Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by OneWolfe

  1. I do have another concern. Its not a serious bug but possibly a bit OP.

    It just seems like the drop rates for Quartz are extremely high compared to other gems. I have been dropping the rates in half from the config file but the live stream crew is still collecting dozens of stacks everytime they go mining. I have halved the rates three times now and it still seems to be way too high.

    There may be a possibility that the quartz is dropping at a higher rate because we are mining with non-TFC tools such as the Thumper from Flaxbeard's Steam Power and the Giant Pickaxes from Twilight Forest.


  2. 30 minutes ago, Shurgent said:


    • Fixed commonProxy mistakenly importing the TFC class instead of TFCTech (thanks Bunsan)

    Is this the Time going Backwards issue? If it is fixed now I need to give it a good test run as soon as possible :D


  3. On Saturday, May 07, 2016 at 3:06 PM, vladthemad said:

    Hey OneWolfe, can you share what mod you used to get mobs to spawn, or how you managed to pull it off? I've been poking around with some of the spawn control mods and they don't seem to work. I also don't see any such mod listed in your pack, so I'm either missing something or you're working some sort of wizardry! :)

    It is called Just Another Spawner (JAS) there are a few details in a previous post just a few pages back.


  4. On 4/25/2016 at 7:07 AM, Shurgent said:

    Yes, barrels are not connected to the liquid pipes, only to transport pipesThis is not my fault :)

    I intended to use tanks for a liquid pipes. But maybe later I will come up with something. Maybe I will add something like the lid on top of barrels, which will be connected to the liquid pipes. Or, maybe, I will 'teach' TFCTech fluid pipes to work with barrels.


    Barrel lids would be very interesting! Alot of other liquid containers require you to pump liquids from the bottom so having sealed lids on top would be very interesting indeed :D


  5. 1 minute ago, stardruid said:

    Yeah even with a fresh install can't use the Misc pieces  for it and turning on the vanilla recipe isn't working.


    Of course that wont work, the recipe has to be EXPLICITLY added into the scripts using MineTweaker or comment out the line that removes ALL piston recipes. Its probably in main-TFC.zs or main.zs. Commenting out the removal line will also get the vanilla recipe back.


  6. 2 hours ago, stardruid said:

    Anyone else having issue with the vanilla piston? Tried turn on the recipes, but no matter if it's on in TerraMisc.cfg or TFCCrafting.cfg Nei doesn't list it. I see that there a parts for it in NEI but NEi doesn't list a way to put them together.

    I am currently looking the issue. It is my guess that TFCTech has changed a lot more than just the Buildcraft recipes since I know they were working before I added that mod. I might have to explicitly add the TerraMisc recipes back in.


  7. Has anyone considered reworking enchantments to work in TFC? I have been trying out some of the vanilla enchantments on TFC tools and armor and have found that almost all of them are next to useless. :( I have also thought it might be possible to add special enchantments to tools and weapons from other mods to give them TFC equivalent stats.

    I would love to hear if anyone else has looked into this or has any other ideas for TFC enchantments.


  8. 1 minute ago, Shurgent said:

    Oh, I just do not understand the question))

    I apologize for not being very clear :(

    I was just curious to know if there was any other way to calculate where the trees were clumped together. I will have to do some testing and take notes on those climate variables. And then see how the config options make a difference. I expect it to take some time so I am just going to leave everything in default for now.

    Thank you for you work, and getting the update out so quickly. And thank you very much for the config options too :D


  9. 21 minutes ago, Shurgent said:

    Unlike in vanilla, it does not directly define tree and plant growth. For determination of trees, and animals see Climate.

    That was all I was trying to ask.


    So the climate variables are the only way to determine what might be growing in the area? With nothing that says "Hey there IS a forest growing here," it makes the calculations difficult I suppose?


  10. But that is definitly not correct at all!

    Why are there tress growing in the plains? Trees belong in the forest, not the plains :P

    Deserts also say Plains. The F3 screen is wrong and does not display TFC biomes accurately!


  11. Is there any way to check the biomes in TFC? I do not know how they are actually defined, I just know they are not shown under the biomes in the F3 screen. Or are the TFC biomes only defined through the climate variables?



  12. Ok, so climate and rainfall do take a part in the calculations. That is good to know :D


    I do not know how TFC generates forests since they dont use biomes the same way as vanilla, which make all the biome related features of my pack messy at best. But it would be great if you could tie into them somehow and have Havea trees that tended to congregate near other groups of trees. Maybe something like a social algorithm? LOL

    Good luck with the revision. I cant wait to see what your able to come up with :D


  13. Thank you so much for getting this turned around so quickly :D I will let everyone know where to get the fix until I am able to release my own updates


    Also thank you for adding the Hevea tree spawn chance to your configs, but what I was refering to might be a bit more complicated so let me try to explain what I am seeing. I am not 100% certain that this is actually what is happening but I am just guessing from the few worlds I generated while looking for Hevea trees.

    My current test world for machines and other tech is a seed I found that generates a fairly large flat region of grasslands on the coast with absolutely no trees for miles in any direction. This makes a perfect test world since it is so similar to a flat world that I dont have to do any terraforming when I need large flat spaces to work in. However after installing TFCTech I thought I would load up a copy of my test world seed and fly off to the distant forest to the west to see if I could find any of the new trees there. But I didnt have to go very far at all, in fact I didnt even have to take one step to see trees generating all over my nice flat plains :P albeit they are 50 ore more blocks apart, but it seems that if I travel about 100 blocks in any direction I can find another tree. Based on how rare most things are in TFC I would have expected to fly around for maybe an hour before finding any Hevea at all. They seem to use a fairly standard scatter pattern, which isnt bad in and of itself, but I would have expected them to clump together more or be confined strictly to forests or found only in southern climes or even warm and wet regions. Something closely related to their natural habitats.

    Of course I could be completely wrong since I only tested a few world, but I always found several Hevea trees with in site of spawn. So if I am mistaken please let me know. My own pack is ment to be very brutal so I have deliberately made the rubber a necessary but difficult item to acquire and having it as easy to find as the next tree is kind of overkill :P I am going to work with the rarity settings for now to see if I can find a balance I am happy with :D 

    Please dont take this wrong, I am definitely not complaining just trying to make a suggestion and paint a picture of my observations. And if my expectations are a bit premature definitely dont hesitate to say so...

    And thanks again for all the awesome work! This mod is really coming together very well and I am very glad for all if it! Your work on TFCTech has managed to help me solve the last of my major issues with the endgame tech and I am very grateful for that :D

    Thank you so much,



  14. I have been running TFCTech in my pack for about a week now with out any major issues or crashes on my side. The new trees are spawning fine, maybe a bit to often from what I have seen so far. The ores seem ok, but I havnt done any serious searches for bauxite yet so im not entirely sure what the density is like yet. I also have not spent any time testing out the pipes yet, but I will get to them in time. Everything seemed fine with the mod so I went ahead and included it with my recent update on the public launcher over the weekend.

    When I got up to check my email Monday morning I was shocked by the number of complaints about the recent update :( The biggest issue that cam up was that none of the loose rocks were generating when a new world was created. My first thought was that maybe it was a bad texture and that the rocks were just invisible, which has happend in the past before, but this was not the case, the rocks are just gone. The weird part is that I am not having any problems and only 1 out of 5 of my beta testers actually experienced any problems at all. Other people were reporting that occasionally if they did a clean reinstall the rocks would occasionally come back. This seems like a really weird issue and its one I cannot recreate on my own so I am not much help on finding the source of the issue. However based on several further tests with everyone who is experiencing the problem we have narrowed the cause down to TFCTech.

    I posting this in hopes that you may know what is causing this. It may also be that TFCTech is conflicting with one or more of the other mods in the pack, but with out more extensive testing I cant say for sure where the conflicts lay. If you would like to take a look for yourself you can find my mob pack on the FTB Launcher under the Third Party Packs section. The pack is named TerraFirmaPunk and should be on the top of the list.

    Thanks for all the hard work and help, and please feel free to contact me directly if you need more details regarding this issue.
