Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ruhl4

  1. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    RACE CARTS! I can see races with carts that are fast but have no internal spacing. That, and time to play merchant!
  2. Bloody Timezones

    When I hop on a server, its usually deserted. Are there any Pacific region servers or are they scarcer than garnierite? Just asking. EDIT: Its nearly 8pm here, as Pacific is a large region.
  3. Any Pacific region players? Don't want to be alone.
  4. Beta 67+ (WHEN? *Polite Tone Added*)

    The 1.4.5 update for minecraft comes out today (AEST), and it should take anywhere from a few days to a week to update the mods required for use (only bugfixes means fast updating).
  5. TFC FANART!!!!

    This post derailed a derail. It deserves a medal.
  6. Tall Grass, Saplings, and Spawn Protection

    I just cover the entrances and let animals eat it all.
  7. Ocean Of Sphalerite

    That ain't nothing. Have you seen the legendary 1000k+ coal seams?
  8. How did you find out about TFC?

    Just trying to look up the dwarf fortress wiki when a few accidental keystrokes lead me to the TFC wiki.
  9. Making armor

    Oh yes, close to melting point. Lots of fun for higher tier metals.
  10. Sequoia Sapling

    I can see these trees growing big but taking forever in game.
  11. Missing Textures (Build64)

    Methinks you installed wrong.
  12. I haven't played TFC in a while but I was good at mining and smithing. IGN: ruhl4
  13. No sound in B63

    I had similar issues aeons ago when I played Flan's mod. THis happens when it is not installed properly or without the latest forge. (
  14. Damascus steel

    Maybe add another ore inside an ore called ferrovanadium (vanadium is present in trace elements) and add an extensive smithing process that uses up some of the goddamned minerals which are everywhere.
  15. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    IF any of these ideas get implemented, I hope there is configs for all of them
  16. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    The new changelog update shows a spawn protector. Should be awesome!
  17. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Remove bed spawning for DW fun. The further you move from spawn, the safer it is but it is worse if you die. However, you could eventually either add spawns which are set by some amount of time being spent in the same area.
  18. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Temporary ban for SMP. That'll annoy punish them.
  19. While developing this....Addon

    For the love of god, make us able to turn gemstones into dyes or anything useful.
  20. I have managed to stockpile a large amount of vegetables in my SSP world but their levels of nourishment are a bit low for the time imputed and I would like to see some way to prepare them for benefits. For example, cooking a potato and putting butter on it (butter from a churn) would satisfy more hunger than the raw potato. Also, will bread making become more realistic, or having to mill the grain in a quern or millstone, make the dough and cook it in some sort of oven (which would be awesome for us builders who think forges and firepits look gross in kitchens). It would also be nice to be able to get seeds (or the baby plant) from the product instead of smashing grass all day. Just an idea, and if this has been said before or if something else is in dev, my bad, I'm fairly new to the forums and TFC.
  21. Damascus steel

    Would add an amazing realistic end-game tool kits to the game but finding iron ore with those trace elements would be extremely difficult.
  22. Animals!

    BTW, will there be horsies to ride around?
  23. Is charcoal making balanced?

    It may be unbalanced ingame, but sadly it is the same in real life.
  24. Animals!

    Will there be traps we can use to easily catch the wild creatures? eg. Dwarf fortress cage traps, pit traps, etc.