Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Udary

  1. I'm not getting nutrient levels on my Bronze Hoe, should that be the case. I was pretty sure you got that in v78, as I only just made it to iron age. Both my copper and bronze in v79 only show water level and ripeness.
  2. [Solved] Salads

    I was wondering about that as well, not that clay is that much of a problem at the moment. However the total cost of 4 salads is 8 logs, 8 straw, 5 clay plus the food ingredients, for 20oz salads. That's pretty expensive.
  3. A use for Galena

    I would think having a 2 stage smelting process would be harder, apart from the UI for the anodising vessel, everything else is already being done in TFC. Sealing a barrel and the new large vessel is already there, most of the rest is just new recipes. I'm not saying it trivial, but I have tried to follow the practises already in TFC.
  4. [Solved][79.7] Leather Rack still crashes

    After scraping all the pieces of a freshly soaked small hide... and then clicking on a section again, the hide pops off the log as a scraped hide. I'm not able to test it, but it looks like pre-fix soaked hides are buggy in the curing process. Confirmed resolved, IF you do each step of the process post-fix.
  5. Version #: 79.7 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SMP Suggested Name: Leather Rack still generates "Internal server error" Suggested Category: Severe Description: With a previously generated Leather Rack and a new soaked hide which created another leather rack on completing the scraping. Placing the leather rack on the log and re-scraping generates an Internal server error. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?:Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? Journeymap,CJBAPI-,CJBMOREINFO- link of the Crash Report: No log file was generated but the server output was: 11:49:39 AM java.lang.NullPointerException 11:49:39 AM at com.bioxx.tfc.TileEntities.TELeatherRack.workArea( ~[TELeatherRack.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at com.bioxx.tfc.Blocks.Devices.BlockLeatherRack.func_149727_a( ~[blockLeatherRack.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at ~[mx.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at ~[nh.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at ~[jo.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at ~[jo.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at ~[ej.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at [nc.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( [MinecraftServer.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( [lt.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( [MinecraftServer.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at [MinecraftServer.class:?] 11:49:39 AM at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$ [li.class:?]
  6. [Solved][79.7] Leather Rack still crashes

    I had 1 hide I was keeping for when the bug was fixed. I placed this on the log, scraped all the sections and nothing happened. So I removed it from the log and got another leather rack. Re-scraping this generated the above crash. I did also try the old "bugged" item and it generated the same server crash. I'll delete it now. Was the soaked hide bugged as well? I'll test it later, just need to get another hide, and I really don't want to kill one of my last 2 pigs in 1000 blocks not that I went on a killing spree, there were only 4!
  7. A use for Galena

    This was before I got into TFC, i'm pretty new in that I only started in v78. I'm not surprised the dual ore idea was dropped, when I was thinking about the idea I couldn't imagine how you'd be able to make 2 ores in 1 vessel, unless they had 2 slots to add molds. With a crucible... It seems a shame then to still have it with no use... I was hoping this could revive it and open a few new ideas? I'd like to see uses for platinum too and the other unused minerals, but this thread is about Galena, if I have any bright ideas about the others I'll add new threads. I have another use for Batteries too, but let see what happens to the torch debate first.
  8. Torch Poll

    I use the default and apart from mine mines disappearing on my map (i like that they lit up in the dark) I don't miss it. I like that they can be re-lit, and was actually surprised when it didn't consume another torch! So to highlight my mines I use a candle stuffed into a pumpkin, which oddly lasts forever? Maybe these long lasting lanterns people are talking about are pumpkins!
  9. [Solved][0.79.6] Breaking Leather Rack

    Reproduced: My Soaked Small Hide is now a leather rack.