gold pan to get copper nuggets effectively makes copper more difficult to obtain than clay. TFC is all about stepping stones: you need clay before you can get copper. You need copper before you can mine, ect. Finding clay is the first stepping stone. Wouldn't be much of a challenge if you spawned on top of it, would it? That being said, being the first node in the tech tree, it's a pretty easy challenge. Sure, it's possible to start in a region with no clay, but it should take you too long to find an area that does have the required rainfall (Which is very common). You just got an extremely unlucky seed. Too bad, get over it. In vanilla you can spawn on an island in the middle of an ocean with no wood in sight. If you don't like the randomly generated seed you got, then get another one.  It would take 10 seconds at best to start up a new world. The time saved by adding in this idea (which still doesn't work, since nobody has proposed a viable method of refining clay) that would be used by so few people is negligible to the time it would take for us to think of a good way of implementing it and the devs to code it into the game. It's not worth it.


  4. That would be anyone who didn't read what ever change log says that's the faster way of doing it. The wiki doesn't even say it's faster, it says it replenishes 3 bars, but not how fast.


    So unless you make one and try it out, which often isn't needed, you will never find out.

    This argument is so invalid, it got murdered in its bed because it wouldn't run to the balcony and scream for help. You didn't know there was a better way of doing something, so the developers should make the best way to do something the way you initially thought it was done? I'm sorry, but how do you know how to do ANYTHING other than reading the wiki/forums or watching let's plays? How did you ever figure out how to build an axe so that you could stop punching trees in vanilla? By your line of reasoning, punching a tree should have been just as efficient as using an axe, because "unless you made one and tried it out, which often isn't needed, you would never find out". I hope you can see how laughable that line of thinking is.


  5. Suppose you could make a metal canteen, and never again have to worry about your clay jug breaking? I am pretty sure we all would do it. I am not opposed to have a small increase in how fast you cook with a metal cauldron. But the main advantage remains, once your clay cauldron or large vessel, breaks it will spoil all contents, you loose the food. Believe me, you will be cursing and wishing you had a metal cauldron. 

    I don't believe you. If I could make a metal canteen, it would depend on the metal needed. If I needed a metal I don't have access to, like iron or steel, then I obviously wouldn't make it. Besides, a canteen would only require a minimal amount of metal. You can bet the recipe for an iron couldron is gonna take 3-7 double iron sheets. Also, who cares about losing the food. By the time you're making iron your food production will be so high that you won't know what to do with it.


  6. Lovely seed, bu the way. FOund some copper right by the water source.


    However, I tested it, and you can drink all the water. All of it. I tested every block.


    Here's what I think the issue is: You're trying to drink from the water's surface. To drink from water, you have to be loocking at a block IN the water. Not a water block itself, but the block under the water. When you try to drink from water that is, say, 2 deep, you're not highlighting a block in the water, and as such naturally aren't drinking anything.


  7. While on the subject of rain/snow on forges, trapdoors are not a valid rain stopper. So if you've trapdoored the tile above the forge block, that won't prevent the precipitation.


  8. Dying did the trick.


    As an aside, I've never had this bug happen to me. That is, until an hour ago I changed my java arguments to match those you posted in My previous settings were just the defaults (With increased memory). Super unlikely that has anything to do with it at all, but I'll have a look and see if that might have triggered something.


  9. Version #:79.12

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Multiplayer

    Suggested Name: Phyllite rock/vannila stone

    Suggested Category: Minor

    Description: While exploring, I came across the queerest thing I ever did see:

    Posted Image


    That, my friends, is a phyllite rock (You know, the kind you find on the ground) using the texture of vanilla stone. I have no idea why it is doing this. I have no texture packs enabled.

    (p.s. could possibly be andesite)

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes

    If yes, which mods?

    Fastcraft for me, none on the server (Rhodance Hugbox)


  10. That makes sense. Not really sure if it makes such a difference when cooking over a campfire. or if it justify coding it in game. (Iron cauldron and clay cauldron could have the same exact code, only dif wrench is chance of breaking. I just object to the concept that a metal cauldron confers any advantage over a clay cauldron, but for the fact that it will not break.that is reason enough to upgrade it.

    Something not breaking as often is hardly a convincing reason. Sure, it's a small perk, but when you consider the ease of making clay vs. the cost of making iron, I wouldn't find it worth it. Adding the cooking time modifier would make it more appealing.


  11. Why do you need more advantages for the iron cauldron than the fact that is unbreakable? Let people make soup and stews the same way on both clay and iron, the only difference should be that clay cauldrons would have a chance of breaking, believe me once you loose all your food ingredients because the clay cauldron broke you going to want to spend the metal and work to have a metal cauldron. 

    Because when I made the suggestion we weren't exploring the possibility of having both. I challenged that they should be made out of iron, since they would be too late game with too little reward. If they were to be made out of iron, I suggested some benefits that helped counter the fact that you have to wait a while to get it.


  12. I have read a lot about body temperature and that it will soon be implemented. One of the things that get me concerned about the concept is to have Uninhabitable Latitudes in the world.

    Human beans are resilient and adaptable. Is one of the main reasons we have survived this long and are spread all over, from pole to pole.

    One example of what I am trying here is me and my brother. Some years ago he moved to Utah and and got acclimated to the cold. Now whenever he comes visit me here in Florida he suffers from the Heat. In return I have a really hard time with cold and absolute hate Snow.

    My proposal is that at first Spawn the player would automatically be adapted to whatever weather  is in that place. As he travel North or south the player would have to get adapted to the cold or hot . Please understand that no mater how adapted you are to cold you are not going naked in snow. 

    Also you have to remember that the people living in the equatorial jungles don't die of heat stroke, The tourists are the ones that cant stop complaining about the heat. 


    Human beans are resilient and adaptable. Is one of the main reasons we have survived this long and are spread all over, from pole to pole.


    Human beans


    Posted Image


    I do agree that there should be some measure of adaptability, but there should definitely be a limit to how cold you can go.


  13. I do rather like your interfaces Trenix, very nicely done. I'm not entirely on board with forcing the player to be able to work iron before they can make soups and stews. I fear that might turn a lot of people away from the idea. I'd stick with either the ceramic pot on a fire (But with the same style interface that you have). An alternative would be to add a little incentive to make stews/soups, like a greater amount of saturation (Since food put in the stew would be automatically cooked, and as such gain the cooking bonus) or by making the weight of the stew double the weight of the ingredients, so that you can stretch a small amount of food to last longer.


  14. Once you see something, you can't unsee it. Oh, you can pretend that you saw something else, and try to convince yourself you don't remember what you saw, but you're only kidding yourself. If I took one glance at the aggriculture page and it listed all the temperatures, I'd know a great majority of them. I won't be looking for the temperates, perhaps wanting to see what kind of plants there are, and BOOM, there are the numbers. The problem with placing the burden on people to NOT look at something is that people don't know what to expect until it's too late. I like that Kitty and the rest of the wiki editors keep the information off the wiki, because I love figuring it out for myself.


  15. Gameplay bottleneck? You're making it sound like you can't possibly progress in the game until you get fruit so that you can start preserving food. Plenty of people get on just fine without preservation techniques like brining. Heck, I survived my first year just foraging for food.


  16. The TIER is the same. Durabilities fluctuate a little. Durability is a petty concern


    You need a tier 1 anvil to make a tier 2 anvil. A tier 2 to make a tier 3, and so on. It doesn't matter which metal you made them out of within the tier.


    so all Bronze same durabiliti?


    Hhhmm i dont fink so :(


    ilbe glad to see if Moderator write corect about metals :)


    So sorry for helping you, I'll keep my mouth shut next time.


  17. Howdy! Here's the list of metals for early tools


    Stone (haha, I know, not metal)

    Tier 1: Copper

    Copper is made by melting native copper, malachite, or tetrahydrite

    Tier 2: Bronzes

    Bronze is made from copper and tin

    Bismuth Bronze is made from Bismuth, Copper, and Zinc

    Black Bronze is made from Copper, gold, and silver


    Tier 3: Wrought iron

    Hematite, Limonite, Magnetite form the basis of iron. Melt these using a bloomery and work the resultant bloom.


    Tier 4: Steel

    Steel is made by working high carbon steel, which is made from working pig iron. Pig iron is made by smelting Hematite, Limonite, Magnetite in a blast furnace.


    Black Steel Tier 5

    Black steel is formed from steel, black bronze, and nickel. The result of that mixture is weak steel, which is welded with pig iron to create high carbon black steel. Work this on an anvil and you'll get black steel.

    Red/Blue steel Tier 6

    Red steel: Black steel + rose gold (copper + gold) + steel + brass (copper + zinc). This creates weak red steel. Weld with a black steel ingot and work on an anvil

    Blue steel: Black steel + bismuth bronze + sterling silver (silver + copper) + steel. This creates weak blue steel. Weld with a black steel ingot and work on an anvil.


    Some things which can't be used for tools:

    Gold, rose gold, bismuth, silver, tin. These are used to make ingots of the metals above.



  18. It seems that my question turned into a suggestion. Woops. I still don't see why people seem to be brining and pickling their entire harvest. Am I the only one who brings in enough food from a small farm with no animals to last until the next growing season?


    Also, recall that you can move salt water with red steel buckets.
